【unit】Unit 1 New Year

小学一年级英语教案 2022-11-01 网络整理 晴天


objective:1.ocabulary: uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother2.structure: show me your presents. try your new shoes.
how are you? i am fine, thank you. very well, and you?
happy new year!3.function: giving and responding to simple instructions.
          giving a simple description of oneself in terms of family members.
          identifying and describing classroom objects.
          greeting people and responding to greetings.
          asking about and expressing likes. period 1teaching aids: cassette, picturesprocedurecontentmethodpurposepre-taskpreparation1. warming-upread some rhymes朗诵英语儿歌,使学生融入到英语学习的氛围中去。2.ask and answer1.greetings.2.what do you do during the winter vacation?3.which festival is in the winter vacation? (chinese new year.)这是开学的第一节课,因此可和学生交流假期间的活动,以拉近师生之间的距离。复习和用旧知识,引出春节和新年的表达,同时展示老师收集有关新年的图片。while-taskprocedure1. introduction1. t: this year is the year of sheep. ask and answer. what year is this year?is this the year of sheep?让学生学习用十二生肖来表达具有中国特色的年份。2. t: my animal sign is “mouse”. what’s your animal sign? my animal sign is _____. it is ______.学生学习表述自己的生肖。3. t: what do you get during new year? (sweets, apples, bananas, new pencils, money…)what do you get from your uncle/aunt/grandfather/grandmother通过提问让学生听懂有关新年的提问,并能作简单的回答。2.imitation1. encourage pupils to say “happy new year” to each other.以听为主,让学生练习“新年好”的表达。2. say it to the teacher and classmates.检查学生是否掌握了新好的问候方式。3. sing the song: “happy new year!”通过唱歌提高学生的学习兴趣。post-task
activitysay and actask some pupils to act as grandfathers or relatives, to say “happy new year!” in different voices.让学生用不同的声调向他人祝“新年好”。assignment1.       say “happy new year” to your parents.2.       bring your present to class next class. 巩固练习。要求学生准备一些新年收到的礼物,在下节课时交流和讨论。【教案设计说明】本教案首先安排了师生的问候和交谈,在轻松的交流中复习问候语“how are you?”。在讨论亲朋好友送的新礼物时,有意为第二课时的show me…句型和后面的单词学习作铺垫。在评价礼物时用句型i like…为let’s enjoy 作铺垫,每课时内容有机地整合是非常必要的。上课时有必要和学生交流各自在寒假期间的活动,在学生用中文表述之后,教师可以用英语总结一下,同时用right? 问学生,让他们简单地用yes做肯定。这样可以输入一定量的语言知识,也为引出本课的教学内容作铺垫。在自然引出新年的话题之后,教师可以出示很多准备好的新年画面,告诉学生:this year is the year of sheep. 并告诉学生用十二生肖表述年份是中国特有的,我们每个人都有各自的生肖:“my animal sign is sheep. and you?”鼓励学生表述自己的生肖:“my animal sing is mouse.”在教学新年问候表达的同时,问学生:“what do you get in this new year?”让学生听懂问题,并作出简单的回答,如:“some sweets. a new pencil-box.”等等。本课时主要是为新课作铺垫,困此教学中要向学生介绍有关新年情况,让学生为学好下一课时作充分的准备。
unit 1 new year 来自。


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