
高三英语教案 2014-10-02 网络整理 晴天


1.candle n. 蜡烛
candle light 烛光
birthday candle 生日蜡烛
blow out a candle 吹灭蜡烛
light a candle 点燃一根蜡烛
2.carry v. 运送,搬运
例如:he was carry a box on his shoulder. 他肩上扛着个箱子。
carry on 继续进行(尤指中断之后)
carry through 进行到底,完成
carry out 执行;实现
例如:you should carry out the plan at once.你们必须立即实施计划。
he carried through the work in a month.这项工作他一个月就完成了。
carrier n. 运送者;搬运工具
3.carve v. 雕刻;切开
例如:the figure of the dog is carved from a piece of wood. 这只狗是用木头雕刻成的。
carve sth. into ... 把……雕刻成……
例如:he carved the stone into the figure of a man.他把石头雕刻成人的形状。
carve ... from/out sth. 从……中雕刻出……
例如:the statue was carved from/out stone. 这座雕像是用石头雕刻的。
carve sb. sth. = carve sth. for sb. 为某人雕刻某物
例如:jack carved me a dog. = jack carved a dog for me.杰克为我雕了只狗。
4.cast v. 抛,投掷
例如:the fisherman cast his net into the sea. 渔夫将渔网撒进了大海。
cast off 丢弃
cast down 使心烦意乱,气馁
例如:he was cast down when he heard the news.他听到这个消息非常泄气。
cast away (遭遇海难而)流落某地
例如:we were cast away by the storm on an island without food or water.我们因风暴而流落到一个没有食物,也没有淡水的小岛上。
cast ... aside 把……丢在一边
例如:he cast the worn clothes aside. 他把破衣服抛在一边

1. brush  n. ①刷子,毛刷
                   ②画笔 vt. 刷,擦
例如:he is cleaning his shoes with a brush. 他正在用刷子刷鞋。
she brushed the tears from her face. 她擦去了脸上的泪。
brush off 拂去;刷去
brush up 复习;重温
toothbrush n. 牙刷
2.burn (burned, burned或burnt, burnt) v. ①烧,烧焦 ②点(灯) n. 烧伤
例如:he burnt all the garden rubbish. 他把花园中的垃圾全烧掉了。
 (正)a burnt house.一座被烧毁的房子
(误)a burned house
burn down 把……烧成平地,烧光
burn out 熄灭;烧坏
burn... to the ground 把……烧光(烧成平地)
3.burst (burst, burst)  v. 爆裂,爆发
                                n. 突然破裂,爆发
例如:the pipe burst and water spouted out. 管子破裂,水喷了出来。
the hall was bursting with people. 大厅里挤满了人。
burst into tears/laughter 突然大哭/大笑
burst out crying/laughing 突然大哭/大笑
burst into 突然闯入
burst forth 突然发生/爆发
4.bury vt. 埋葬,掩埋
例如:many workers were buried underground when there was an accident at the mine.矿上发生意外事故时,许多矿工都被埋在了地下。
bury oneself in (doing)... 埋头于……
burial n. 埋葬;葬礼
a burial service 葬礼

1.boxing n. 拳击
boxing match 拳击比赛
boxing gloves 拳击手套
例如:do you like boxing? 你喜欢拳击吗?
2.brain n. ①脑(子),大脑
例如:use your brains. 动动脑筋。
3.branch n. ①枝,分支
②分部,部门 v. (使)分支
例如:the naughty boy climbed the tree and hid among the branches. 这个淘气的男孩爬上树,藏在树枝里面。
there is a branch post office quite near. 附近有一个邮局分局。
branch off (道路、河流等)分叉,岔开
例如:the road branches off to the right. 路右边有条岔道。
4.breath n. 呼吸,气息
例如:the boy took a deep breath. 男孩深深地吸了一口气。
take a deep breath 做个深呼吸
hold one"s breath 屏息,不做声
out of breath 上气不接下气
例如:he was out of breath after running. 他跑完后,上气不接下气。

1.bend   v. (使)弯曲;屈身
n. 弯曲
例如:the river bends to the south. 这条河折向南流。
she bends to her parents" will. 她顺从父母的意志。
bend one"s mind to 专心致志地从事……
例如:he bent his mind to his business.他专心于他的业务。
1.     besides prep. 除……之外
 adv. 此外;而且
例如:besides tom, i have many other friends. 除了汤姆,我还有很多别的朋友。
例如:we all went to see a film last night except/but tom. 昨天晚上除了汤姆外,我们都去看电影了。(汤姆没去看)
例如:we all went to see a film last night besides tom. 昨天晚上除了汤姆去看电影外,我们也都去了。(汤姆去看了)
2.     birthplace 出生地,故乡
例如:after twenty years, he returned to his birthplace. 二十年后他回到了故乡。



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