
八年级英语教案 2013-01-15 网络整理 晴天


unit 8 cantonese dumplings

一. 教学内容:
unit 8 cantonese dumplings
二. 教学目标:
三. 教学重、难点:
四. 语法项目:
五. 本单元的重点知识:
       短语:(1)a little oil        一点儿油
(2)anything else?         还有别的吗?
(3)be good at doing sth.    善于做某事
(4)one pound of …        一磅的…
(5)chop one onion         剁一个洋葱
(6)mix…with…           用……和……
(7)divide …into           把……分成……
(8)as… as possible         尽可能……
(9)pour …into…          把……倒入……
(10)fill…with             用……充满……
(11)make…into           把……制成……
(12)golden brown          金黄色的
(13)a few tomatoes         一些西红柿
(14)cut…into…            把……切成……
(15)make… for…          为……制作……
(1)we haven’t got much fruit.     我们没有许多水果。
(2)we have got lots of oranges.    我们有许多桔子。
(3)i think so.                   我认为是这样。
(4)we had better get some more.   我们最好多买点儿。
(5)i have only a little oil left.      我只剩下一点儿油了。
(6)let’s make them together.      咱们一起做吧。
(7)flatten the balls as thin as possible. 将面球尽可能按扁。
(8)i’m sorry i don’t have any.      对不起我没有。
(9)let me see.                  让我想想。123
(10)is that enough?              够了吗?
六. 重点知识讲解:
       (1)else: adj./ adv. 其他
①else 常用在不定代词(anybody, everything, somewhere)和疑问代词(who, what, where等)以及all, little和much等词的后面,但不能说which else。应该说what else?例如:
ask someone else to help you. 请别人帮助你吧。
anything else? 还有别的吗?
what else would you like? 您还要什么别的东西吗?
is there anybody else in the classroom. 教室里还有别人吗?
she is much clever than any other students in her class. 她比班里其他任何同学都聪明。
(2)enough. adj./ adv. 足够的,充足的,足够地
one yuan is enough. 一块钱就足够了。
we have enough water and bread. 我们有足够的水和面包。
he runs quickly enough. 他跑得足够快。
it’s warm enough in the room. 屋子里够暖和的。
did you sleep enough last night. 昨晚你睡够了吗?
③enough后常按for+ n. / pron. to do sth. 结构,意为……足够……做某事。
it’s late enough for us to stop work. 时间够晚了,我们收工吧。
the boy is old enough to go to school. 这个男孩足够大,能够上学了。
the car is not cheap enough for me to buy.
we have enough time. =we have time enough.
(3)slice ①把……切薄片,例如:
slice the potatoes. 把土豆切成片。
he sliced the ham for sandwiches. 他把熏肉切成片来做三明治。
②n. 薄片,片,例如:
two slices of veal. 两片小牛肉。
she had two slices of bread for breakfast today.
③slice 与cut的区别。
slice 既可作名词,也可作动词,它强调的是将物切成薄片。如果说将某物切成薄片,即slice sth. 例如:
please slice the meat for cooking dishes.
you had better slice the apple for the baby.
cut 只作动词是切割的意思,它只强调切的动作,并不关心形状,例如:
this knife cuts well. 这把刀切起来很快。
this metal cuts easily. 这种金属容易切割。
knives are used for cutting. 刀子是用来切东西的。
1)cut up 切碎=cut into pieces
cut up后接代词宾语时,应放在cut和up之间。接名词宾语时放在其后。如:
cut up the cucumbers. 把这些黄瓜切碎=cut the cucumbers into pieces.
cut them up. 把它们切碎。=cut them into pieces.
2)cut…in two/ half. 把……切成两半。
cut the watermelon in two/ half 把这个西瓜切成两半。123
cut the prices 降低物价
cut the salaries 减薪
       (4)pour v. 倾倒;灌浇
pour…into… 把……倒进……里
please pour the drink into the cup. 请把饮料倒进杯子里。
please pour me a cup of tea. 请给我倒杯茶。
he poured the coffee into the cup. 他把咖啡倒进杯子里。
it is pouring outside. 外面正在下大雨。
it never rains but it pours. 屋漏偏遭连阴雨。
七. 语法讲解:
  1. 物质名词量的表示方法可以用much、many、a lot of、a few、a little等表示。
       many(许多,大量)和a few(一些,少量)用来修饰可数名词的复数;much(许多,大量)和a little(一点,少许)用来修饰不可数名词。例如:
many/ a few apples              many/ a few students            many/ a few books
much/ a little time                 much/ a little water               much/ a little rice
a lot of既可以修饰可数名词的复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。例如:
a lot of apples/ students               a lot of time/ water
  2. 物质名词量的表示方法也可以用容器表示。量词词组的表达法为“数词+容器+of +名词”,of后面的名词如果是可数名词,要用其复数形式。例如:
a bowl of rice                      a glass of milk                      a piece of paper
two bowls of rice                 three glasses of milk             five pieces of paper
a box of books                            a pound of apples
two boxes of books                     ten pounds of apples
two bowls of rice are enough. 两碗米饭就够了。
this box of books is for you. 这箱书是给你的。



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