
八年级英语教案 2013-01-09 网络整理 晴天


8b unit 2
1. 我已经去过很多次了。                            i’ve been there many times.
2. 它一定很有趣。  it must be fun.             我能加入吗?     can i join you?
3. 我带你出去几天。                          let me take you out for a few days.
4. 我正在打包。    i’m packing.              我是如此的兴奋。  i’m so excited!
5. 我要带上所有的东西。                      i want to bring everything with me.
6. 我认为对我而言这不是个假期。             i don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.
7. 你假期想去哪?                          where do you want to go on holiday?
8. 著名旅游景点                                     popular tourist attractions
9. 日本的象征啊                                           a symbol of japan
10. 从上个月开始我就没看到你。                i haven’t seen you since last month.
11. 我听说你去了泰国。                          i heard you’ve gone to thailand.
12. 你回来了吗?                                     have you come back yet?12345
13. 我在香港已经呆了两天了。            i’ve been here in hong kong for two days.
14. 我们在这里度过了一个真的很美好的时光。
we are having a really fantastic time here.
15. 一个著名的主题公园   a famous theme park   拍照                take photos
16. 包括四个不同的公园                              include four different parks
17. 在入口处的鲸鱼喷泉前面             in front of the whale foutain at the entrance
18. 那儿的一个吸引人的地方                          one of the attractions there
19. 一个真的很令人兴奋的过山车                    a really exciting roller coaster
20. 高速移动                                              move at high speed
21. 整个旅途中我们都在尖叫和大笑。
we were screaming and laughing through the whole ride.
22. 冲到那儿      rush there                   看烟火         watch foreworks
23. 我无法停止和他们拍照。                i couldn’t stop taking photos with them.
24. 他们看起来这么漂亮和可爱。                 they all looked so nice and cute.
25. 稍后开始的迪斯尼角色游行             a parada of disney characters began later
26. 这是一天中最美好的时候。                       it was the best part of the day.
27. 穿不同的戏服                                       wear different costumes12345
28. 朝人们挥手                                                wave to people
29. 当他们穿过公园                           while they marched across the park
30. 孩子们开心地拍手尖叫。             the children clapped and screamed with joy.
31. 就像魔术一样。                                           it was like magic.
32. 我们去买一些纪念品。                        we went to buy some souvenirs.
33. 我确定你会喜欢的。                                  i’m sure you’ll love it.
34. 在一天的最后                                         at the end of the day
35. 烟火下,城堡看起来闪耀美丽。
the castle looked shiny and beautiful under the fireworks.
36. 当我回来时,我会给你看照片。           i’ll show them to you when i come back.
37. 你和谁一起去迪斯尼的?                  who did you go to disneyland with?
38. 你在公园里呆了多长时间?                  how long did you stay in the park?
39. 外面排队的人没有尽头。                 the line of people outside was endless.
40. 我们想排队是没有希望的了。        we thought it was hopeless to wait in the line.12345
41. 然而,我们最后成功了。                   however, we were finally successful.
42. 它真的是一次愉快的假期,也是很有意义的经历。
it was a really delightful holiday and a meaningful experience.
43. 我有一段时间没有看到他了。                 i haven’t seen him for some time.
44. 一个有趣的电视节目                            an interesting tv programme
45. 上演半小时                                    have been on for half an hour
46. 你什么时候收到她的信的?                    when did you receive her letter?
47. 我已经在家呆了一个礼拜了。                  i have stayed at home for a week!
48. 他们结婚已经XX年了。                they have been married for fifteen years.
49. 你是说他们这周日将要庆祝他们XX年的婚姻?
do you mean they will celebrate their fifteen years of marriage this sunday?
50. 我爸妈也是XX年前结的婚。          my parents got married fifteen years ago too.
51. 或许你也应该给你爸妈买礼物。     maybe you should buy your parents a gift too.
52. 或许会有些雨,但是那时天气不错。
there may be some rain, but the weather is nice at that time.
53. 春天是参观中国园林最好的时候。
spring is the best time for visiting chinese gardens.
54. 凯蒂可以再任何季节去参观上海。          kitty can visit shanghai in any season.
55. 全年                                                       all year round
56. 五一假期要做什么,你有什么想法吗?12345
do you have any ideas about what to do for may day holiday?
57. 我希望在那碰到他。                               i hope to meet him there .
58. 你怎么去那?                                       how will you go there?
59. 乘飞机去新加坡要多长时间?          how long does it take to fly to singapore?
60. 我们去香港旅行的日子终于到了。 the day of our trip to hong kong finally arrived.
61. 香港的天气和北京的有很大的不同。
the weather in hong kong was quite different from that in beijing.
62. 鸟瞰                                                have a bird’s-eye view
63. 买东西的好地方                                   a good place to buy things
64. 我已经回来两天了。                            i have been back for two days.
65. 我得照顾我自己。                                 i have to look after myself.
66. 他们已经离开三天了。they have been away for three days.
67. 我遗留了一本书在米莉家。i left a book at millie’s home.
68. 我已经借了很长时间了。i have kept it for too long.12345


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