
九年级英语教案 2016-04-18 网络整理 晴天


9b unit4  great people课案teaching & studying plan 


(课题)integrated skills





6 supporting theories(理论支撑)1.教学过程不仅是一个知识传授的过程,也是师生情感交流、彼此感染的过程。成长中的学生渴望沟通、理解、支持和帮助。和谐、融洽的师生关系在教学过程中发挥着特殊、奇妙的作用。美国心理学家罗杰斯认为:“成功的教学依赖于一种和谐安全的课堂气氛。”在教学过程中,教师应该通过有效的方法建立和谐的师生关系,让学生成为知心朋友,使学生带着一种高昂的情绪主动参与教学活动的始终,在宽松和谐的教学氛围中,提升学生的创造意识、主动精神,促进学生全面素质的和谐发展,使教学活动达到真情交融、充满生命活力的完美境界。2.任务型教学。以学生为主体、教师为主导、训练为主线,面向全体,分层教学,充分体现教学的实效性、双向性和引导性。采用灵活多变的教学手段,培养学生的学习兴趣。3.因材施教原则,不让每一个学生掉队。 

aims & demands


a: knowledge (语言知识)

to master the usage of some important words and phrases.

to understand the given information.

b: language skill (语言技能)

to enable students to learn to complete notes with related information.

to talk about famous people and why we admire them.

to finish an article about introducing people.

c: feeling (情感态度)

to learn from great people and make contributions to society. 

key points &difficulties


难点)how to use related information to complete notes.how to write an article about introducing great people 

teaching methods

(教学方法) task-based approach  situational teaching method 

aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)blackboard; computer; ohp (overhead projector); some pictures  教    学   设   计

课前延伸1. grasp the new words and phrases of this part.2. finish the exercises of this part.

让学生通过课前自学,小组内的团结合作解决预习中的一些问题,为上课做准备teaching plan(授课计划)studying plan(学习计划)aims(设计意图)课内探究

学step one warm up1.free talk 2.preview work(check the answers.)

复习热身, 通过合作探究的形式检查预习情况,激发学生兴趣的同时自然的导入新课的话题和内容。step two presentation1. read some information on marie curie and answer questions.通过小组合作,自主探究使学生学会从材料中提取有用的信息,为下面补全笔记作铺垫。

导step three  practice1. complete notes with as much information as students can.1234567891011122. listen to more about her and complete the rest of the notes 3. use the information in part a1 to complete the sentences.4. complete a dialogue, read it and act it out 训练学生通过合作解决问题的能力,适时进行过程性评价。通过当堂练习与反馈,对学生进行适当的解题方法及技巧的指导。练step four production 1. make up a dialogue.2. discussion (1)enjoy a documentary film about marie curie (2)talk about marie curiequestions: (1)what do you think of her? (2)what can we learn from her?3.write an article about a person who you admire.通过多种形式启发学生谈论自己所崇拜的名人,进而训练学生的口头表达和书面表达能力,引导学生思考我们应如何向名人学习,学习他们什么,最终达到激发学生现在发愤学习,将来为社会多作贡献的目的。课后提升step five assignment1. surf the internet for more information about people you admire.2. some exercises.利用网络搜索更多关于名人的信息全面复习并运用本单元所学内容,达成语言输出的目标。blackboard design (板书设计)unit 4 great peoples  at the age of                   groups        flags   marry   sb.                     1   get married to sb.                 2discover radium                  3for the discovery of               4be unknown to sb.                5be known for                    6be known as                                                                    

9b  unit 4学案  (integrated skills)【学习目标】语言知识:1. 掌握相关的词汇和短语。2. 学会从人物简介中提取信息。1234567891011123. 学会补全笔记。语言技能:能用所学结构谈论名人以及我们钦佩他们的原因。情感态度:以名人为榜样,现在努力学习将来为社会多作贡献。【学习重难点】1. 如何谈论名人以及我们钦佩他们的原因。2. 完成一篇介绍人物的文章。

课前延伸课前导学练习一、根据中文、首字母提示及句意写出单词。1. do you know who invented            (x光) machines?2. the future is always           (未知的) to us.3. a c          only have one child in most cities in china.4. my friend is a f            , and he comes from paris.5. maths is short for              .keys: 1.x-ray; 2.unknown; 3.couple; 4.frenchman; 5.mathematics二、收集有关居里夫人的信息,并能通过、文字、图片等进行描述。自主学习记录卡1.自学本课内容后,你有哪些疑难之处?2.你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论?课内探究课中训练  ⅰ.read the following information and then answer some questions.marie curie was born in the city of warsaw in poland. when she was 24, she moved to france and studied mathematics and physics .she married a frenchman called pierre curie there. in 1898, they discovered radium. marie curie received the nobel prize twice during her lifetime. she died at the age of 67.1.     where was marie curie born?                                                 2.     what did she study in france?                                                  3.     what were she and her husband famous for?                                                  4.     how many times did she receive the nobel prize?123456789101112                                                  keys:      in the city of warsaw in poland      mathematics and physicsthe discovery of radiumtwiceⅱ. finish some of parta1 with as much information as you can.keys: 1.1867; 2.warsaw; 9.mathematics; 10.physics; 11.frenchman       12. discovering; 18.67 ⅲ.complete the rest of parta1 after listening.     keys:  3. the youngest; 4. science; 5.music; 6.16; 7.teacher; 8.paris; 13.1903           14. traffic accident; 15.1905; 16.1911; 17.4th julyⅳ. use the information in parta1 to finish parta3. .   keys: 1.warsaw in poland; 2.paris; 3.mathematics; 4.physics; 5.husband           6. frenchman; 7.nobel prize; 8.radium; 9.second nobel prize          10.1905ⅴ. complete the following dialogue.millie:  who do you think is the g    1     person that has ever lived?simon:  neil armstrong! i a   2        him the most. millie:  what did neil armstrong do?simon:  he was the f    3    man that walked on the moon.millie:  why do you admire him?simon:  because he was a b  4     man to go to a place that was u   5              to humans at that time. what a   6     you? do you admire anybody?millie:  yes. i admire marie curie. she d    7     radium and i    8             x-ray machines.simon:  why do you admire her?millie:   because x-ray machines are now u   9     all over the world to help doctors s        lives.  keys:  1.greatest; 2.admire; 3.first; 4.brave: 5.unknown         6.about; 7.discovered; 8.invented; 9.used; 10.save  ⅵ. writing123456789101112     marie curie is one of the world’s most famous women.     she was born                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             123456789101112we should learn from her.                                                                                .marie curie is one of the world’s most famous women.she was born on 7th november 1867. she was born in warsaw, a city in poland. she was the fifth and the youngest child of her family. when she was 24, she left poland and went to paris to study at a university there. she studied maths and physics. she married a frenchman called pierre curie. the couple won a nobel prize for the discovery of radium in 1903. in 1911, she was awarded her second nobel prize. she died at the age of 67.we should learn from her. we should study hard today sothat we can do more for the society.

课后提升课后提升一、句型转换。    1. he got married 15 years ago. (同义句转换)      he has           married         15 years.2. at the age of 67, she died. ( 同义句转换)          she was 67, she          away.3. marie curie is the fist woman. she won the nobel prize. (组成一句)  marie curie is the first woman                     the nobel prize.4. she got the nobel prize twice. (对划线部分提问)  how           times did she             the nobel prize? keys: 1.been for; 2.when, passed; 3.that won; 4. many receive\get                                                                                                                  二、根据中文提示完成句子。123456789101112    1.我父母是在1990年结婚的。      my parents                                                       .    2.你已经决定写一写哪位伟人?     which great person                                                 ?    3.你因为什么而敬佩他呢?     what                                                         for?    4.杨利伟是我国第一位进入太空的人。     yang liwei is                                           in our country.    5.那就是他今天又迟到的原因。     that                                                         today.                                                 keys:      1. got married in 1990        2. have you decided to write about      3. do you admire him   4.the first person that went into space123456789101112      5. is why was late again 三、阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在第62—71小题的空格里填入适当的词语。答案不超过3个单词。marie curie was a great scientist. she was born in warsaw, poland, in 1867. both of her parents were teachers. when marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.young marie was a very good student. she loved science, math, and languages. she and her sister barony wanted to go to college. but in those days, only men could go to college in poland. the girls had to go to france to study. there was not enough money for both sisters to go. so marie worked as a teacher in poland. she sent money to barony to pay for medical school in paris. after barony became a doctor, she helped marie.    when she was 24, marie became a science student at the sorbonne, a university in paris. even with her sister’s help, she did not have much money. she lived in a small room near the college. it had no lights, no water, and no heat. sometimes marie only had bread and tea to eat.marie studied hard and graduated in 1894. a year later, she married pierre curie. he was also a scientist. they worked together for many years. their most important discovery was radium (镭). today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. the curies won a nobel prize for their discovery. this is the highest award for a scientist. marie curie was the first woman to receive this award.when marie curie was 39, pierre died in a street accident. but she continued their work. curie became the first woman professor in france. in 1911, she won a second nobel prize. but years of working with radium ruined her health. she died of cancer in 1934. her daughter irene continued curie’s work. she also received a nobel prize. sadly, irene also got cancer and died young. both women gave their lives for their work.                       marie curie’s life      in   1867marie curie was born in the city of    1    .     in     2   ,her mother died.before she was 24,she worked as a teacher to       3       to finish her study in a medical school.when she was 24,marie    4    at the sorbonne, a university in paris.while studying in the university,123456789101112marie lived    5     in the year of 1894,marie       6      from the university.at the age of     7     ,marie got married to pierre.in 1906,her husband was      8       in a street accident.in 1934,marie curie passed away      9     during her life,marie curie won the nobel prize     10     .keys: 1.warsaw; 2. 1877; 3. help barony / send (give / offer) barony money  4. studied / learned (science);  5.a poor / hard / difficult life; 6.graduated   7. twenty-eight / 28; 8.killed; 9.because of cancer; 10.twice

9b unit 4 integrated skillsteaching record  (课堂教学实录)title (课    题):9b unit 4  integrated skillsperiod (课   时) :period 6time (执教时间): XX-4class (执教班级):class 8, grade 9      school:xichang junior high school teacher (执教老师):teaching procedures (教学过程):一、情境创设,新知导入step 1 warm up 1. free talk t: it’s time for our lesson. class begins! s: stand up.t: good morning, boys and girls. s: good morning, mr. lu.t: sit down, please.t: hello, everyone. first, let’s have a free talk.   what do you want to be when you grow up? why? s1: a scientist.s2: an inventors3: a teachers4: a doctor   …t: good. we all have a dream. i think if you work hard, your dreams will come true. this class we will learn integrated skills which will introduce us a famous woman scientist—marie curie. t: have you previewed it?s: yes.t: great! please take out your paper. part1,check your answers in your group. if you have any questions, you can ask me for help.s: (学生讨论) t: ok. let’s check the keys together. please read the whole sentence, then spell the word you fill in. no1, group 1. s: do you know who invented            (x光) machines? x-r-a-y, x-ray.t: no2, group 2. s: the future is always           (未知的) to us. u-n-k-n-o-w-n, unknown.t: next one. s: a c          only have one child in most cities in china. c-o-u-p-l-e, couplet: no4, group 4.s: my friend is a f            , and he comes from paris. f-r-e-n-c-h-m-a-n, frenchman123456789101112t: the last one.s: maths is short for              . m-a-t-h-e-m-a-t-i-c-s, mathematicst: excellent, each group can get a flag. congratulations.s: thank you.【设计意图】 学生们在课前预习时,通过小组合作的形式解决了相应的难题,树立了信心。通过师生交流互动热身,既检查了学生的预习情况,又激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。二、合作探究,自主学习step2 presentationt: marie curie is the first woman to win the nobel prize. she made great contributions to our society. do you want to know more about her?s: yes.t: now let’s read some information on her and answer questions. you can discuss in your groups.s: (two minutes for discussion)t: where was marie curie born?s: in the city of warsaw in polandt: what did she study in france?s: mathematics and physicst: what were she and her husband famous for?s: the discovery of radiumt: how many times did she receive the nobel prize?s: twicet: wonderful. you will get a flag for your right answer.【设计意图】通过小组合作,自主探究使学生学会从材料中提取有用的信息,为下面补全笔记作铺垫。三、专项操练,精讲点拨step3 practicet: now we have known something about her, can you complete the notes in part a1 with as much information as you can.s: (practice)t: who can tell me how many blanks you can finish at most? s: no.1.1867; no.2.warsaw; no.9.mathematics; no.10.physics; no.11.frenchmanno.12. discovering   no.18.67 t: well done! a flag for your group.t: now, let’s listen to more about her and complete the rest of the notes s: (listening and filling).t: let’s check the answerss: no.3. the youngest; no.4. science; no.5.music; no. 6.16; no.7.teacher; no.8.paris; no.13.1903  no.14. traffic accident; no.15.1905; no.16.1911; no.17.4th julyt: very good! a flag for you.t: so far we have known a lot about her. so it is easy for us to complete part a3. have a try.s: (practice)t: check the answers and read them together.s: no.1.warsaw in poland; no.2.paris; no.3.mathematics; no.4.physics; no.5.husband no.6. frenchman; no.7.nobel prize; no.8.radium; no.9.second nobel prize no.10.1905s: (reading)t: now, let’s do more practice. complete the following dialogue. take out your papers. s: (practice) t: please check the answers.s: no.1.greatest; no.2.admire; no.3.first; no.4.brave: no.5.unknown  no.6. about; no.7.discovered; no. 8.invented no.; 9.used; no.10.savet: excellent! now please read the dialogue by yourselves and then act it out with your partners.s: (preparation)123456789101112t: volunteers?s: … t: great! a flag for your group. 【设计意图】 训练学生通过自己的探究进行规律的总结的能力并且适时进行过程性评价。同时通过当堂练习与反馈,对学生进行解题方法及技巧的指导。四、综合巩固,学以致用step4 productiont: we have also known other famous people. try to talk about them according to the dialogue.s: (preparation)t: now i will invite some of you to act your dialogue out.s: …t: you all did a good job! as a reward, let’s enjoy a film!s: (watching)t: have you known more about marie curie? s: yes! t: what do you think of her? what can we learn from her? you can discuss in your group. s :( discussion)  t: who can have a try? s: … t: wonderful! a flag for your group! after discussion, let’s write an article about marie curie s: (writing) t: stop here. exchange your articles. group one to group two. let’s check them. if there is nomistake or less than two mistakes, you can give them three flags. three to five mistakes, two flags, six to eight mistakes, one flag. more than 8, no flag. you can write the number of flags here. s: (correction)t: if you have any question, you can ask me for help.s: (asking)t: have you finished them? exchange the articless again. how many flags have you got? s: …t: now please correct the mistakes in your article.s: …t: show us your article, ok? s: okt: are there any other mistakes? s: …t: now let’s read it together.s: (reading)t: all of you did a good job. a present for you. t: great! as we know, we should learn from famous people and become a useful person in the future. as a result we should work hard today.【设计意图】通过多种形式启发学生谈论自己所崇拜的名人,进而训练学生的口头表达和书面表达能力,引导学生思考我们应如何向名人学习,学习他们什么,最终达到激发学生现在发愤学习,将来为社会多作贡献的目的。五、布置作业,课后提升step5 assignmentt: now, let’s count how many flags you have got. t: all of you did a good job. i think each group is the winner. the toys are for you. take them after class.s: thank you. t: here is today’s homework. 1. surf the internet for more information about people you admire. 2. finish the exercises. so much for this class. thank you for your cooperation.t: class is over. s: stand up.t: goodbye, class.s: goodbye, mr. lu.教 后 反 思 (reflection)成功之处:本节课以谈论名人为线索,首先通过小组合作,自主探究使学生学会从材料中提取有用的信息,为下面补全笔记作铺垫。然后通过听、说、读、写综合技能的训练,使学生在对名人的崇拜,好奇中不知不觉的学会了补全笔记的方法和技巧。然后通过多种形式启发学生谈论自己所崇拜的名人,进而训练学生的口头表达和书面表达能力,引导学生思考我们应如何向名人学习,学习他们什么,最终达到激发学生现在发奋学习,将来为社会多作贡献的目的。针对本班学生短文填空能力较差的特点,我在练习中强化了这一训练,效果还不错!本节课的总体思路是先引导学生说,再总结本单元重要语法内容,最后进行专项强化训练,课堂当场巩固,使学生从知识能力上,到情感上都得到提高。本节课合理使用学案,听说读写全面训练,让英语教学真正落到实处。123456789101112不足之处:本节课需要注意两个问题:1. 前后时间安排要更合理些,要留给学生更多的时间去探讨,去表演!2. 对中下等生关注不够!3.少数同学的课堂参与热情不高。受传统教学的影响,少数学生不敢大胆讲英语,怕出错。这就需要我们在平时的教学中加强口语训练,多给学生创设语境,给学生留足够的自由支配时间,鼓励学生多用英语进行交流。再教设计:1. 留给学生更多的时间去尽情的表演和享受!2. 鼓励更多的中下等生用英语进行交流,激发他们学习英语的兴趣!3. 注重分层练习,因材施教!不让每一个学生掉队!123456789101112


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