2020年高考英语知识点|2020届高考英语知识点专题复习TheInternetandTelecommunications 因特网与电信

高三英语教案 2014-10-07 网络整理 晴天


the internet and telecommunications 因特网与电信

man:how many words can you type a minute?
man:good!my present secretary types only 50.
man:4 dollars an hour,ok?i pay my secretary only two and a half dollars an hour and she works 6 hours a day.
woman:__3__i won’t work if you pay me less than 5 dollars.
man:well,i can only spend 100 dollars at most a week.er,__4__
woman:20 hours.
man:now i’ll pay you four and a half dollars per hour for 20 hours week,is it ok with you?
woman:__5__i’ll come to work tomorrow.
a.just over 40 words.
b.how much do you charge?
c.about 90 words.
d.how many hours can you work every week?
e.i’m afraid i can’t accept it.
f.how much will you pay me?
g.all right.
1.he was worried,because he lost his bag ________ his passport,id card and a lot of money.
a.included          b.including
c.contained       d.containing
2.—don’t interrupt me.i’m thinking of something.
—i know you’re hoping to ________ some topics for your project,but have a cup of coffee and it might excite your mind.
a.put up        b.think
c.come up with      d.turn up
3.________ them,you will find there is something in common between them.
a.comparing with      b.comparing to
c.compared       d.comparing
4.the explorers were told to ________ themselves with everything they would need for the adventure.
a.associate       b.relate
c.connect        d.equip
5.what is well known to us all is that success________three important factors:talent,diligence and luck.
a.consists of       b.is consisting
c.makes up       d.is made up
6.the teacher said that the new curriculum for the next term ________ by the end of last week.
a.has been designed      b.had been designed
c.has designed       d.had designed
7.i’m sure the beauty of ________ nature  there will make ________ excellent impression upon you.
a.the;an        b./;the
c.the;/        d./;an
8.the ________ look on his face suggested that the boy ________ that.
a.surprising;hadn’t expected  b.surprised;hadn’t expected12345
c.surprising;didn’t expect  d.surprised;shouldn’t expect
9.weather ________, we’ll go swimming in the river tomorrow.
a.permits        b.permitting
c.to permit       d.permitted
10.last night mr crook didn’t come back at the usual time.________,he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.
a.meanwhile       b.however
c.instead        d.yet
11.the number of women workers in this new factory ________ 300,that is to say,it ________ 20%.
a.has increased by;has increased to
b.have increased to;has increased by
c.has increased to;has increased by
d.have increased by;has increased to
12.after her husband died,she had no choice but ________ doing some washing.
a.to live with       b.live by
c.live with        d.to live by
13.mary________many of her classmates is fond of eating ice cream.
a.as good as      b.as well as
c.as far as        d.as long as
14.english can help us________people and make us stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.
a.agree with       b.express with
c.communicate with     d.write to
15.—may i have your________to leave a little earlier?
—of course,but you should come back tomorrow by 8 o’clock.
a.permission       b.conclusion
c.encouragement      d.suggestion

as a child growing up,i have very few memories of the times when we gathered as a family to sit down and eat dinner together.i grew up in a home where both of my parents worked.my mother taught school,and my father worked during the night at a local chemical plant.there was not much time available for us to sit down to eat dinner together due to my parents’conflicting work schedules and the extracurricular (课外的) activities in which my sister and i participated.
it wasn’t until i got married and had two children of my own that i began to realize the importance of eating dinner together.in my family there are elements that take us away from each other,day in and day out,but as a mother i feel it is my responsibility to bring us all back together again at the end of the day.in my house,dinnertime is a time of thanks.i give thanks for the food we share,but i am more thankful for the family i share it with.dinnertime is a time for us to share our day,and reflect on our thoughts.it is also a time when we learn about honesty,perseverance,courage,sympathy,and friendship.above all it is a time when my family are able to connect with the ones they love.12345
as i look at the bread basket which sits on my kitchen table,i am reminded of how the basket’s tight weave resembles the tightly woven strands (股) of my family.i believe that through our family dinners,we will not only pass around the meat and potatoes,but we will also pass along virtues (美德) that will shape and mold (塑造) us so that we can forever embrace one another just as the basket embraces the bread.
1.what does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?
a.the family.       b.the food.
c.dinnertime.       d.my house.
2.according to the author,during dinnertime ________.
a.we should remember the one who prepares the dinner
b.we can learn all sorts of knowledge from other people
c.communication among family members will be improved
d.it is healthy for people to express their opinions
3.the author concludes the passage by________.
a.making comparisons
b.telling her own story
c.summarizing the main idea
d.presenting facts
4.what is the main idea of the passage?
a.it is pleasant to spend time with your family.
b.it is necessary to participate in family activities.
c.it is vital to balance work and family time.
d.it is important to have family dinner together.
imagine yourself in a small airplane 3,300 meters above the ground.the engines roar in your ears as you move towards the open door.then you’re outside,falling with the wind whipping past your ears.as the ground rushes up at you,you open your parachute.it explodes over your head,jerking (猛推) you back and upwards.all in all,you were in free fall for only 30 seconds—the longest 30 seconds of your life.
for most of us,skydiving is something we only see in the movies,but a growing number of adventurers are taking the plunge.obviously skydiving isn’t something you can just try,like fishing or bowling.so,if you want to attempt the sport,you’ll need to go to ground school.
ground school is where you learn to jump,without leaving the ground.the course is taught by licensed skydiving instructors who have been jumping for years.
they’ll teach you how to keep your body position stable.you’ll also learn to be constantly aware of your altitude and,most importantly,when to open your parachute.
once you’re through with ground school,it’s time to get up in the air.however,a new jumper never jumps alone.two instructors always jump with the person,ready to pull the student’s parachute open if he or she freezes up.12345
no doubt,you’re thinking skydiving is a dangerous sport.it certainly seems dangerous when you’ re watching someone fall at 200 km/hr.but,if you believe the statistics,skydiving is actually safer than driving,with one fatality (死亡) occurring in approximately 60,000 jumps.moreover,most enthusiasts agree all fear stops the second your feet leave the plane,and when you land,the only thought in your mind is,“wow!i want to do that again!”
5.as a whole,the first paragraph is________.
a.informative       b.descriptive
c.instructive       d.persuasive
6.the underlined phrase “taking the plunge” (in paragraph 2) probably means________.
a.avoiding doing something important
b.starting to talk about something
c.deciding to do something risky
d.thinking about something first
7.what can we learn from this passage?
a.skydiving is an extremely dangerous sport.
b.new jumpers can jump alone at ground school.
c.new jumpers possibly fail to open the parachute.
d.skydiving instructors teach you how to make the parachute.
8.the best title for this passage would be________.
a.skydiving,an extreme sport
b.ground school for skydiving
c.instructors teaching skydiving
d.enthusiasts for skydiving
1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.d
1.c 2.f 3.e 4.d 5.g
1.d 句意为:他很担心,因为他丢了装有护照、身份证和许多钱的包。contain表示“装有”与bag构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此用containing,作后置定语修饰bag。
2.c 根据句意应填入“想出”这一意思的短语。put up举起,支起,think后加of/out表示“想出,想到”,come up with想到,turn up出现,故选c项。
3.d 根据句意和句子结构可知you为主语,与compare之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词作状语,compare作“比较”之意时为及物动词,可排除a、b两项。
4.d 句意为:探险家们被告知他们自己要准备好探险所需要的所有设备。equip...with用……装备……,associate...with...与……有联系,connect...with...将……与……连在一起,relate要与to搭配。
5.a consist of意为“由……组成”,不用于被动语态,意思相当于be made up of。句意为“我们都知道成功由三个重要因素组成:天分、勤奋加上运气”。
6.b 首先根据句意the new curriculum与design之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动,可排除c、d两项,再根据时间状语by the end of last week,要用过去完成时。
7.d 第一空为“自然的美”泛指自然,应使用零冠词;第二空后impression为可数名词应使用冠词,构成固定搭配make an impression on sb.,指“给……(某人)留下印象”。
8.b 句意为:男孩脸上惊讶的表情表明他没料到这件事情。形容词来修饰look,说明的是这个男孩的一种情感态度,要用­ed形式的形容词,排除a、c项。“表明,暗示”这一动作和expect相比较,应是expect这一动作发生在前,所以要用过去完成时。12345
9.b weather与permit构成独立主格结构在句中作状语。weather与permit之间具有逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词表主动。
10.c 句意为:昨天晚上克鲁克先生没有像往常一样按时回来,相反,他见了几个朋友,并在外面一直待到深夜。meanwhile同时;however然而;instead—in place of something or someone代替,而不是,相反;yet仍然。根据句意,只有instead符合句意。
11.c increase/rise/fall等表示增减的程度用介词by,表示增减到最终的数用介词to。另外the number of...作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。
12.d have no choice but to do sth.除了做……别无选择;live by doing sth.靠……谋生。
13.b 根据谓语动词is fond of可知,as...as many of her classmates短语为插入成分。
14.c 由句意知是“和……交流”。
15.a 由说话者双方的语气和谈话内容可知,问话者是想早点离开,have one’s permission to do sth.意为“得到某人的允许做某事”。
【语篇解读】 一位母亲结合自身的经历和感受,论述了家人一起用餐的重要性。
1.b 指代题。前后两分句是递进关系,注意句中thanks与more thankful,两个share,以及food与it的前后对应关系。the family 后接的i share it with 是一个省略了关系词(that或whom)的定语从句。
2.c 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“above all it is a time when my family are able to connect with the ones they love”可知,在吃饭的时候,家人之间的交流可以得到促进。故选c。connect with sb.(与某人)建立良好关系,沟通。b项的all sorts of knowledge有误,作者列举的honesty,perseverance,courage,sympathy,and friendship实际上指的是文章最后一句提到的virtues(美德)。
3.a 文章结构题。作者用比喻的手法总结并结束了全文,注意最后一段第一句的resembles和第二句的as,两个词语都可用来表示比喻。第一句“how the basket’s tight weave resembles the tightly woven strands of my family”的意思是:紧密编织起来的面包篮和我们这拧成一股绳的一家是多么相像。第二句“so that we can forever embrace one another just as the basket embraces the bread”的意思是:这样,我们就可以像面包篮拥抱着面包一样,永远地拥抱在一起。
4.d 主旨大意题。文章主要讲的是家人一起用餐的重要性,关键句是第二段第一句“it wasn’t until...realize the importance of eating dinner together.”
【语篇解读】 跳伞看起来危险,实际上是很安全的运动。你想跳伞吗?那么请加入地面学校吧!
5.b 推理判断题。文章第一段主要对跳伞这一过程进行了描述,故应是descriptive (描写的)。
6.c 词义猜测题。前面的but和adventurers暗示出taking the plunge的意思为“冒险尝试,采取决定性步骤”。
7.c 细节推断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“two instructors always jump with the person,ready to pull the student’s parachute open if he or she freezes up.”可以得出b项错误,c项正确;由文章最后一段可知,作者认为跳伞是比较安全的运动,故a项错误;d项与文章内容不符。
8.a 主旨大意题。根据全文内容不难看出本文主要叙述的是skydiving (跳伞运动)。b、c、d三项都不全面。



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