
九年级英语教案 2016-04-24 网络整理 晴天


XX中考七年级 unit 3-4复习学案
unit 3---4
同学们,我们一起来先热身英汉翻译一下七年级 unit 3---4学过的单词,词组吧
two glasses of milk                       do some shopping
   in short                               look after
  no problem                             speak chinese
 the great wall                           get up
like a lot/very much                        not---at all
帮助某人做某事                          在…方面帮助某人
请坐                                    请随意,别拘束
在农场                                  某人的全家福
和。。。人住在一起                        有空
在家                                    请随便吃。。。
记下某人点的菜                          等会儿
好主意                                  试穿
3碗饭                                  4块蛋糕12345678910
一些面包                                一些蛋
数词21—99 twenty-one  twenty-two  thirty  forty  fifty  sixty  seventy  eighty  thirty-three  forty-four 

fifty-five  sixty-six  seventy-seven  eighty-eight  ninety ninety-nine (别忘了这些数词是很有规律的,回忆起来了

吗?) could, tell, sure, speak, poor, want, visit, lot, all, pet, any, doctor, driver, farmer, cook, nurse,

mother, father, parent, aunt, uncle, brother, daughter, (家庭成员真不少)fish, chicken, rice, juice, milk,

breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner, pair, shop, need, salt, kilo, free, sunday, monday ,tuesday, wednesday,

thursday ,friday saturday ,(星期的第一个字母要大写的) picnic, call, forget, guitar, kite, sing, song, carry,

panda, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, zoo,(动物园里的动物你有多少会认识呀) to, past, quarter, clever. show,

baby way, wrong
help sb. with sth. after class, , a lot/very much, a little, not---at all, each other, at home, have a seat, on

a farm, look after, help oneself to, what about, all right, a glass of, good idea, take one’s order, wait a

moment, eat out, have dinner, why not---?, over there, try on, how much--? think of/about, do some shopping, 

buy sth. for sb.   how many--? how about---/what about--? be free, go shopping, go fishing, have to, fly a

kite, speak to, tell sb. about sth.,  call sb. back, have a picnic, next time, on one’s way home, get up.
1.       could you please do sth.?
2.       want to do sth../would like to do sth.
3.       be not---at all/do/does not---at all
4.       what does sb. do?/what is sb.?/what’s one’s job?
5.       help oneself to some--.
6.       would you like+名词或动词不定式?
7.       have----for breakfast/lunch/supper.
8.       why not +动词原形---?
9.       be kind to sb.
10.   try sth. on
11.   will do sth.
12.   how do you like ---?/what do you think of---?
13.   be worried about---/worry about –12345678910
14.   tell sb. about sth./tell sb. to do sth.
15.   forget to sth./forget doing sth.
16.   what /how about --?
17.   ask sb. to do sth.
18.   let’s do sth./let us do sth.
19.   it"s time to do sth./it’s time for sth.
20.   what’s wrong with--?/what’s the matter with---?
21.   thank sb. for sth./thank sb. for doing sth.
22.rember to do sth/remember doing sth.
1.excuse me ,could you please tell me your name ?
2.we always help each other, and we learn from one another.
3.my grandparents live with us and look after rose at home.
4.this is a photo of my family.
5.i usually have milk and bread for breakfast.
6.help yourself/yourselves to some fish.
7.my mother wants me to do some shopping.
8.what can i do for you ?
9.what do you think of this green skirt?
10.don’t forget to bring your guitar.
11.would you like to go to west hill for a picnic?
12.could you ask him to call me back this afternoon?
13.do you have time tomorrow?
14.let’s meet a t9 o’clock at my home.
15.it’s time to go home.
16. it’s very kind of you.
如 desk(课桌),girl(女孩),room(房间),school(学校)等;
,如 milk(牛奶),hair (头发),money(钱)等。

many, (a) few, several, a great number of 等的修饰;不可数名词没有复数形式,不可以直接用不定冠词修饰,也不可以

直接用数词修饰,不可受 many, (a) few, several, a great number of 等的修饰,但可用 much, (a) little, a great

deal 等的修饰。
如:there are eight rooms in the house. 这房子有8个房间。
mr smith has many students. 史密斯先生有许多学生。
he left for beijing a few days ago. 几天前他去北京了。                
i"m sorry to give you so much trouble. 真对不起给你这么多麻烦。
do you have much money left? 你剩的钱多吗
?i want a little time to myself. 我希望有一点自己掌握的时间。
注:(1) 有的名词既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,只是含义不同,如 room 表示“房间”时,为可数名词,但表示

(2) 有的修饰语既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,如 some, all, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 等。
(2)不同之处a. some多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。
(1)、整点表达法:钟点数+o‘clock 译为“几点” e g:1:00 ——one o‘clock 10:00 ——ten o’clock
( 2)、非整点表达法。顺读法:“钟点数+分钟数”译为“几点几分”e g:7:10 ——seven ten 1:58——one fifty-

eight 11:06 ——eleven-o- six (表零几分时可用o表示)。逆读法:(使用介词 ① past超出、过 ② to差) a:不超出

30分钟:“分钟数+past+钟点数” 译为“几点几分”
e g:7:10 ——ten past seven b:超出30分钟:(60-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+1) 译为“差几分就几点” 
e g:9:48——twelve to ten 差12分就10点 (60-48= 12分, 9+1=10点)
1:58——two to two 差2分就2点 (60-58=2分, 1+1=2点)
(3)、特殊表达法(使用名词① quarter 一刻钟 ②half 一半) 15分钟:a quarter past 4:15——a quarter past four

30分钟:half past 9:30——half past nine 45分钟:a quarter to 5:45——a quarter to six(to表“差”原钟点数需


基本结构构成表:肯定式 疑问式 否定式 否定疑问式
i work. do i work? i do not work. do i not work?
you work. do you work? you do not work. do you not work?
we work. do we work? we do not work. do we not work?
they work. do they work? they do not work. do they not work?
he(she,it) works. does he(she,it) work? he(she,it) does not work. does he(she,it) not work?
形式: 主语+be(表状态)或 主语+动词原形+宾语(表动作)
标志词(时间状语):always, every week (day, year, month…), once a week,
every…, sometimes, at…, on sunday uauslly often,never,hardly..........
用法:1.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,i leave home for school at 7 every morning.
  2.表示主语具备的性格、能力、特征和状态。i don"t want so much.
3.表示客观事实和普遍真理。the earth moves around the sun.


ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子
1. the woman in yellow is my             (姑母),and she is very nice .
2. i have many friends , so i’m very           (快乐的)now .
3. we are             (害怕)we can’t get home in time .
4. ---would you like to drink some             (牛奶)?----yes, i’d like to .12345678910
5. my father is a           (医生)and he words very hard .
6. let’s have a            (野餐)on the farm. it’s very fun .
7. ---what can i do for you , madam?
  ---i want there          (公斤)of sugar .
8. we will go to visit america pavilion           (明天).
9. don’t          (忘记)to tell me the news .
10. he often goes swimming with his classmates on             (星期天).
ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。

 after class , get up , at home , good idea , have to , think of ,
have dinner , how much , such as , be free
1. ---let’s go to nick’s home this week .
  ---that’s a                .
2. you should               early and listen to the news about the would expo .
3. i have many books ,               picture books and story books .
4. ---would you like to               with me?
  ---i’d like to .
5. wu fang wants to watch tv                  today .
6. we can speak english in the park               ; can you help me ?
7. many people                leave for other places because of the flood in summer in XX .
8.                is the ticket of the movie confucius ?
9. if you              , you can search some information about zhouqu on the internet .
10. what do you                 what you said ?
ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。
1. 今天下午去放风筝怎么样?
                       flying kites this afternoon ?12345678910
2. 胡杰不想去参观长城,他想在家看电视。
  hu jie doesn’t want                   the great wall , and he wants to watch tv       
3. 你想学习英语我想学习汉语,我们可以互相帮助。
  you want to study english . i want to study chinese ; we can                          .
4. 你要多少公斤香蕉?
                                  of bananas do you want ?
5. 欢迎来到我的家,请进来,坐下。
  welcome to my home . come in and                             , please .
  li bin doesn’t go to school , and he                            his brother at home .
                     drink a glass of milk ?
8. 请随便吃些面包和鸡蛋。
  please                            some break and eggs .
ⅳ. 句型转换
1. the letter is from my pen pal . (对划线部分提问)
             is the letter           ?
2. lucy has some friends here . (改为一般疑问句)
            lucy                   friends here ?
3. he wants to go the west hill . (改为否定句)
  he                           to go to the west hill .
4. i can get the under the desk .(对划线部分提问)12345678910
                     you get the ball ?
5. why not have some rice and bread ? (改为同义句)
                     having some rice and bread ?
6. i would like to drink some tea . (对划线部分提问)
                     you like to drink ?
1. ---could you get you something to drink ?
  ---         , i’m thirsty .
  a. yes , please        b. no , thanks      c. yes , i do      d. here you are
2. ---do you have lunch at home ?
  ---           .
  a. yes , i am         b. yes , i can       c. yes , i do      d. yes , i have
3. he feels lonely . because he has          friends here except me .
  a. little             b. a little          c. few           d. a few
4. ---would you like some more rice ?
  ---         . i am full .
  a. yes , please       b. sure           c. no , problem    d. no , thanks
5. ---what          your parents do ?
  ---they are teacher .
  a. does             b. do             c. is            d. are
6. ---what would you like           lunch ?
  ---i’d like some fish and rice .
  a. on              b. in              c. for           d. at
7. there isn’t          milk at home . would you like to go and buy          ?12345678910
  a. some ; some      b. any ; some      c. some ; any      d. any ; any
8. ---may i speak to jim , please ?
  ---sorry ,          now .
  a. i’m not jim      b. this is me       c. this isn’t me     d. he isn’t here
9. my shoes are old . i want to buy          .
  a. a new one       b. a new pair       c. them          d. a pair of new one
10.          four thirty          sunday afternoon we go out for a picnic .
  a. at ; at          b. at ; on          c. at ; in         d. at ; of
11. ---would you like          with me ?
   ---yes , i’d love to .
   a. have dinner         b. have a dinner      c. to have a dinner      d. to have dinner
12. ---what would like , boys ?
   ---give          some milk , please .
   a. me                b. we              c. our              d. i
13. ---how about          ?
   ---good idea .
   a. go shopping        b. going shopping     c. goes shopping     d. to go shopping
ⅴ. 完型填空
of all the things we eat drink , water is the   1   important . the human body can go  2   food for a long time

, but two  3  three days without water could make people  4  .
a lot of people don’t understand how  5  water the human body needs  6  well and many people don’t drink

enough , especially in  7  weather . most people drink  8  they are thirsty but in fact they need more water , 12345678910

especially when they take  9  .
a man;s body is 65 to 75 percent of  10  . if we don’t have enough water . we feel tired may become ill .
1. a. more           b. most              c. less              d. least
2. a. with            b. on               c. without          d. by
3. a. or                b. and               c. of              d. but
4. a. died              b. to die           c. dies              d. die
5. a. many             b. little               c. few              d. much
6. a. work           b. working           c. to work           d. works
7. a. hot               b. cold              c. cool              d. warm
8. a. so               b. that               c. when             d. since
9. a. fun               b. exercise           c. exercises           d. work
10. a. blood           b. water           c. air               d. food 12345678910
ⅵ. 书面表达
假如你是李林,你的美国笔友sam 要来你的家乡,恰巧你不在,你想介绍一位与sam 志趣相投的同学刘凯接待他。请参考下表

中sam 的相关信息,用英语写一封邮件,说明刘凯的情况。
age  16
hobbies sport , music , traveling …
personality(性格) honest , friendly , helpful …
other information want to learn chinese , like chinese culture …
1、 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
2、 文中不得出现真实地名;
3、 词数:60—80词(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)
dear sam :
                                                                        yours ,
                                                                         li lin



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