
高二英语教案 2014-06-24 网络整理 晴天


the fourth period

teaching aims:

1.learn the following words and phrases: weep,cell,chemical,radiation,fighter, a great many,on the contrary
2.train the students’ integrating skills, especially reading and writing skills. about cancer and the patient’s attitude towards cancer.

teaching important points:

1.master some useful words and expressions appearing in the text.
2.learn to write a personal narrative essay.

teaching difficult points: to understand the reading material exactly. to write a personal narrative essay better.

teaching methods:

1.asking—and—answering activity to check the students’ understanding of the reading material. method to consolidate the language points in this unit.
3.individual,pair or group work to finish each task.

teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder
2.a projector
3.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step i greetings
  greet the whole class as usual.
step ii revision and lead—in
     t:in the second period,we’ve read a passage about a person living with aids,     what kind of disease is aids?
    ss:aids is a diease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a    person defenseless against infections and illness.
    t:1n what way does aids spread?
ss:through b1ood and other body liquids, by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusion and through birth.
    t:what attitude does xiao hua have when she found she had got aids?
    ss:she was not discouraged but decided to use the limited time she has left to do something to help other aids patients and she did so.
    t:well,today we are going to read about another person who got cancer.we all    know that cancer does not spread from one person to another,though it is also a kind of serious disease, the text in this period will tell us what has happened to the cancer patient and how his life has,1et’s 1earn the new words.then we’11 read the text.look at the screen.
    (teacher shows the screen and then deals with the new words briefly.)
△diagnose/′daign auz/vt.
a great many
△disrupt/dis′r pt/vt.
fighter/′falt /n.
△richards/′ri  dz/
△contagious/k n′teid3 s/adj.
radiation/reidi′ei n/n.
contrary/′kdntr ri/adj.
on the contrary 12345
step iii reading
  t:well,now please open your books at page the passage quickly and rind out how cancer is caused and how cancer changed the writer’s life.
  (a few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)
  t:ok.have you found the answers?
  t:how is cancer caused? wang li,you try,please.
  s1:cancer begins in cells.there are many types of cells in the body and each has a special a healthy body, cells grow and divide to produce new    cells only when it necessary.if the production of cells is discupted,cells either divide too fast or at the wrong time,making it difficult for the body to function properly.this way,people got cancer.
  t:very good.sit down, did cancer change the writer’s 1ife? volunteer?  s2:first,the writer felt empty and hopeless.then he began to receive treatment and fought against the i11ness, suffering great pain and difficulty.later,he found the strength to recover with the help of his family and friends. after  fourteen months’ successful treatment,he was able to go home.but the cancer in his body has just been defeated for the can come back at any time and the struggle wil1 never end,so he says his life has not yet ended but really begun.he has changed his attitude towards life.he has learnt to appreciate every minutes of each day.
    t:well please listen to the tape of the passage and further under—    stand the same time, underline all the useful expressions.
    (teacher plays the tape first.then shows the following on the screen.)
1.the next step is to carry out the plan         .
 2.we have          things to do at present.
 3.一are you nearly through?
     一        ,i’ve only just begun.
4.they       the birds        the cages.
5.he is        by driving his car so fast.
 6.stop discussing        ,please.
7.he is        as one of the richest men in europe. please 1ook at the screen and find the right phrase in the text to    complete each it quickly. then i"ll cheek the answers.12345
  suggested answers: the full
  2.a great many
  3.on the contrary
  5.taking a chance
  6.for the moment
  7.thought of
  t:well please read the text for a few minutes,paying attention to the language.
step ⅳ discussion stop reading and let’s have a discussion.look at the questions on    the screen and then work in groups of four. the writer’s situation with that of xiao hua in the reading are their experiences similar or different? do you think your life would change if you found out that you had an incurable disease?
  (after the students discuss for a while,teacher asks some students to answer the  questions.)
  t:ok.stop discussing.who’d like to talk about the first question? any    volunteer?
  s1:i’ll try it.both xiao hua and the writer got an incurable disease.neither of them give in to the disease.they both fought against it and try to make their    limited lifetime more to the difference between them.xiao hua got aids through birth.she not only has to suffer from the disease,but also have to deal with people’s fear of the disease,whi1e the writer got cancer because the production of cells in his body is disrupted.cancer does not spread from one person to another,so he is taken good care of by his family and friends.
t:quite well,what about the second question? any volunteer?
s2:let me have a try.if i found out that i had an incurable disease,i think my life would change as the writer’s life,because the existence of our life is    happiness to our family and friends.
   t:well,please turn to page 56.look at part are asked to draw a timeline of your life and mark the best times(the highs)and the worst times(the lows).then write down sentences to tell what some events that made you very happy    were, what made you so sad,and what some points were in your life when you made a change or learnt an important can referring to the following example.are you clear?
    (the students begin to do it.after that,teacher says the following to go on will the next part.)
step v writing it’s your turn to write an essay about an important event in your    life or another person’s life.first look at the instruction to writing on page     56.then write your own essay.12345
    failure in the national examination
university is not the only way to success.cao yang who is my neighbour, will never forget the day when he knew the result of the national examination, by which you could get the “licence” to enter the university.however,he lost the opportunity to step into the threshold of the that moment,he felt he nearly callapsed onto the ground and thought the road to his future life was    completely b1ocked.
    he didn’t want to try it again, because it would cost his family a lot of    money,what he most wanted to do at that moment was to go to work as soon as    possible.thus,he could earn enough money to support his family.
    the difficulties he encounted in his work made him feel the lack of enough  knowledge.from then on,he made up his mind to catch up with updated fully making use of every minute he could  get  after work,he immersed himself into study and eventually he became an expert.later on,when his workmates met with the problems in their work,they all came to him and he could always get them done properly.
    through his efforts,he has made great achievements in his life.he now feels that university is not the only way to was the failure in the national  examination that taught him nobody should shrink back in front of difficulties. on the contrary,we’d better think of it as a precious gift that the god gives us to  realise our goals.
step ⅵ checkpoint
t:in this unit.we’ve mainly talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards    aids and cancer,etc, so we’ve learnt a lot of useful words and expressions about this can we remember so many new words? the following tips on the screen can help you.look at the screen and 1et’s go through them together.
ways to remember and understand new words:
you can put new words into groups to remember and understand them together.for example,some words have similar meaning.1ike cure and heal,both meaning “to make  something better”.others belong to the same category,like aids and cancer,which are both diseases.try to think more ways that you can group new words.   
(after that)
t:now,please 1ook at the following words and phrases on the screen and group them in at least two different categories.
immune,defenseless,infection,cure, contract,virus,suffer,discourage, specialist,lonely,eventually, break down, die of,cheer up,deal with,as if,a lack of12345
 suggested answers:
  2.discourage,specialist, 1onely,eventually,break down,die of,cheer up,deal with, as if, a lack of
t:well, now 1ook at these words on the screen.what other words do they make you think of?
aids,immune,defenseless infected, cure, contract, virus, suffer
ss:transmit,prevention, illness, treatment,defensive, diagnose, contagious,sick,hospital,(in)curable, spread,recover…’ve collected so many words which can be used to talk about, please look at the two sentences on the blackboard and rewrite them using “i wish…” and “if…”.
  (bb:1.i don’t know where he lives.
  2.people are afraid of sars because they don"t know much about it.)
  t:who’d like to have a try? please come to the blackboard and write down your student,one sentence.
   suggested answers:
    1.i wish i knew where he lives.
    2.if people knew much about sars,they would not be afraid of it.
step ⅶ summary and homework busy this period is! we’ve not only practised listening and reading,but also practised speaking and writing.we’ve also learnt many useful words and expressions.after class, please review what we’ve learnt in this class and preview what we’ll learn in the next unit.
step vⅲ the design of the writing on the blackboard
unit 7  living with disease the fourth period
   i.useful expressions:
      to the full,a great many,on the contrary,free…from,take a chance,for the moment,think of…as
   ⅱ.words concerned with diseases
       aids immune defenseless infected cure contract virus suffer treatment…
   iii. the subjunctive mood  
        1.i don’t know where he lives.
         →i wish i knew where he lives.  ;
        2.people are afraid of sars because they don’t know much about it.
         →if people knew much about sars,they would not be afraid of it.
step ix record after teaching



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