
高二英语教案 2014-07-05 网络整理 晴天


lady in red 教学设计
一、 教学课型:阅读课
二、 教材分析
阅读文章lady in red 选自吉林出版集团有限责任公司、外语教育出版公司出版的《英语知道40个文化故事》。故事叙述了主人公因中西文化在颜色方面的差异而造成的不愉快经历。文章内容适合高一学生的认知水平,贴近学生的生活,有助于学生文化意识和情感态度价值观的培养;话题生活化,有助于丰富学生的语言知识和培养学生的语言能力;通过阅读,学生熟悉高中的阅读方法策略。
三、 学情分析
四、 教学总体思路
五、 教学过程
step i. lead-in
introducing myself and talking about favorite songs.
(以同名歌曲the lady in red 片段为引入,为阅读作铺垫:
the lady in red
by christ de burgh
i"ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
i"ve never seen you shine so bright
i"ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance

it"s just you and me
it"s where i want to be
and i hardly know there"s beauty by my side
i"ll never forget the way you look tonight
i never will forget the way you look tonight
the lady in red)
设计说明:教师引导学生从歌词(look so lovely, shine so bright, so many men hope to dance with her)获取信息:the lady in red is really beautiful and lovely.然后引导学生思考问题:is a lady in red always beautiful and lovely in any situation?以顺利引入课文阅读。
step ii. fast reading
q 1: where was the lady in red going?
q 2: did jan and her family like her?
step iii. comprehending
i. read the passage and fill in the form.

 before the wedding at the wedding after the wedding
how su felt excited unhappy, sad lost
what su did bought a red suit had nobody to talk to  understood what had happened
ii. read the passage again and do true or false exercises.
1. su thought black and white would be good for a wedding.
2. su’s blouse had see-through sleeves.
3. at jan’s house jan greeted su happily.
4. su introduced jan to her family.
5. su found all this difficult to understand, but finally understood what had happened. 12
6. su would not be angry with people just because of a cultural misunderstanding.
iii. practice using the words given

wedding, see-through, greet, introduce, confusing, misunderstanding
1. at her ______________, she ____________ me to her friend tom and we ____________ each other.
2. i shall speak in simple words so that there may be no __________________.
3. it is not good for a teacher to wear a __________________ dress to class.
4. i found the math problem _______________.
设计说明:这一环节让学生深入理解阅读材料。通过阅读输入语言,让学生了解和练习高中阅读方法和策略,获取和归纳信息,根据语境理解生词意思,并设计语境让学生运用巩固生词,学以致用。在获取和归纳信息的同时,融入朗读指导(意群)。(在表格中填入understood what had happened后,引导学生思考主人公犯错的原因,并从su和jan的视角对文化差异问题的理解作进一步提升。)
step iii. read for language
rewrite the underlined parts
1. i was thinking of what to wear to the wedding.
2. the day of the wedding my friends picked me up so that we could go together to jan’s house.
3. i wanted to cry because everyone kept looking at me like i had done something wrong.
设计说明:在学生获取和归纳信息,根据语境理解生词意思,巩固运用生词之后,引导学生根据语境意思用自己的语言改写句子:what to wear (what i should wear), pick me up (give me a lift / ride), like (as if),了解语言点的处理。
step iv. group work
1. discuss and give the passage a better title. give your reasons.
2. if you were su and jan, what would you do at the wedding? act it out.
3. if you are studying in a school with students from different countries, what should you do not to make cultural mistakes?
step v. homework
1. read the passage again, paying attention to sense groups.
2. write a story of cultural mistakes of your own.



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