【introductionand tarantella】IntroductionandFast

高二英语教案 2014-06-24 网络整理 晴天


phrases of unit 4
1. 参加一次电视竞赛的拍摄  attend the filming of a tv quiz programme
2. 上学    attend school
3. 直到。。。才。。。   not… until
the boy didn’t go to bed until his mother come back.
not until his mother came back did the boy go to bed.
it was not until his mother came back that the boy went to bed.
4. (为。。。)做好准备  be/ get ready ( for sth  / to do sth)
5. (为。。。)感到担忧   be/ feel worried (about sth)
6. 想做某事( 想让某人做某事)would like/ love to do sth,  would like/love sb to do sth
7. 使某人感到有趣的是  (much) to one’s entertainment
8. 用。。。招待某人/自己    sb entertain sb ( oneself ) with …
9. 诧异地,吃惊地  in surprise ( = surprisingly )
10. 使人大吃一惊的是   much / greatly to one’s surprise = to one’s great surprise
11. 对。。。很吃惊   be surprised at sth/ doing sth ... /   be surprised to do sth...
be surprised that-cl...  /    what surprises sb. is that-cl...
12. 总是乐于助人   be always ready to help others
13. 在…控制之下;被控制住   sth be under control  
14. 失去控制     sth be out of control     
15. 把…控制住     bring sth under control    
16. 在马路对面    on the opposite side of the road
17. 在…对面,与… 相反     be  opposite to sth 
18. 在邮局对面    opposite the post office
19. 相反的人或东西      the opposite
20.  raised his arms above his head.  (举起)
21.  raise salaries/ one’s voice    (提高)
22.  raise a question   (提出 )
23.  raise money/funds for the red cross   (筹集)
24.  raise children /horses / corn (养育/饲养/ 种植)
25. 坐在座位的边缘   sit on the edge of the seat
26. 坐下,就坐    seat sb/ oneself,   sb be seated
27. 领先与某人,在。。。前面   ahead of sb
28. 提前   ahead of time  /  in advance
29. 打败某人/ 某支队伍   beat sb/ a team  ( beat- beat- beaten)
30. 赢了大奖   win the grand prize
31. 赢了比赛/奖学金/ 战争   win the game/ scholarship/ the war
32. 你该起床了。 it’s time for you to get up.  / it’s (high/ about) time that you got up.12
33. 许多听/观众  a large audience
34. 另外六个问题   six more questions/  another six questions
35. 还有一个问题要问。 there is one question to go.
36. 一直不停的做某事    keep doing sth  / keep on doing sth
37. 保持静止不动    keep still
38. 想做某事   would like to do sth /   feel like doing sth 
39. 围绕着观众   surround the audience
40. 被…包围     be surrounded by  
41. 周围的村庄   the surrounding villages
42. 社会环境     social surroundings      
43. 实现你的抱负   achieve your ambition
44. achieve nothing   毫无成就,一事无成
45. achieve one"s purpose     达到目的
46. achieve success      取得成功
47. achieve a victory       获胜
48. 取得相似的效果   achieve a similar effect
49. make achievements     取得成就
50. 安排某事/ 做某事  arrange sth / to do sth / that -cl
51. 安排某人/ 某物做某事   arrange for sb / sth to do sth
52. 向某人介绍某人/ 做自我介绍  introduce sb / oneself to sb
53. 把。。。引进/ 引入某地   introduce sth into/ to ….
54. 再也不,不再   no longer = not any longer,   no more = not any moer
55. 对于音乐爱好者来说    for music lovers
56. 几百,成百上千    hundreds of
57. 听高质量的音乐   listen to high- quality music


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