
高二英语教案 2014-06-27 网络整理 晴天


module 1 life in the future
一. fill in the blanks and try to translate them.
1. no one knows for sure, and _________________ is a risky business.
2. in the future, _____ for the environment will become very important ____ earth’s natural resources __________.
3. we will also have to _____ more ____ alternative energy, ______ solar and wind power.
4. all this seems certain, but there are __________ things about city life in the future _____ are not certain.
5. ______________what young people think about the future of urban life, a teacher at a university in texas in the united states asked his students  _________ how they would ______ a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025.
6. _____________ garbage problems, the city will ______ huge spaceships ______ waste materials and send them towards the sun, ___________ landfill and environmental problems.
7. police will arrest criminals  _____________nets instead of guns.
8. no smoking will be allowed _________ a future city’s limits.
9. everyone will be given a telephone number _______ that will never change  _________________ they live.
10. all forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and others, will be provided _____________ by the city.
11. distance surgery will become common as doctors ___________ operations from thousands of miles away, with each city _________ its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.
12. senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world __________ high-tech cameras ____________ their head.
13. __________ in space by ordinary citizens will be common.
二. 如何写预测未来的文章
1. 注意时态。多用一般将来时或将来进行时
2. 常用句型
1). 未来的生活怎样是很难预测的。
2). 但是, 我们可以对未来的发展做出一些预测。
3). 网上购物将变得越来越流行. 对那些去商店的人来说,购物已不再是一种需要。它已经成为一种娱乐方式。
4). 未来人们将能拥有更长久更健康的寿命, 而且在老年也能很活跃.
5). 未来的------将与今天的----大有不同。
6). 人们将用----来代替----
7). 事情是肯定会发生变化的。我们不能确定我们的梦想是否会实现, 但是,至少我们可以满怀希望我们改善世界的努力会成功的。
8). 并不是所有预测都会实现。
3. useful expressions
it is hard to predict-------                 making predictions is ------
i think / i hope that ----                  there will be ----
people at that time will / won’t have to ----   i’m not really sure about ----
maybe i’ll probably-----          
what will--- in the future be like/ look like?
people will use more---instead of ----
all shopping will be done online at home.
people can do ---- without leaving their homes.
there is no doubt that (毫无疑问)----
with the development ---, ---will become possible.
people in the future will surely enjoy a ----life.

请根据以上提示, 以life in the future 为题,写一篇100 字左右的文章,可从以下几方面选写两三点
1.未来的房屋会怎样?               2.未来的交通方式会怎样?
3.未来的购物方式会发生什么变化?    4.未来的教育会怎样?
5.未来的城市将是怎样?             6.未来的气候会如何?
参考词汇:交通(transportation)气候(climate)远程教育(distance education)
_____________________________________________________(未来的生活怎样是很难预测的), but _____________________________________________(我们可以对未来的发展做出一些预测。___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
it is certain that things will change. we can’t be sure  ________________________(我们的梦想是否会实现),but we can at least be hopeful that___________________________________________(我们改善世界的努力会成功的)。if we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in sore.1234
module 1 listening
tapescript on page 5
i: good afternoon everybody and on the programme this afternoon is an _____ on american domestic architecture, mr simon oppenheim who’s going to talk to us about the house of the future.
i: so where shall we be living in twenty years’ time?
g: twenty years isn’t a long time. we won’t be living underground or in space. we’ll be living in houses and flats just as we do today.
i: what will the houses look like?
g: i think they’ll look much the same as they do today., at least from the outside. but they will be different inside.
i: in what way?
g: __________, they’ll be more flexible. that means we’ll be able to move the walls to create bigger or smaller rooms when we want to. so the dining room and living room _______________ would disappear.
i: and the kitchen?
g: the kitchen will become the most important room in the house! we’ll still be cooking, and we’ll probably be using the kitchen more as a family room. and bathrooms will be bigger.
i: so we’ll be spending more time in the bath.
g: just as other people have done in the past, like in the days of the ancient romans, when the bath had an important social function.
i: what about furniture?
g: well, a lot of furniture will be the same---- we’ll still be sitting in chairs and using cupboard to keep things in, but the technology will be different. i think a single computer will control most of the functions in the house, and it will have a voice recognition system.
i: so we’ll just have to say switch on the light and the light __________?
g: yes, that’s right. and the technology will be smarter.
i: smarter? www.xkb1.com
g: yes. for example, if we __________ something, like there’s no more milk left in the fridge, the computer will tell us. maybe a shopping list would appear on a screen on the fridge. and the toilet will move higher or lower, ___________ who uses it-----a child or an adult.
i: will the houses of the future be environment friendly?
g: yes, definitely. we’ll be using machines which use less energy. any example could be a dishwasher which doesn’t need water. i think everyone will be trying hard to take care of the environment.
i: does that mean you’re optimistic about the future?
g: oh yes, very_________.

workbook tapescript on page 71
speaker 1
int = interview, ast= architect
int: what will be the most important advances in your area of science over the next 20 years?
ast: space research will ________ quickly. i think we’ll know _______whether there has ever been life on mars. i hope this will happen in the next ten years while i am still alive. also, we will send people to the moon. i’m sure there will be a station on the moon and people will be living there in 20 years’ time. we will use it as a base for manned trips to mars.1234
int: which area of science will be most important?
ast: my own profession---astronomy.
int: what do you think will be most different about the world in 2020?
ast: __________, i don’t think things will change a lot for ordinary people. i hope we will learn some common sense but i doubt it. i don’t think humans will progress a lot. i’m afraid we won’t change our behaviour and things won’t get better.
speaker 2
int: what will be the most important advances in your area of science over the next 20 years?
surg: telesurgery will develop very quickly. a surgeon like me will be able to perform operations _____________, from thousands of miles away. there will be special clinics with telesurgery equipment in every city.
int: which area of science will be most important?
surg: alternative energy research. this will become vitally important because our natural resources are ____________. we will develop alternative energy resources such as wind and solar power.
int: what do you think will be most different about the world in 2020?
surg: i think there will be too many people for our world. environment problems will be very serious. the future frightens me.
speaker 3
int: what will be the most important advances in your area of science over the next 20 years?
arch: _____________, there will be a lot more very big cities. most people will be living in high-rise buildings. individual houses are ______________. hardly anyone will have their own house in 2020. there simply won’t be enough space.
int: which area of science will be most important?
arch: medical science. it will make huge progress. scientists will find the cure for cancer and people will live longer and healthier lives.
int: what do you think will be most different about the world in 2020?
arch: i think people all over the world will live better lives. there won’t be so much poverty, and _______, there won’t be any wars. i’m very confident about the future.



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