
八年级英语教案 2013-01-05 网络整理 晴天


unit 2 what should i do?学案
section a period one(1a-2c)
知识目标:keep out, serious, play, loud, argue with sb, wrong, out of style, stay at home, want sb to do sth, could, call sb.up, ticket, surprise, on the phone, write sb a letter, talk about sth, advice, give sb advice
句型:1. what’s wrong? /what’s the matter?
-- my clothes are out of style.
2. what should i do?
--maybe you should buy some new clothes.
能力目标:学会用what’s wrong? /what’s the matter?问对方怎么了,并会用should 来向别人婉转地提出建议。
必做题(一. 试着翻译下列短语:)
1.怎么了?_________________?  _________________?
2.呆在家_________________  3. 不让… 进入_________________
4.足够的钱_________________ 5.写信给某人                  
二. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词
1. you shouldn’t play your cds too l____.
2. i a_____ with my best friend yesterday.
3. my clothes look old.they are out of s____.
4.  let’s go to the movies tonight.i have two t_____.
5.  i c_____ you up just now ,but nobody answered.
1. my parents want me ________ (get) up early every day.
2. our teacher often gives us some _________ (advice) on how to learn english well.
3. could you __________ (pass) me those books?
4. he was very ___________ (surprise) to see me yesterday.
5. li lei should ___________ (exercise) more to keep fit.
提高题 (补全对话,一空一词)
a:hey ,what’s_____?
b:i had an argument with my best friend. what _______ i do?
a:well,you ______ write him a letter.
b:i don’t think so.i don’t like ________letters.
a:maybe you should _______ him up.
b:no, i don’t want to _______ about it on the phone.
a:well,you should say you are _______.
b:yes,i know i should,but it’s not _______.
a:maybe you could go ________ his house.
b:well, that’s a good idea.i guess i could, but i don’t want to ______ him.
a:oh,i know.you could give him a ticket to a ball game.
八年级下unit 2 what should i do?学案
section a period two(3a—4)
知识目标: pay for, part-time job, okay, either, bake, bake sale,teen talk, tutor , borrow...from, ask…for, buy…for
句型:a: i need some money to buy gifts for my family.what should i do?
      b: i think you should borrow some money from your friends.
      a: oh, no.i don’t like to do that.
      b: then i think you should get a part-time job.
      a: that’s a good idea.123456
付夏令营的钱 ________________
1.yesterday he argued _______his mother about his homework.
2.you could borrow some money _______your brother.
3.he lent two yuan ____ me yesterday.
4.he had no money.he could ask your parents _____ some money.
5.how much did you pay_____ the book?
6. i want to buy a watch ______ my brother.
a:hi,jone,what’s the matter?  
b: oh,my shoes are out of____.i don’t look cool.
a :maybe you should ___ a new pair.  
b: yes, but i don’t have _____ money.
a: huh, you could _____ a part-time job in the evening.
b:i can’t,______. my parents want me to stay at home. i have no time . i have an______ with them about it.
a: what a _____, but you shouldn’t argue with your parents.
b: what should i do?
a:you should _____to them .maybe they can forgive you.
b: i hope so. i’ll have a _______. thank you very much.  
a: you’re welcome.
八年级下unit 2 what should i do?学案
section b period three (1a-2c)
知识目标:original, comfortable, the same as, in style, inexpensive, colorful, haircut
句型:a:i think erin should tell her friend to get different clothes.
      a:because friends shouldn’t wear the same clothes.
一. 根据句意提示完成句子
1.that’s not a very o________ suggestion.
2.your brother has long hair. i don’t like his h_______.
3.these shoes are only 20 yuan.they are i__________.
4.the new teacher is p_______ in our class.
5.boots are in s_________ this year.
(    )1 .—__________________?—i argued with my best friend.
a. how were you?  b. what’s wrong?  c. can i help?   d. good morning?
(    )2.maybe you should buy some flowers _______ her.
a. with  b. from  c. for  d. to
(    )3.—i am not good at english. what _____ i do? —you should practice more.
a. am   b. do   c. should   d. would
(    )4.my clothes are _____of style, but his are _____ style; he looks cool.
a. in, out  b. out, in   c. out, out   d. in, in
(   )5. -- your shirt is the same ______ jim"s.   -- we are good friends.123456
       a. as          b. to          c. with        d. for
选做题 (用所给词的适当形式填空.)
1. amy should ask her sister __________ (get) new shoes.
2. the coat is the same as my best ________ (friend).
3. this shirt is ________ (difference) from that one.
4. my friend has _______ (nice) clothes than i do.
5. i think erin should tell her friend ________ (buy) another one.
提高题 (句型转换)
1.you should write him a letter. (就划线部分提问)
   __________   _________   _________do?
2. i think you should finish your homework first.(改为否定句)
3. you are not as popular as your best friend.(改为同义句)
   your best friend is__________   _________than you.
4. how much did you spend on the bike? (同义句转换)
  how much did you _____ ______ the bike?
5. he has some money ,too.(改为否定句)
he ________   ________   ________money, ________.
八年级下unit 2 what should i do?学案
section b period four(3a-self-check 2)
知识目标:except, upset, find out, invite sb to …, plan, fail, get on, return, didn’t = did not, couldn’t = could not
句型:a:my best friend is more popular than me. i want to be like him. what should i do?
          b:you could be more friendly.
          c:you should try to be funny.
一. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词
1. my parents are _______ (计划) to go to tibet for vacation.
2. we had nothing to do e____ reading and playing cards.
3. i was _____ (沮丧的) because i failed my test.
4. we must f______ out who broke the window of the classroom.
5. i thought i f_______ my test but i just found out i passed!
1. my mother ______ ______ _______ _______  the neighborhood. (相处得很好)
2. please ________ the book _______ the library. (归还)
3. his mother is __________ __________ him. (生气)
阅读课本p14 3a,判断正(t)误(f).
(  ) 1. lonely kid wrote this letter to a newpaper advice column.
(  ) 2. he always thought he was popular at school.
(  ) 3. he wasn’t invited to the birthday party and he wasn’t upset.
(  ) 4. he really knew what to do.
(  ) 5. he didn’t need your help.123456
提示词:study hard,give …a surprise,talk about your problems
八年级下unit 2 what should i do?学案
section b period five(reading)
知识目标:football, until, fit…into…, as… as possible, pressure, complain, include, pushy, push, send, all kinds of, compare, crazy, themselves, adult, on the one hand, organized, on the other hand, freedom
句型:1. not… until  直到… 才
      2. it’s time to do sth/ it’s time for sth  该是做某事的时间了
      3. complain about doing sth 抱怨做某事
4. seem to do sth  好像做某事
5. sb. find it + adj. + to do sth   某人发现做某事…
6. on the one hand…on the other hand…一方面…另一方面…
1. the teacher always c__________ about teaching tired children in the classroom.
2. i think you should practice english as much as p_________.
3. our subjects in school i_________ chinese, math, english and so on.
4. we should give children enough ________ ( 自由) to do as they wish.
5. he played computer games _________ (直到) 11:00 last night.
doctors say many children are under _______ _______ __________.
they need time to do things _______  _________.
people ________ ________ their kids so hard.
can you _____ _____ the answer _____the question?
5. 去邮局用了我十分钟。
it _____ me ten minutes ____ _____ _____ the post office.
1. is there ___ in today’s newspaper?
a. something new   b. anything new  c. new something  d. new anything
2. i found ___ hard to make him believe me. 
a. it  b. with  c. for  d. of
3._____ i’m poor, i’m happy.  
a. but   b. because   c. though  d. since
4. we waited him _____10 o’clock, but he didn’t come.
   a. at      b. to     c. for     d. until123456
5. please ask him ___ tonight.
  a. to call me up     b. call me up   c. to call up me     d. call up me

1. don’t complain about _______ (do) homework.
2. parents seem ___________ (push) their children a lot more than before.
3. we find it necessary __________ (learn) to wait.
4. during the holidays, the children enjoyed their _______ (free).
5. parents are trying __________ (plan) their kids’ lives for them.
a generous gap(代沟) has become a serious problem. i read a  1  about it in the newspaper. some children have killed themselves after  2  with parents. i think this is because they don’t often have a talk with each other. parents now  3  more time in the office,  4   they don’t have much time to stay with their children. as time passes, they both feel that they don’t have the __5  topic(题目) to talk about. i want to tell parents to be more with your  6  , get to know them and  7  them. and for children, show your  8  to your parents. they are the people who love you. so  9  them your thoughts. in this way, you  10  have a better understanding of each other.
(   ) 1.a. message          b. call        c. report         d. letter
(   ) 2. a. talk              b. argue      c. fight          d. play
(   ) 3. a. spend            b. stay        c. work         d. have
(   ) 4. a. because          b. if          c. but           d. so
(   ) 5. a. interesting        b. same       c. true           d. good
(   ) 6. a. business          b. children     c. work          d. office123456
(   ) 7. a. get on well with   b. look after     c. understand     d. love
(   ) 8. a. interest          b. secret        c. trouble        d. feelings
(   ) 9. a. tell             b. ask           c. answer       d. say
(   ) 10. a. can            b. should         c. must        d. would
a young man couldn’t sleep well every night. he was very worried. one day he went to see the doctor. the doctor looked him over carefully. but nothing wrong with him. the doctor told him to count from 1 to 10 again and again. “keep doing it until you fall asleep,” the doctor said.
after a few days, the young man came to the doctor again. but to his surprise, the doctor found the young man was even worse than before! “didn’t you count as i told you?” the doctor asked. “yes, i did,” the young man answered. “but every time when i reached eight, i couldn’t help jumping from bed.”
“but why?” the doctor wanted to know. the young man said, “i am a boxer.”(拳击运动员)
1.the young man had to go to see a doctor because _______________________
2.was there anything wrong with the young man? ________________________
3.the doctor told the young man to ____________________________________
4.the young man came to the doctor again because ________________________
5.what is the young man? ___________________________



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