
九年级英语教案 2016-04-16 网络整理 晴天


中考英语复习学案(7b unit 5 abilities5)

1. 不同能力 different abilities  
2. 当心be careful / look out / take care
3. 帮助别人help others       4. 给某人颁奖give sb. an award
5. 推荐某人获奖recommend sb for an award  
6. 找出,查明find out
7. 给……让座give a seat to sb.      8. 希望工程project hope  
9. 把公园打扫干净clean up a park    
10. 敬老院a home for the elderly        
11. 勇敢奖an award for bravery
12. 帮助某人逃出火海help sb out of a fire    
13. 独自在家at home alone
14. 跑到外面run outside       15. 浓烟a lot of smoke     
16. 隔壁next door
17. 79岁的邻居a 79-year-old neighbour    18. 出去get out  
19. 伤了腿hurt legs
20. 把……..倒在pour ……over         21. 冲到……..里rush into
22. 救人save sb.         23. 扑灭火put out a fire     
24. 用毯子with a blanket    
25. 帮助某人出去help sb out
2 6. 烧伤某人的脖子burn one’s neck   27. 在左边/右边on the left / right
28. 使生命无虞keep life from danger          
29. 独自做某事do sth by oneself/alone
30. 加入我们join us      31. 你自身的安全your own safety 
32. 住院 (be) in hospital
33. 发生在某人身上happen to sb   34. 呼救call for help    35. 好转get better
36. 防火安全fire safety           37. 一条忠告a piece of advice   
38. 使火炉烧着leave the stove on
39. 远离……keep away from         40. 垃圾箱rubbish  bin      
42. 先想着别人think of others first        
43. 擅长跑步be good at running
44. 掉进水里fall into the water          45. 获奖have an award
46. 听见某人在做某事 hear sb. doing sth.      47. 划船 row a boat
48.  钢琴弹得好 play the piano well       49. 跳得高jump high 
50. 迷路get l ost / lose one’s way   12345
51. 收到某人的来信get / receive a letter from sb.  
52. 家长会 parents’ meeting        53 . 尽力try / do one’s best  
54. 因某事感激某人 be grateful t o sb. for sth,
1. ---could you swim when you were a child ?
 --yes , i could .  / no , i couldn’t
2. could也可以表示请求,语气委婉,主要用于疑问句,不可用于肯定句,答语应用can . 
 eg. ---- could i go now ?   ---- yes , you  can . / no , you can’t /mustn’t
3. can 也可表示能力,可用be able to替换
what + a / an 可数名词  (主语+谓语)  what a clean room ( it is ) !
what + 不可数名词  (主语+谓语)   what good news ( it is ) !
how + adj. / adv. (主语+谓语)
how cool ( you are ) !    how well (you sing ) !
1. ----could i borrow your bike?  
 ---- yes, of course you __________ (could, can).
2. last year i ______ (can’t, couldn’t) swim, but i _______ (can, could) swim now.
3. he _______ (can’t, may not) be a good student because he is often late for school.
4. ---- _______ (may, might) i go out now?
  ---- no, you mustn’t. you must stay at home.
5.it’s a fine day today . (感叹句)
  _______________________________ today !
6. he runs very fast .  (感叹句) 
 ________________________________ !
7. i have good news to tell you . (感叹句)  
  _______________________________________________________ !
8. i could swim when i was ten years old . (同意句)
 i ___________________________ when i was ten years old .
9 . how beautiful the girl is !      (同意句)
 ______________________________________________ !
牛刀小试   中考连接
1. i t’s very cold outside. i’ll watch tv at home. i won’t go out.  (合并为一句)
it’s very cold outside. i’ll watch tv __________  _______  ________ out.
2. my sister could draw when she was  young.   (同意句)
my sister was ______  _______ draw when she was young.
3. they are working hard on the farm . (感叹句)
_______________________________ on the farm !
 (   ) 4. --- must i give the book back to the library now ?
--- no , you ____. you  can ____ it for another two weeks .
  a. mustn’t ; borrow  b. needn ’t ; keep c. needn’t ; borrow d. mustn’t ; keep
初三英语组复习资料(7b  unit5配套练习)
一  用所给词的适当形式填空
1. they got what they wanted and went back __________ (happy).12345
2. ___________ stamps is jack’s hobby. ( collect)
3. every year, they have a lot of __________ (visit) from other countries.
4. computers are v ery ________ (use) to us.
5. i hope it will be ________ (sun) tomorrow.
6. ---are these ____________ (they) bags ?
---no, they aren’t ________ (their).  they are ________ (we).
7. the doctor saved the old men’s _________ .(life)
8. kitty , you are so _________ (care) to make such a mistake .
9. they have different __________ (ability) .
10.  i often hear lily _____ (sing) in the room . listen ! we can hear her ______(sing) now .
11. a policeman’s duty is to protect people’s s__________ .
12. a young man ________(name) john had just left the school .
13. --- who teaches ________ english ?    --- they teach _________ (they) .
三 单项选择
(   ) 1. ______ will spend the summer holiday in hawaii.
a. she , you and i        b. you , she and i  
  c. i , you and she        d. her, me and you[来源:z*xx*k.com]
(   ) 2. did you hear the ________ report? 
a. policemen   b. policemen’s  c. policemens’   d. policemans’
(   ) 3.yesterday i wrote ________ letter to my teacher.
a. a eight-hundred words        b. a eight-hundred-words 
c. an eight-hundred-word          d. an eight-hundred words
(   ) 4. the window was broken. try to _____ who has broken it. 
a. find   b. look    c. find out  d. look for
(   ) 5. ____ fine weather it is today !  a. what  b. what a  c. how a  d. how
(   ) 6. the house was ______ fire last night. people put  ____ the fire. 
a. at, down   b. in, out   c. on, out   d. on, down
(   ) 7. can you keep a fire from ______ ? yes, i can. 
a. burn    b burned   c. to burn   d. burning
(   ) 8. the old man has ____ friends. so  he often feels lonely. 
a. few    b. a few   c. little   d. a little
(   ) 9. he doesn’t speak english ______ his brother. 
a. as well as  b. as good as  c. so well than  d. as better as
(   ) 10.can you teach me how ________?
a: dance      b: dancing     c: to dance     d: dances12345
(   ) 11. do you know what happened ________ tom la st night?
a: with      b: of       c: at          d: to
(   ) 12. please don’t put ________ into the rubbish bin because it’s very dangerous.
a: something hot   b: hot something   c: anything hot  d: hot anything
(   ) 13. i’m not feeling _________ this morning  and my mother asks me to stay at home.
a: well      b: good     c: nice       d: badly
(   ) 14. my friend bob is ill ________ now. i must go to the hospital to see him.
a: in the hospital   b: at the hospital    c: in hospital    d: at hospital
(   ) 15. thank you ________ us this evening and we’ll have a good time together.
a: join    b: for joining     c: to join     d: for join
(   ) 16. the fire is very dangerous. it is very important _____ with fire.
a: to careful     b: for careful   c: to be careful   d: be careful
(   ) 17. ___ useful book it is !  a. what an b. how an c. what a  d. how a
(   ) 18. i’m not at home ________ may, but i’ll be back ________ 8th june.
a: in, in       b: on, on       c: in, on       d: on, in
(   ) 19. --- are you afraid of ______ at a _____ house , linda ?  --- no , i’ve grown  up .
a. alone ; alone  b. being lonely ; alone   c. being alone ;  lonely  d. lonely ; lonely
one day an old man is selling a big elephant. a young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. the old man goes up to him an d says in his ear, “ don’t say anything about the elephant before i sell it. then i will give you twenty dollars.” “all right,” says the young  man. after the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “ now, can you tell me how you found the elephant’s bad ears?” “  i didn’t find the bad ears,” says the young man. “ then , why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asks the old man. the young man answers, “because i have never seen an elephant before, and i want to know what it looks like.”
(  ) 1.  ______ the elephant.12345
 a. the young man sells         b. the old man sells
  c. the two men sell         d. the ol d man buys
(  ) 2. the young man is looking at the elephant slowly. he wants to find out ____.
  a. which foot of the elephant is bad    b. how heavy it is
  c. which ear of the elephant is bad     d. what it looks like
(  ) 3. the young man _______.
   a. knows the elephant has bad ears   b. wants to buy the elephant
  c. looks after the eleph ant    d. gets some money from the old man
(  ) 4. the young man _______.
a. is not interested in elephants   b. knows what an elephant looks like
c. has seen some elephants before  d. has never seen an elephant before
(  ) 5. hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably(可能) be ___
    a. angry      b. happy      c. dangerous     d. hungry



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