2020届高考英语答案|2020届高考英语Units15~20 ThenecklaceScientistsatwork知识点复习

高三英语教案 2014-10-07 网络整理 晴天


units 15~16 the necklace  scientists at work  

1.i can never forget one afternoon ten years ago________you came to my house and helped me out of trouble.
a.while  b.when  c.that  d.where
2.more natural resources should be________use of to meet the increasing need of energy.
a.put  b.brought  c.taken  d.made
解析:此是make use of短语的被动语态形式。
3.i told you that you shouldn’t waste your time playing football all day long,________?
a.didn’t i  b.did i  c.should you  d.shouldn’t you
4.this material________,so be careful when you wear it.
a.is torn easily  b.is torn easy  c.tears easily  d.tears easy
5.________existed a certain doubt among the workers as to the necessity of the work.
a.it  b.there  c.what  d.that
解析:表示“对……有疑虑”要用there is/exists a doubt句式。
6.it took mary a long time to________a new dress at the store.
a.pick up  b.pick out  c.take up  d.take out
解析:pick up“捡起”;pick out“挑出”;take up“从事于”;take out“拿出”。
7.these colors won’t________if exposed to the sun.
a.last  b.hold  c.keep  d.insist
8.there were also a gun and a thin piece of rope with the end________in a circle.
a.being tied  b.tying  c.to be tied  d.tied
9.a line of forts was built along the border to________the country against attack.
a.prevent  b.support  c.protect  d.control
10.a cup of hot milk on a cold night is________.
a.real comfort  b.a real comfort  c.real comforts  d.real comfortable
what separates me from everyone else?the difference is not what clothes i wear or the music i listen to,but what i feel__1__.ever since i was young,i have loved professional wrestling.as i grew older,my friends__2__me for following what was called a “man’s soap opera.”__3__,i put my love for wrestling on the shelf.it was not until freshman year that i__4__i wasn’t being myself.1234
that year,i tried many new things and activities.in my town,football was the sport,so i decided to play football,__5__it might give me a head__6__in popularity.the team started with forty¬eight athletes.__7__,there were fourteen of us left.i stuck it out not because i liked it,but because i am not a quitter.that long season taught me a(n)__8__: i wasn’t a football player.more importantly,it taught me to be__9__.
after that season,i__10__back to being a wrestling fan.i came across a well¬known saying: “don’t dream it.be it.” when i read this,my friend dan and i had the__11__idea.
“what if we build a wrestling ring?” we asked.the following weekend,we met at his house.we saw our__12__in a pile in his backyard.we worked from dawn to dusk to build our great project.our hard work paid__13__.we had a real ring.we decided to hold an “event”.we practiced for hours,trying to__14__every aspect (方面) of our wrestling ability.the date was may 24th.to our surprise,about one hundred friends and fans showed up to__15__us.it was the most important night of my life and a__16__success.since that time,we have held five shows with as many as two hundred and fifty people training out.we__17__to live this dream.we accomplished what we set out to do.
as my senior year winds down,i’ll remember all of my high school memories.but__18__will stick out most is the memory that i did something i__19__,despite what everyone said or thought.i achieved the__20__...i lived my dream.
1.a.outside  b.inside  c.behind  d.beside
2.a.laughed at  b.talked about  c.listened to  d.called on
3.a.then  b.but  c.and  d.so
4.a.admitted  b.noticed  c.realized  d.declared
5.a.thinking  b.finding  c.remembering  d.guessing
6.a.level  b.start  c.end  d.point
7.a.at the end  b.at the beginning   c.in return  d.on one hand
8.a.art  b.truth  c.fact  d.lesson
9.a.oneself  b.somebody  c.myself  d.nobody
10.a.gave  b.went  c.put  d.set
11.a.original  b.perfect  c.same  d.correct
12.a.dream  b.success  c.progress  d.future
13.a.for  b.out  c.off  d.back
14.a.discover  b.learn  c.improve  d.show
15.a.praise  b.support  c.teach  d.follow1234
16.a.gradual  b.complete  c.endless  d.timeless
17.a.had  b.began  c.preferred  d.continued
18.a.why  b.how  c.which  d.what
19.a.loved  b.faced  c.studied  d.needed
20.a.task  b.step  c.goal  d.game
in recent years many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive.some experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied.but do more various jobs lead to greater productivity?there are facts to suggest that while variety certainly makes the worker’s life more enjoyable,it does not actually make him work harder.as far as increasing productivity is concerned,then variety is not an important factor.
other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important,and there is no doubt that this is true.the problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its complicated machinery that must be used in a fixed way.thus while freedom of choice may be important,there is usually very little that can be done to create it.
another very important consideration is how each worker contributes to the product he is making.in most factories the worker sees only one part of the product.some car factories are now experimenting with having many small production lines rather than one large one,so that each worker contributes more to the production of the cars on his line.it would seem that not only is degree of the worker’s contribution an important factor,therefore,but it is also one we can do something about.
to what degree does more money lead to greater productivity?the workers themselves certainly think this is important.maybe they want more money only because the work they do is boring.money just lets them enjoy their spare time more.a similar argument may explain demands for shorter working hours.perhaps if we succeed in making their jobs more interesting,they will neither want more money,nor will shorter working hours be so important to them.
1.which of the following is the best way to make workers work harder according to the author?
a.increasing their pay.
b.giving them more spare time.
c.making the work itself meaningful.
d.replacing large production lines with small ones.
2.the reason why a worker cannot have freedom in doing the job in his own way is that ________.1234
a.the machine is so badly needed that more of it should be bought
b.there are few production lines in factories
c.the bosses can create very little freedom of choices
d.the machines must be operated strictly according to instructions and rules
3.besides money,what may make workers work more actively?
a.extra free hours.  b.more comfort of life.
c.interesting jobs.  d.better working conditions.
4.the best title for this passage may be ________.
a.problems of modern workers
b.making jobs more interesting
c.pushing workers to produce more
d.how to improve labor productivity
率,因此用push 很符合作者的立场。



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