
高二英语教案 2014-06-27 网络整理 晴天


module two  grammar & function & writing
一、 我自学:
1、____________ her, the king immediately falls in love with her.
2、he married her, ______________ who she really is.
3、____________ what has happened, he decides to go to war with the witch.
4、_____________ his kingdom, he calls his son to him.
5、_____________ about the situation for several months, he decides that he’ll have to……
6、_____________ by a pool, ferdinand sees a frog.
二、 我探究:
1、pay attention to the sentences 4,5,6, and try to find the relation between the two verbs in each sentence.
verbs: sentence 4: ______ ______    sentence 5: ______ ______  sentence 6: _______ _______
relation:   which sentences describe two things that happen at the same time?
          which sentences describe one thing happening immediately after another?
          which sentences describe one thing happening immediately before another?
conclusion: 强调谓语动词同时发生则用 _____________
          强调谓语动词动作之前或动作之后则用 ________ , ________
2、pay attention to the sentences 1,3 and try to find the relation between them.
similarity: ______________________       meaning: ________________________
3、v-ing 做状语
(1) _______   walking in the street, i met a friend of mine.
(2) _______   she rang him up, hoping to get his concert.
(3) _______   working hard, you’ll succeed.
(4) _______   being poor, the old man was happy.
(5) _______   he sat at the table, reading a magazine.
(6) _______   laughing and talking, they went into the room.
4、pay attention to the sentence 2 and think how to add “not” to this kind of sentence.
your conclusion: ____________________________________________________
三、 我评价:
1、finish the activity 1 on page 20 and activity 3 on page 21.
2、write a fantasy story using what we learnt in this class. the help is showed on your book on page 21&24



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