
高二英语教案 2014-06-24 网络整理 晴天


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本章节主要语法---情态动词是表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气等,本身有一定的词义,这一点与实义动词相近,但情态动词不能单独作谓语, 只能辅助其他动词构成谓语。本章节语法教学要让学生对情态动词的基本含义,及用法有基本的了解。
a部分的情态动词must, have to, should, ought to

二、教学设计(teaching designs)
教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考
lead –in  1. warming up
 present the students with the situation in which people must do sth and mustn`t do sth at a swimming pool.
practice 在进行了短暂热身练习之后,教师可以将更多其他常用的情态动词展现给学生。
can, could    will, would
may, might    shall, should
understanding modal verbs by doing more practice: 《牛津英语》课本
exercises and homework 教师自编题目和书后练习结合操练 《牛津英语》课本

can, could    will, would       need, have to, must
may, might    shall, should,
teaching procedures:
step one:
 present the students with the situation in which people must do sth and mustn`t do sth at a swimming pool.
1.  excuse me, you must not smoke
2. you must not dive
3. you must not flight.
4. you must wear a swimming costume
5.  you must shower before entering
step two:
 (在进行了短暂热身练习之后,教师有意识地将书中其他使役情态动词have to, ought to, ought not to 的用法呈现给学生。)
1. “have to” practice present students with exercise a2, asking them to make a dialogue

a.m. rocky smiley and moaner
4:00 get up get up
4:15 run six miles cycle with rocky
6:30 swim 1 km swim with him
7:30 eat a big breakfast prepare his food
8:00 rest plan rocky`s training
s1: when does rocky have to get up in the morning?
s2: he has to get up at 4a.m.

s1: what do smiley and moaner have to do while rocky is running?
s2: they have to cycle with rockey.

2. “ought to, ought not to” practice (p10)
s1: ought he to throw his racket in the air?
s2: no, he ought not to throw his racket in the air.

s1: ought he be rude to his opponent?1234
s2: no, he ought not to be rude to his opponent.
step three: basic use of model verbs

1.we must do everything step by step.  
2.you mustn’t talk to her like that.
3. --must we hand in our exercise-books now?
--no, you needn’t. / no, you don’t have to.  
1. he must be ill. he looks so pale.  
否定:he can’t be ill. he is so energetic.
2. carol must get very bored in her job. she does the same thing every day. 。
否定: carol can’t be very bored in her job. she does different things every day.
i’ve lost one of my gloves. i must have dropped it somewhere.
1. come on! we __________ hurry because there isn’t much time left.
  a. may    b. must    c. can    d. need
2.  amy did best in the english test. she __________ hard last week.
  a. must have worked   b. should have worked    
  c. should work        d. must work
keys: 1. b   2. a

must表示主观意志,而have 重在客观因素。但有时候must和have to 可以互换。
1. she’s a really nice person. you must meet her.
2. i haven’t phoned ann for ages. i must phone her tonight.
1. 他的视力很差,不戴眼镜无法读书。
his eyesight isn’t very good. i have to wear glasses for reading.
2. 好长时间没有给ann联系了,我今晚必须给她打个电话。
you can’t turn right here. you have to turn left.
总结:must基本用于现在时,除在间接引语中可用于表示过去时间外,其它情况用“have to”。

1. should 
1) should表义务。意为“应该”(某件事宜于做),用于各种人称。语气没有must强烈。
you should be polite to your teachers.  
you shouldn’t waste any time.  
the film should be very good as it is starring first—class actors. 
they should be home by now.  
3) 表看法或建议
the government should do more to help homeless people.
do you think i should apply for the job?
 she’s been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass.1234
there are plenty of hotels in the town. it shouldn’t be difficult to find somewhere to stay.
2. shall
1. shall i/we do sth …?= would you like me to do sth
2. shall he/ they…?
shall 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见。用于二;三人称,表说话人给对方的
1. he _____ be punished if he keeps on cheating in exams.
a. should       b. must
c. shall         d. will
2. ____ i fetch some chalk for you, mr. smith?
a. can            b. may
c. should          d. shall
keys: 1. c   2. d

two eyes can see more than one.  
could the girl read before she went to school??
the temperature can fall to –60℃, that is 60℃ below freezing.
he can’t (couldn’t) have enough money for a new car.  
can i have a look at your new pen?  
he asked whether he could take the book out of the reading-room.
where can (could) they have gone to? 
how can you be so careless?   你怎么这么粗心?
can (could) you lend me a hand?  
i’m afraid we couldn’t give you an answer today.  
1. he _____________flee europe before the war
    broke out.
     a. could          b. was able to      c. a & b
2.  –could i borrow your dictionary?
    --- of course you ______.
   a. could      b. will      c. can      d. should
keys: 1. b   2. c

you may take whatever you like.  
he told me that i might smoke in the room.  
he may be at home.  
she may not know about it.  
the boss isn’t in the office. he might be playing golf.
2. 刚才走过去的人可能是你的叔叔。
the man who passed by might be your uncle.
4. consolidation (more practice about model verbs)
4. 你怎么敢这么跟我说话?
5. 那个餐馆肯定不错,总是顾客盈门。

key for reference
1. we have enough food at home so we needn’t go shopping now.
2. you needn’t have sold your car. you might have come to me for money.
3. we all knew she was wrong, but none of us dared to tell her.
4. how dare you speak to me in such a way.
5. that restaurant must be very good. it’s always full of people.



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