
高三英语教案 2014-09-30 网络整理 晴天


高三英语unit 9单词专题复习教案                         
  unit 9
1. abuse   n../vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂
the abuse of the helpless prisoners made him bitter.(对一无助囚犯横加虐待使他怒火中烧)。
the boss showered abuse on /upon his employees.(大骂他的员工)
you should not abuse your authority.(滥用权威)
i cannot abuse her trust.(辜负)
the landlord had the right to beat, abuse or even kill them at will .那时地主有权随意打骂他们,甚至杀害他们。
the arrested men have been physically abused.
2.income  n..收入,收益,所得 a small/large/big income
tony lives beyond/within his income.(寅吃卯粮/量入为出的生活)
people on fixed incomes are hurt by price increases.
3.allowance  [c]津贴,零用钱;分配额;限额,定量;折价,折扣;[u]承认,允许
the child has a weekly allowance of 5 dollars.
his allowance for food is $ 100.(他拨出100美元用于购买食物)
what is the baggage allowance of this airline?(行李重量限额是多少?)
that store makes an allowance of 10 percent for cash payment.
  短语:the allowance of a claim对要求权的允准
        the allowances of segregation 对种族隔离的容忍
make (an) allowance for (做决定时)考虑。。。。
make allowances for (由于一些原因)考虑,体谅
you must make allowances for him because he has been ill.
4.pressure:    put/bring pressure on/upon sb.对某人施加压力
               under pressure被迫;迫不得已;在压力下
they put pressure on me to sell my precious land.
i was under pressure to change my plan.
the bank will put pressure on you if you don’t pay.
is he suffering from pressure of work?
the roof gave way under the pressure of the snow.( 屋顶因雪的压力而崩塌)
5.consult: vt.请教,向某人求诊,查阅vi.(+with)商量,协议
you’d better consult your doctor about your business.
i consulted the telephone book for his address.
he consulted with his business partners about the matter.
her parents will consult together about her education.
6.fee 费用,服务费,酬金
the doctor’s fee was higher than we expected.
the lawyer’s fees amounted to a thousand dollars.
[辨析] fee, income, salary, wage, charge.

have you any income apart from your pay?
he is on a very good salary now.
he gives most his wage packet to his wife.他把工资袋里大部分钱都交给妻子
the charges for electricity and gas will be increased next year.
ex(改错)what are your fees for a room?(改fees为charges)
a postman’s _d______ are 180 pounds per week.
a. salaries   b. pays     c. incomes d. wages
7.incident [c]事件,事变
he decided never to tell anyone about the incident.
he is fully aware of the risks incident to the life of a racing driver.他完全了解赛车生涯所伴随而来的风险。
8.significance n,意义,意思,重要性
a matter of great significance
a smile of great significance意味深长的微笑
i can’t understand the significance of his statement.
fame holds no significance to him.(名声对他来说并不重要)
9.devotion n.[u](+to)献身,奉献/ (+to/for)忠诚,至爱,热爱  /祈祷式[c]
devotion to music(热爱音乐)
we appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project.
his devotion to science is well known.
devotions are held every sunday morning.(祈祷式于每星期日上午举行)

1. lay off 解雇,裁员/停止/别再打扰
the company laid off 200 workers due to the poor economy.
in one firm alone over three hundred people were laid off during the last month..
why don’t you lay off smoking for a while until your cough gets better?
lay me off ,will you -----it’s nothing to do with me .
i told you to lay off bothering my little brother. 
2.to make matters worse=what’s worse=worse still
he got trapped in the elevator; to make matters worse, the electricity was cut off.
he had no money, and to make matters worse, he couldn’t find a job.
this year’s winter was unusually cold and the absence of electricity made matters worse.
3.make ends meet使收支相抵
she scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet.
but it is hard to try to make ends meet with the money i get paid.



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