unit13the power of beliefs|Unit13Thewaterplanet知识点总复习教案

高二英语教案 2014-06-26 网络整理 晴天


高二英语unit13 the water planet知识点总复习教案
section iii  词汇、语法、综合技能
20. if he played a bad trick on you, the manager would say you were the thief and call in the police. 如果他捉弄你的话,经理就会说你是小偷,并报警。(p.22 ex.2 倒数3-2行)
  ▲play a trick on意为“捉弄”“开玩笑”,也可以说play sb. a trick。如:① he played her a bad trick by taking all her money. 他跟她开了个恶劣的玩笑,把她的钱全拿去了。② it never occurred to me that they were playing a trick on me.我从未想到他们是在捉弄我。③ they played a thousand tricks on him.他们千方百计地欺骗他。④ they are playing harmless tricks on one another. 他们正彼此毫无恶意地恶作剧。
  ▲call in作“找来”“请来”解,通常是指请医生或警察。如:① call in a doctor at once. 马上把医生请来。② he insisted that we should call in a expert at this point. 这时他坚决主张我们去请一位专家来。
  ▲call in可作“来访”“到……那里去”解。如:① he called in and told us that the machine had been badly damaged.他来告诉我们机器受到了严重损坏。② i formed the habit of calling in on them in the evenings.我每天晚上都到他们那里去,这已形成了习惯。
  ▲ call in还有“收回”之意。如:the librarians has called in all the books.图书馆管理员把书都收回去了。
  【注】call in作“来访”解时,可看作不及物动词,如表示“访问某人”,要说call in on sb.。如:① could you call in on mum on your way home? 你能不能在回家的路上看看妈妈? ② i got into the habit of calling in on the bookstore on my way home. 我在回家的路上总要去书店看看,这已成了习惯。
21. an estuary is the body of water where a river meets the ocean. 河口是河流与海洋汇合的水域。(p. 22 integrating skills 第2行)
▲ meet的用法归纳 (1) 遇;相见 let"s meet for dinner. 我们一起吃晚饭吧。(2) 遭遇i met (with) a lot of difficulties in the work. 在工作中我遭遇了许多困难。 (3) 认识,被引见 come to the party and meet some interesting people.来参加聚会,认识一些有意思的人。(4) 迎接 the taxi will meet the train. 计程车将与火车接头。(5) 满足  does this meet your hopes? 这个满足你的愿望了吗?
  ▲ 辨析:meet与meet with
  *meet 往往暗示双方从相反或不同的方向相对而行,其宾语通常是人或人格化的事物的名词 (如:a person, a bus, a train, etc.)。
  *meet with 有“遭受,经历”的含义,其后多接抽象名词(如:accident,difficulty,misfortune,opposition,etc.);meet with后也可接表示人的名词,这时强调“遇到”的偶然性。此外,meet with常见的意思还有“迎见,会见”,这时可用meet取代。① i met your sister this morning. 我今天上午碰见了你姐姐。② the suggestion met with disfavour. 这项建议受到冷遇。③ he met (with) the prime minister of japan for an hour and a half. 他和日本首相会见了一个半小时。1234
▲ 注意:在现代英语中,meet有时可以换用meet with,有“遭受,经历”的含义。 that was the first difficulty we met (with). 这是我们第一次碰到的困难。
22. the mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kinds. 这种淡水和盐水的混合创造了一个充满各种生命的独特的环境。
▲create在本课中作“造成”“引起”解。如:① this created a serious marketing problem. 这就造成了一个严重的销售问题。② that of course would create a tense situation in the area.这自然会造成这个地区的紧张形势。③his speech created much ill will among the lower classes.  他的讲话在下层民众中引起极大反感。④ his behavior created a bad impression.他的行为给人留下很坏的印象。
▲create可作“创造”“创作”解。如:⑤ the actor created an entirely new hamlet.这位演员塑造了一个崭新的哈雷特形象。⑥ dickens created many wonderful characters in his works.狄更斯在他的作品中创造了许多奇妙的人物。⑦ in the olympics chinese athletes created one new record after another.在奥林匹克运动会上中国运动员创造了一个又一个新记录。
▲ fill...with... 意为“装满…‘充满”。如:① then she filled everyone"s cup with steaming tea. 然后她给大家斟上热腾腾的茶。② his heart filled with pleasure. 他满怀喜悦。③ the fire filled the room with smoke. 大火使房间里充满了烟。④ the announcement filled her with excitement. 那项声明使她激动不已。
  【注】fill with常用过去分词作表语或定语。如:⑤ these days were filled with important and exciting events.    这些日子发生了许多重要的激动人心的事。⑥ the hall was at once filled with great joy. 大厅里顿时一片欢腾。  ⑦ in the hall were found twenty-six chests filled with valuable objects.在大厅里,发现了26个箱子,里面装满了珍贵物品。
23. … and a lot of fish are caught in estuaries. 很多鱼也是在河口捕获的。(p.23 第一段 倒数第1行)
▲ catch用法归纳 (1) 接住;抓住 the dog caught the ball in its mouth. 狗用嘴巴接住了球。(2) 逮住(动物) cats like to catch mice. 猫喜欢抓老鼠。(3) 无意中发现mother caught me stealing from the shop and scolded me severely.母亲看到我偷商店里的东西,把我大骂一顿。(4) 赶上火车 we had to drive very quickly in order to catch
the train. 我们要开快车才能赶上火车。(5) 卡住 i caught my dress on a nail. 我的衣服被钉子钩住。(6) 打 i caught him on the head with a heavy blow. 我用力一拳打到他的头上。(7) 吸引(注意力) the boy knocked on the window to catch my attention. 小孩敲窗户引我注意。(8) 看到,注意到i caught sight of my old friend in town today. 今天在城里,我一眼瞥见我的老朋友。(9) 起(火);发动(车子) the wind was so strong that the fire caught quickly. 风很大,火很快地烧起来。the plane"s engine is having difficulty in catching, so the flight will be late in leaving.飞机的引擎打不着火,因此班机将会延误起飞。(10) 听得懂i didn"t catch what you said, please repeat it. 我听不清你的话,请再说一遍。1234
24. estuaries are great places for nature’s young ones. 河口是自然界生物繁衍的极好场所。(p. 23 第二段第1行)    ▲ it,that和one作为替代词的用法
(1) it代替的是前面提到的同一名称的同一事物,即同名同物。所代名词可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词。例如:① and today, if you go to salt lake city, you can see a mountain with seagulls on top of it. (it代替可数名词mountain) 今天,如果你去盐湖城,你会看到一座山,在山顶上有很多海鸥。② he cast his net for the first time, and drew in the body of an animal. he cast it a second time... (it代替可数名词net)他第一次撒下网,拖上一具动物尸体。第二次他撒下网……③ hibernation is more than sleep. it is a very deep sleep. (it代替不可数名词hibernation)冬眠不仅仅是睡眠;它是沉睡。
(2) one代替的是前面提到的同名异物中的任何一个。所代名词只能是可数名词。其前可带冠词,还可被this,that或形容词修饰,其后也可有定语。例如:① the population problem may be the greatest one of the world today. (one代替可数名词problem)人口问题或许是当今世界上最大的问题。② -- which jacket is yours? 哪一件上衣是你的?-- the white one. (one代替可数名词jacket)白的。
(3) that代替前面提到的同名异物中特指的事物,所代替的名词可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词,但其前不能有修饰语。例如:① the doctor in our school is younger than that in their school. (that代替可数名词doctor,不能用one代替,但可用the one代替)我们的校医比他们的年轻。② the weather of this week is worse than that of last week. (that代替不可数名词weather)本周的天气比上周的天气要糟。③the quality of iron produced in your factory is better than that in their factory. (that代替不可数名词quality) 你们厂生产的铁的质量比他们厂
(4) 如果前面提到的名词是复数形式,为避免重复,则可视具体情况分别用they,them,ones或those代替。例如:① -- what"s in these cups? 什么在这些杯子里?    -- there"s some tea in them. (them 代替cups)有些茶。②    he thought it over carefully and concluded that heavy objects always fell faster than light ones. (ones代替objects)    他仔细考虑并且推断出重的物体比轻的物体落得快。③    those weren"t the right men, professor. (those代替men)  那些人不合适,教授。
(5) it和that可代替前面整个句子的意思, 而one却不能。例如:① -- we"ll try our best to catch them. 我们将尽最大努力赶上他们。-- it"s not necessary, inspector.不必要,检察官。②dr brown said they had talked about my invention.but that was not possible. 布朗博士说他们谈过我的发明,但那是不可能的。
▲ 注意:间或it可以先出现,用以代替后面分句中的某一名词或整个分句的意思,而that和one则不能。1234
(6) that可引导一个限制性定语从句,代替某个先行词(单复数名词均可),it和one则不能。例如:① a plane is a machine that can fly. (that指代先行词machine). 飞机是能飞的机器。② the students that don"t study hard will no pass the examination. (that指代students)不努力学习的学生不会通过考试
(7) it可以代替不定式、动名词或从句,用作形式主语或形式宾语,而one和that则不能。例如:① it is a great pleasure to see you again. (it代替to see you again)见到你真高兴。② it is no use calling him up. (it代替calling him up) 给他打电话是没用的。③ we found it impossible that they would finis the work in two days. (it代替that they would finish the work in two days) 我发现两天后完成工作是不可能的。
25. tides provide energy for the ecosystems, but estua- ries are protected from waves and storms by islands, mud or sand. 海潮为生态系统提供能量,河口则由于受到岛屿和泥沙的保护而免遭海浪和风暴的影响。(p.23 第二段 第3-4行)
1) 动词provide的用法
  ▲provide意为“提供”“借给”,通常用"provide sb. with sth."或"provide sth. to/for sb."这两个结构,意为“向某人提供某物”。如:①the book will provide you with the information you need. 这本书会向你提供你所需的情况。  ② we provided him with lodging and food.我们向他们提供食宿。③ the sick were provided with blankets against cold. 给这些病人提供了御寒的毯子。④ his uncle provides money to john. 约翰的伯父给他钱。⑤ the forests provide shelter for wild animals.森林为野兽提供藏身之处。
【注】provide与against连用。如: ① they had already provided against the attack. 他们已做好应付进攻的准备。  ② we have to provide against accidents. 我们必须做好应付事故的准备。
  【注】provide的过去分词可引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”“只要”。如:① you may keep the book a further week provided that no one else requires it. 只要没有别人要这本书,你还可借一个星期。② she may come with us provided (that) she arrives in time.如果她及时到达,她可能会和我们一道来。③we"ll visit europe next year, provided we have the money. 如果我们有这笔钱,我们明年将去欧洲。
  【注】providing也可引导条件状语从句。如:① you may go out providing you do your homework first. 只要你先把作业做好,你就可以出去。② providing (that) there is no oppositions, we shall hold the sports meet here. 如果没有人反对,我们将来这里开运动会。
2) protect一词的用法
  ▲ protect意为“保护”,后接介词from或against。如:  ① protect the baby"s eyes from the sun. 保护孩子的眼睛,不要让太阳照射。 ② he raised his aln3 t0 protect his face from the blow. 他举起手臂护住脸,以免被这一拳打中。  ③ put on a thicker coat to protect yourself from the cold.  穿件厚点的外衣以免冻着。④ the eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and dirt. 眼睫毛保护眼睛不让尘埃和脏东西进去。


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