高一英语必修三第1单元|高一英语第二十单元 Mainly Revision

高一英语教案 2015-03-25 网络整理 晴天


科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit20.1.doc
标题 Mainly Revision
章节 第二十单元
关键词 高一英语第二十单元
Mainly Revision

四会单词和词组:ink , come out , throw away , metal , pot , form , at the same time , include , Spain , Spanish , engine , rocket

三会单词和词组:development , print , printing , press , method , lightly , unknown , everyday , net , fishing net , sheet , describe , steam

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Prohibition and warnings 禁止和警告

1 . You can\"t / must not…

2 . You\"d better not do it .

3 . Don\"t smoke ! / Don\"t be late !

4 . Look out ! / Take care ! /Be careful !

5 . If you… , you\"ll

6 . Be sure not to ( you don’t ) …

7 . If you don\"t want to…you\"d better…

8 . If you dare… , you\"ll…

9 . Look out for…/Be careful with…

Ⅲ. 语法学习


⒈ ⑴ It is such a modern machine few of the workers know how to operate it .

⑵ It is such a modern machine few of the workers know how to operate .

A. which B. that C. as D. the one

析:⑴ B ⑵ C 句 ⑴ 是 such … that 引导的结果状语从句。句 ⑵ 是定语从句,先行词前有 such 修饰时用 as 引导,as 在定语从句中作 operate 的宾语。

⒉ ⑴ Is this museum they visited last week ?

⑵ Is this the museum they visited last week ?

⑶ Is this farm you used to work ?

A. where B. that C. in which D. the one

析:⑴ D ⑵ B ⑶ A 句⑴、⑵是定语从句:句 ⑴ the one 是先行词,后面省略了 that 。句 ⑵ 关系代词 that 在定语从句中作 visited 的宾语,此句还可用 which 或省略关系代词。句 ⑶ 是 where 引导的表语从句。

⒊ ⑴ is well known to us all , the earth goes around the sun .

⑵ is well known to us all that the earth goes around the sun .

A. That B. As C. It D. Which

析:⑴ B ⑵ C 。句 ⑴ 是由 as 的非限制性定语从句,代替后面整个句子。句 ⑵ 是it 引导的主语从句。 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 that 引导的从句。

⒋ ⑴ I have two sisters , are doctors .

⑵ I have two sisters , and are doctors .

A. both of them B. both of whom

C. neither of them D. each of whom

析: ⑴ B ⑵ A 。句 ⑴ 是定语从句, 因从句中动词是 are ,所以只能选 B ,而不能选 D 。句 ⑵ 因有并列连词 and ,所以是并列句,再根据主谓一致原则,只能选 A 。

⒌ ⑴ I\"ll never forget the days I spent with him .

⑵ I\"ll never forget the day I was born .

A. when B. that C. on which D. both A and C

析:⑴ B ⑵ D 。 句 ⑴、⑵都是定语从句,句 ⑴ 中 that 在从句中作 spent 的宾语,还可用 which ,也可省略。句 ⑵ when 在定语从句作状语,也等于 on which ,故选 D 。

⒍ ⑴ Was it October 1 , 1949 the People\"s Republic of China was founded ?

⑵ Was it on October 1, 1949 the People\"s Republic of China was founded ?

A. in which B. on that C. that D. when

析:⑴ D ⑵ C 句 ⑴ 是 when 引导的定语从句,句 ⑵ 是强调句,特别注意句 ⑵ 中 October 之前的 on 。

⒎ ⑴ He is the only one of the students who the accident .

⑵ He is one of the students who the accident .

A. knows B. know C. had known D. known

析:⑴ A ⑵ B 句⑴、⑵都是定语从句,在“ the ( only ) one of + 复数名词 + 定语从句”结构中,先行词是 one ,而不是复数名词,故从句中谓语动词用单数。但是在“ one of + 复数名词 + 定语从句”句型中,先行词是复数名词,故从句中谓语动词用复数。

⒏ ⑴ Do you know the fact the sun is brighter than the moon ?

⑵ Do you understand the easiest fact he explained to you just now ?

A. that B. which C. the one D. as

析:⑴ A ⑵ A 句⑴是 that 引导的同位语从句, that 在从句中不作任何成分,不能省略。句 ⑵ 是 that 引导的定语从句, that 在从句中作 explain 的宾语,因先行词 fact 之前有最高级限制 easiest ,故只能用 that ,不可用 which 。

⒐ ⑴ This is the best reason he could give at the meeting .

⑵ This is the reason he didn\"t go to school this morning .

A. why B. that C. which D. because

析:⑴ B ⑵ A 。 句 ⑴ 是 that 引导的定语从句,that 在从句中作 give 的宾语,因先行词 reason 之前有 best 修饰,故只能用 that 。句 ⑵ 是 why 引导的定语从句,相当于 for which 。


是定语从句还是状语从句 ?


While reading the book , we\"d better make a mark we have any question .

A. at which B. at place where C. in which D. where

你或许要选择选项 A 或 C ,因为你认为此句含有一个介词 + which 引导的定语从句,然而句中的“ mark ”在逻辑意义上并非先行词,因为我们决不是在 mark 上有任何问题,所以 A 和 C 都不是正确选项。那么选择 B 正确吗?回答是否定的,虽然选项 B 中的“place ”可以充当 where 引导的定语从句的先行词,但单数可数名词被限制性定语从句表特指的概念,“ place ”前应有 冠词“ the ”。正确选项只能是D 了,即是由 where 引导的地点状语从句,此句中的 where 等于 at the place where 。再看下列句子。

I\"d like to take the pictures where stands the ancient tower . 我想在古塔那个地方照几张像。

Please put the chair where it was when the meeting is over . 请在会后把椅子放回原处。

Young people should go where they are badly needed . 青年人应该到最需要他们的地方去 。

以上三个句子均含有 where 引导的地点状语从句,句中的 where 可分别是由 in the place where , at the place where , to the place where 等替换。综上所述,引导地点状语从句的 where 通常可由适当的介词 + the place + 关系副词 where 替换,只要我们抓住这个关键就不难准确判断和使用 where 引导的定语从句和地点状语从句。最后再请试做下列选择题。

⒈ Many old people like to live there are many trees and flowers .

A. in which B. the place where C. in the place where D. which

⒉ This kind of bamboo grows best it is wet and warm .

A. which B. in which C. where D. the place in which

⒊ Africa is actually connected with Asia at the spot the Suez Canal was dug .

A. which B. in the place where C. the place where D. where

⒋ This is the laboratory we made the experiment the other day .

A. in the place where B. that C. which D. where

⒌ The nurse asked the children to sit they were .

A. at place where B. where C. the place where D. which

答案:1—5 CCDDB




1 . develop 用作及物动词,有四种意思。

〖点拨〗( 1 ) 发展……,使发育。例如:

He said it was right to develop heavy industry in this city . 他说在这个城市发展重工业是合适的。

Having sports will develop your health . 运动会增进健康。

Milk will be helpful in developing a child\"s body . 牛奶对孩子身体发育有帮助。

( 2 ) 发挥,开发,启发。例如:

They are developing a new coal mine . 他们在开发新煤矿。

It\"s important to develop the mind of students in our teaching . 在我们的教学中启发学生的思维是很重要的。

( 3 ) 产生,逐步显示出。例如:

Don\"t let your children develop such a habit . 别让你的孩子养成这样的习惯。

He developed an interest in gardening . 他显示出对园艺的兴趣。

( 4 ) 冲洗。例如:

Films used to be developed in a chemist\"s in the past . 过去胶片常在药房中冲洗。

2 . 用作不及物动词,表示“发展”,“发育”,“发达”。例如:

The business is developing rapidly . 生意正在快速的发展中。

An interest in cookery developed in Mary when she was ten . 在玛丽10岁的时候就有了对烹调的兴趣。

Plants develop from seeds . 植物从种子长大。

A chicken develops in the egg . 鸡雏在蛋中孵化。


China is a developing country . 中国是发展中国家。

America is a developed country . 美国是发达国家。

There are many undeveloped countries in Africa . 在非洲有许多不发达国家。

2. 名词 + 介词 + 同一名词

〖点拨〗year by year年年;每年,arm in arm 手挽手地,back to back 背靠背地,bit by bit 渐渐,day by day 逐日地,drop by drop 一滴滴地,end to end 头尾相接,eye to eye 看法完全一致, ( an ) eye for ( an ) eye 以牙还牙,face to face 面对面地,hand in hand 手携手地,heart to heart 推心置腹地 ( 坦白 ) ,little by little 慢慢地,man to man 真诚 ( 坦率地 ,one by one 依次,shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,step by step 逐步地,time after time 反复多次地 ( 再三 ) ,victory after victory 一个接一个的胜利,week after week 一周接一周地,word for word 逐字 ( 字对字地 ) ,year after year 一年接一年地

3. ink墨水;油墨(不可数名词)

We are running out of ink .

〖点拨〗a bottle of ink一瓶墨水。in ink =in pen =with a pen 用墨水写字。

4. method方法;办法

This method is still being used in most schools all over the world .

〖点拨〗method指相当精心拟订的一组方法,强调按步骤或系统进行实施的效率和精确性,常于介词with连用,with these methods用这些方法。means作“方法”是单复数一样,常与介词by连用,by this / that means用这 / 那 种方法。way是常用的方法,不需要技巧性,常于介词in连用,in this way用这种方法。

5. unknown不知道的

It is unknown to everyone . 那是人人都不知道的。

〖点拨〗sth / sb is unknown to sb某人或者某物是……所不知道的。注意该词在下面句中的反意疑问句仍用否定形式:What he wanted was unknown to me , wasn’t it ?

6. sheet成幅的薄片;薄板;一张;被单

two sheets of glasses两片玻璃。a sheet / piece of paper一张纸。

Please use a fresh sheet of paper for the next question .

Mother put the clean sheets on the beds for the guests .

7. include包括;包含

This plan includes most of your suggestions .


The rent is 80 yuan a month , including water and electricity .


Everyone went to the exhibition , me included ( =me being included).

8. trip , journey , travel , tour

〖点拨〗trip 是旅行和访问的总称。在英国,trip 通常指短程的观光旅行;在美国则包括搭乘短程交通工具以至徒步远足的所有旅行。例如:

a bus trip 汽车旅行,a business trip 出差

Four people are planning a bicycle trip . 有四个人计划一次自行车旅行。

How long will it take you to complete the trip ? 走完全程需要多长时间 ?

journey 常指长距离的、直接到达目的地的旅行。例如:

a day\"s journey 一天的行程,a journey by rail ( train ) 坐火车旅行


Why are you making this journey 你们为什么要作这次旅行 ?

可用 make a journey 也可以用 take a journey ; 还可以用 go ( start , set out ) on a journey . 等来表示“外出旅行”。

如果把人生也看作一次 journey,那么,He went on his last journey . ( 他踏上了人生的最后旅程。 ) ,实际是“死”的委婉说法。同样 This is his journey\"s end . ( 这是他旅途的终点。 ) 与“他的死期已到。”意思完全一样。

travel 也泛指旅行。如:

Which do you like better , sea travel or air travel ? 你比较喜欢海上旅行还是空中旅行 ?

I met a large number of people during my travel through America . 我到美国去旅行期间碰到了很多人。

travel 与 trip , journey 的最大区别在于:travel 是不可数名词,不能与冠词 a 连用。比较以下正误:

[ 误 ]I hope you had a good travel .

[ 正 ]I hope you had a good journey .

需要注意的是:尽管 travel 作“旅游、旅行”讲时是不可数名词,不与冠词 a 连用,但是却有复数形式 travels。这时,travel 可用来指包括访问过好几个地方的一次长时间的特别是海外的旅行。例如:

Did you go to Paris during your travels ? 你在旅途中有没有去巴黎 ?

travels 还可以指“游记”、“游行笔记”,尤其指国外的“游历”,用于此义时切不可用作单数。比较:

[ 误 ]You should write a book on your travel .

[ 正 ]You should write a book on your travels .

tour 意为“周游”,常带有根据一定的路线、事选预定了一些逗留地点,最后仍回到原出发点的含义。例如:

a tour round the world 环球旅行;a cycling tour 骑自行车旅游


We made a tour round a factory yesterday . 昨天我们游览了一个工厂。

除此之外,voyage 指水上和空中的游历、旅行,行程不分长短;outing 指短程的郊游、外出野餐,常用于口语中。


1. Chinese characters汉字

2. in history在历史上

There are many such examples in history .

Do you like to watch “Today in History”on TV . 你喜欢看电视上的“历史上的今天”吗?

注意:当history后有定语时常用:in the history of在……历史中。如:

He is one of the most important writers in the history of Chinese literature .

3. come out出来,出版;开花,发芽

How did the printing come out ? 字是什么时候印出来的 ?

When will the book come out ?

China Daily comes out every day .

I think the roses will come out next week .

注意:come out不能用被动语态。

4. back-to-front背面朝上

When you engrave a seal , you have to carve the characters back-to-front . 刻图章时,你得刻反字,将字的背面朝上。

5. throw away丢掉;浪费掉

After you printed the book , you had to throw away the carved pieces of wood .

The fish goes bad . Do throw it away .

6. use … for把……用作

We use brooms for sweeping floors .

What do you often use for sharpening your pencils ?

7. keep records of保存……的记录;把……记录下来

What did people use for keeping records in the past ?

Better keep a record of what you spend .

8. in (other) parts of在……(其它)地区

Rice is grown in many parts of China .

Such kind of fruit can be found in the southern part of this country .

However , in other parts of the world , much of the history over hundreds of years is completely unknown .

9. over hundreds of years在几百年间,数百年来

10. tie … together把……捆在一起。tie … to … 把……系在……。

11. for use作为之用

It is too valuable for everyday use . 这东西作为日常之用太贵重了。

12. again and again =over and over again , time and again 一再;再三

13. beat …flat把……打平

The fibres joined together and were beaten flat . 那些纤维绞在一起,被打平。

14. in a sheet成薄纸状

The fibres were dried in a sheet . 那些纤维经干燥后而成薄纸。

15. after a time过了一段时间

16. as early as早在……

Colour printing was also invented by the Chinese as early as the 10th century .

17. hold a competition举行比赛

18. win a prize获奖

Who won the first prize in the 100-meter race ?

19. with the development of随着……的发展

With the development of science , people will be able to find out more secrets of the universe .

20. put to use加以利用

We should put weekends to good use . 我们应该好好利用周末。

He puts his holidays to good use and gives a helping hand to the old .

21. do good to sb =do sb good 对某人有好处

What good can it do to us ?

Doing morning exercises will do good to you .

22. take / have lessons听课,学习

On Sunday , we can take lessons in foreign languages and computer science .


1 . The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years . 中国人造纸已经有两千年的历史了。

句中谓语 have been making 是现在完成进行时态,即由“have/has been + 现在分词”构成。这种时态主要表示在以前这一段时间里一直在进行的动作,该动作可能仍在进行,也可能刚停止。该句用现在完成进行时表示“中国人在两千年前已开始造纸,‘造纸’这一动作一直延续至今,而且将继续进行下去。”这种时态和现在完成时的区别主要在于它强调动作在某一段时间一直在进行,该动作通常有现在的结果。例如:

Father has been working in this car factory for ten years . ( 指他现在仍在这家汽车厂工作,而且将继续在这里工作。 )

Father has worked in this car factory for ten years . ( 指他至今为止在这家汽车厂工作了十年,至于今后是否还在这里继续工作,要视具体情况来定。 )

2 . As there was no paper in these countries , no records were kept . 由于这些国家没有纸,因此,也就没有史料记载。

( 1 ) as 在此作连词,意为“因为;既然”,引导原因状语从句,常置于句首,主要表示明显或以为明显的原因。例如:

As it\"s sunny , I\"ll go for a walk .

As she didn\"t come , we left without her .

( 2 ) no 当形容词作定语时,相当于 not a , not one 或 not any , 可修饰复数名词,也可修饰单数名词。no 修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式视 no 后面的名词的单复数形式而定。例如:

There\"s no telephone in our house .

There\"s no buses in this part of town .

3 . Although these were much more useful than the metal pots , they were still difficult to read and were very heavy to carry . 虽然这些比钟鼎文有用得多,但是读起来还很费劲,拿起来也很重。

( 1 ) much more useful than…中的 much 为副词,修饰比较级,表示程度。类似的还有 a lot , a little , far , even , still 等。

It\"s much/far/a lot colder today than yesterday .

Now it\"s raining even/still harder than before .

( 2 ) difficult to read 和 heavy to carry 都属于“形容词 + 不定式”结构,不定式在形容词后面作状语。在此结构中,不定式用主动表式表示被动含义,它和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾搭配关系,能够用于此结构的动词主要有 easy , hard , difficult , light , cheap , important , interesting 以及它们的反义词等。例如:

The old man is hard to get along with .

These novels are very interesting to read .

4 . This kind of paper was as soft and light as silk but much less expensive . 这种纸和丝帛一样轻柔,不过便宜得多。

less 和多音节形容词或副词可以构成比较级,正如 more 一样,但二者意思相反。此句中的 less expensive 即 cheaper。例如:

This story is less interesting than that one .

I think making model planes is less difficult than making model ships .


Two Mistakes

For a long time Dr Smith had wanted to get a better job in a certain big modern hospital . He was appointed to a particular position which he wanted , and his wife moved to the house which they were now to live in . The next day some beautiful flowers were sent to them , with a note which said , “ Deepest sympathy (沉痛悼念). ” Naturally , Dr Smith was angrily to receive such an unusual mote , and telephoned the shop which had sent the flowers to find what the note meant .

When the owner of the shop heard what had happened , he apologize to Dr Smith for having made the mistake .

“ But what really worried me much more , ” he added , “ is that flowers which ought to have gone to you were sent to a person who had just died , with a card which said , ‘Congratulations on your new position . ’ ”

很久以来,史密斯医生一直想在某一家大型的现代化医院找一份比较锡样的工作,这一天终于盼来了。他被任命为他想干的特殊位置,而他的妻子也搬进了他们现在住的房子。第二天送来一些鲜花,里面夹着一张条子,上面写着: “ 沉痛悼念 ” 。



“ 但真的使我更担心的是, ” 他补充道, “ 本应该送到你那里的鲜花却送给了一个刚死的人,鲜花里面夹着一张卡片,上面写着:‘祝贺你搬迁新居。’ ”


Can you answer the following funny questions ?

1. Why does time fly ?

2. Why did the girl put sugar under her pillow (枕头) ?

3. What kind of dog never bites ?

4. Name five days of the week without saying : Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , can you ?

5. What bee is good for your health ?

答案:1. To get away from all the people who are trying to kill (消磨)it . 2. She wanted sweet dreams . 3. A hot dog . 4. The day before yesterday , yesterday , today , tomorrow , the day after tomorrow . 5. Vitamin B (维生素B与B同音)




关系代词 who 和 that 的用法区别

在定语从句中,若先行词指人。其关系代词可用 who,whom , 也可用 that。

The girl who ( that ) is speaking at the meeting is our monitor .

※ 在下列情况下多用或须用 who。

1 . 关系代词在从句中作主语时,多用 who。

Do you know the man who spoke just now ?

The doctor who treated me was very experienced .

2 . 先行词 all , anyone , one , ones 等时,多用 who。

All who heard the news were excited .

Anyone who breaks the rule will be punished .

3 . 先行词为 those 和 people 时,多用 who。

Those who want can see sometimes act just as foolishly .

4 . 在非限制性定语从句中须用 who。

Tom\"s father , who is over sixty , still works hard .

Mr Green , whom you saw in the library yesterday , will teach us physics next term .

5 . 在被分隔的定语从句中须用 who。

A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you German .

6 . 在以 there be 开头的句子中多用 who。

There is a stranger who wants to see our headmaster .

7 . 一个句子中带有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词是 that , 另一个须用 who。

The student who was praised at the meeting is the monitor that is very modest and studies very hard .

※ 使用 that 的几种情况。

1 . 若先行词前有形容词最高级或序数词修饰时。

He is the finest comrade that I have ever worked with .

The first person ( that ) I visited there was Mr Green .

2 . 先行词前有 the same , the only 等修饰时。

She is the same teacher that was praised the other day .

She is the only person that understands me .

3 . 当主句是以 who 或 which 开头的特殊疑问句时,定语从句须用 thet,以免与先行词重复。

Who is the boy that was here just now ?

Which of us that knows something about physics does not know this ?

4 . 若先行词兼指人与物时,须用 that。

We know nothing about the doctors and the hospitals that you are talking about .

5 . 若关系代词在从句中作表语,一般须用 that。

He is not the man that he used to be .

He is not the naughty boy that he was five years ago .



A. 单元知识点精练

1 . — Has your teacher moved into the new building ?

— Not yet . The building ____ .

A . being built B . is building C . is being built D . is built

解析:本题四个选项中 A 不能用作谓语,排除。B 是现在进行时,而主语是物,不是正确答案 ( 主语是物时,应用被动语态 ) 。C、D 都是被动语态形式,但根据上、下文,用 C ( 现在进行时的被动语态 ) 比较恰当。

2 . The reason why he was late was ____ he had taken a wrong bus .

A . what B . whether C . now D . that

解析:这是一个含有两个从句的复合句。why he was late 是定语从句,修饰 the reason;空白处以后应为表语从句。陈述句作表语时,应用 that 引导,故本题答案是 D。

3 . — I don\"t think I can walk any farther .

— ____ . Let\"s stop here for a rest .

A . Neither an I B . Neither can I C . I don\"t think so D . I think so

解析:根据语境,尤其是 Let\"s stop here for a rest 的暗示,空白处词意应为我也不能。因为 C、D 明显与题意不符。A、B 中都有 neither,但 A 中的动词明显与前句不一致,故答案应为 B。

4 . Has ____ been decided ____ the artist will attend the meeting ?

A . it ; that B . that ; that C . it ; it D . that ; /

解析:本题测试的是主语从句及 it 的用法。根据句意可知:句子后半部分是主语从句,由 that 引导,前边用 it 作形式主语,故答案是 A。另外,也可把 It has been decided that…作为一个惯用句型记忆,表示“……已经被决定”。

5 . When I came into his room , Mr Black was reading ____ novel .

A . a new interesting historical B . an interesting historical new

C . a new historical interesting D . an interesting new historical

解析:本题测试几个形容词连用时的词序排列问题。几个形容词连用,哪个在前,哪个在后,不是随意排列的。一般情况下,紧挨名词的形容词应是说明名词的用途或说明具体内容的;前面是表示形状、状态的形容词;再前面是表示性质的形容词。本题的答案为 D。多个形容词连用时的顺序是较复杂的问题,做题时应多读几遍,认真体会语感和平时的使用习惯。

6 . What is the difference ____ the pronunciation ____ these two words ?

A . with ; in B . in ; between C . at ; among D . about ; between

解析:本题重点测试 among 和 between 的区别和 difference 后的介词搭配。句尾是“two words”,显然 A、C 搭配不当,应予排除。difference 常用介词 in 连用,表示“在……方面不同”,答案是B。再如:What\"s the difference in temperature between the day and the night ? ( 白天和夜晚的温差是多少 ? )

7 . The harder you ____ , the better progress you ____ .

A . will work ; will make B . work ; have made

C . work ; will make D . will work ; make

解析:根据句意,前一句的意思是先决条件,后一句是结果。所以,work hard 和 make progress 的动作有先后之分,故前一空用现在时,后一空用将来时。答案是 C。

B. 单元关键句型练与析

请同学们根据所给中文提示完成下列句子,注意每空填一个词 。

1 . 起初人们不喜欢她。

________ _______ _______ ______ people didn\"t like her .

2 . 其余的学生都是女孩。

________ _______ _______ the students _______ all girls .

3 . 他过去常常在六点钟起床。

He ________ _______ get up at six in the morning .

4 . 他们异口同声地说“对”。

They said “Yes”_______ _______ _______ _______ .

5 . 他教书谋生。

He makes a living _______ _______ .

6 . 别扔旧这些旧报纸。

________ _______ _______ the old newspaper .

7 . 写这封信花了我一整天的时间。

________ _______ _______ the whole day _______ _______ the letter .

8 . 据信他已去了上海了。

________ _______ _______ _______ he has gone to Shanghai .

9 . 随着城市的发展,越来越多的人来到城里。

________ _______ _______ of the city , more and more people have come to live in it .

10 . 我姐姐毕业后一直在这所中学工作。

My sister _______ _______ _______ in the high school since her graduation .

答案与简析: 1 . In/At the beginning。表示“在开始时”,“起初”用 in/at the beginning。 2 . The rest of … were/are。表示“其余的”,“剩下的”,要有 the rest of …结构。其谓语动词要视 of 后面所跟 的内容用单或复数形式。 3 . used to。表示“过去常常”用 used to do sth . 结构。 4 . at the same time。“异口同声”即同时,应用 at the same time。 5 . by teaching。表示“用……方式”,“靠……手段”应用 by doing sth . 结构。 6 . throw away。“扔掉”是一习语,用 throw away。 7 . It took me…to write。表示“干某事花了某人多少时间”用句型 It takes sb . some time to do sth . 。 8 . It is believed that。表示据说 ( 信、报到、了解…… ) ……要有“It is/was + 过去分词 ( said , believed , reported , known… ) + that”这一结构。 9 . With the development。表示“随着……”要用“with + 复合宾语结构”。 10 . Has been teaching。表示一个动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时刻还在继续进行,应用现在完成进行时。


下面这篇短文共240多个词,请将它缩写成130 — 150词。将短文的第二人称改为第一人称。

If someone asks you how you can make yourself always happy , you will perhaps find that it is rather difficult for you to give him a proper answer . Do you remember an old saying : “No human being ( 人类 ) can really be happy who is not giving or trying to give happiness to others . ” ? If you are always thinking of taking more from others and giving them less , you will not be able to have happiness in your life though you are very rich .

Do you want to make yourself happy every day ? here is an easy way for you . If each of you follows it , there will soon be an end of many unhappy days of yours . When you get up early in the morning , you should decide to make the day happy one to others . It is easy to do a small thing given to one who needs it , a kind word to our unhappy neighbour , little help to a friend of your own , no matter how important .

Try to teach yourself to think first of others and last of yourself . Learn to give up your own pleasure or your own way when it is necessary to do so , then you may know it is much happier to give than to receive . Always remember selfishness ( 自私 ) is the greatest course of the human race ( 人类 ) .



We can make ourselves happy if we help others live happily . As everyone knows : “No human being can be really happy who is not giving or trying to give happiness to others . ” The way to make ourselves happy every day is to make the day a happy one to others . We can give someone a small thing in need , say a kind word to our unhappy neighbour , or offer a friend of ours unimportant help — these are enough to give happiness to others , and also to ourselves.

We should think first of others and last of ourselves . We should give up our own pleasure or our own way when necessary . It is much happier to give than to take . Selfishness is the greatest course of the human race .


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