
高二英语教案 2014-06-22 网络整理 晴天


XX届高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 unit 2)
                i. 单词拼写:
1. the brothers d_____________ widely in their tastes.
2. the question is quite s______________ , while that one is much more complicated.
3. she r_____________ from the competition after pulling a leg muscle.
4. smoking is f_____________ in public places.
5. his suggestion sounds quite r______________ to most of us.
6. the film was a _______________ (商业的) success.
7. i"d like to come, too, if you have no ____________(反对).
8. he ____________ (仅仅)asked us our names.
9. there were strong _______________ (争论) for and against the plan.
10. he always managed to ______________(得到)what he wanted.
ii. 单项填空   
1. they have no idea at all ________.
   a. where he has gone       b. where did he go
   c. which place has he gone      d. where has he gone
2. your composition is _________to your brother"s.
   a. the same         b. identical           c. different      d. equal
3. _______news came ________an unknown disease was spreading in the area .
   a. disturbing ; that        b. disturbed ; which 
   c. disturbing ; which      d. disturbed ; what
4. he was _________down for several days after he heard the bad news .
   a. broken            b. cast           c. cut           d. discouraged
5. ______ what we have now, we can"t afford so large a house.
   a. in       b. at      c. with    d. near
6. opening the book, she found in it a white, plain envelope with her name ______ on it.
   a. to print     b. printed       c. printing    d. print
7. seeing your picture, i couldn"t resist _______ the days _______ we spent together.
   a. to think of; when      b. to think of; which 
   c. thinking of; which     d. thinking of; when123456
8. are you suggesting that i _______ too old for the job?
   a. am      b. should be    c. be     d. was
9. his hard work paid ________ when he got the result.
  a. off    b. over     c. out     d. back
10. he is a cutler(刀具商),_________, a man who sells knives and sharp tools.
  a. in conclusion b. in general    c. what"s more    d. that is to say
11. one of the men held the view ________ the book said was right.
  a. what that     b. what    c. that       d. that what
12. we thought of asking him for help, but we were _______ to get in touch with him at that time.
  a. happy    b. anxious    c. easy     d. unable
13. he"s _______ to fail the exam if he doesn"t do any revision.
  a. near     b. fit     c. bound    d. easy
14. every possible means _______to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.
  a. are being used        b. have been used       
  c. has been used         d. had been used
15. ---- catherine, i have cleaned the room for you.
   ---- thanks, you _______ it. i could manage it myself.
  a. needn"t do         b. needn"t have done  
  c. mustn"t do         d.shouldn"t have done
iii. 阅读理解
    difficult times often bring out the best in people. and this was the case for basketball star yao ming, who hosted a television show in shanghai that raised us$300,000 to help researchers find a cure for sars. fundraising, or charity, is an act of goodwill towards others. charities in the west have more flexible ways. look at a typical day for ruth, a wealthy woman in the uk, for example. ruth wakes up in the morning and collects her post. there"s a letter addressed to her with a picture of a half-dead, beaten horse. it"s from a charity asking ruth to donate money to save the animals. the door bell rings and there, on ruth"s doorstep, is an old woman asking for money to help the aged. she turns on the television, hears sad music and sees a picture of a wide-eyed child dying of hunger in africa with an appeal for money to help the child. ruth then goes shopping for a dress to wear to that evening"s large party for the rich and famous. the ticket cost her a small fortune, but she doesn"t mind because most of the money is going to a charity that fights aids. she feels good about going because she"s helping the sick. within five minutes of walking down the street, ruth has passed a charity shop. she doesn"t stop because she doesn"t think she"d find a suitable dress there—it"s full of old, secondhand clothes. but, many other people enter and buy all sorts of bargains. edna, a little old lady, looks after the shop. any profit it has made goes to a cancer charity. now that she has retired, she has plenty of spare time to offer her services for free.123456
    for people like yao ming, ruth and edna, charity is a virtue that holds the same importance in life as faith and hope.“as you look back on your life, the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others,”said scottish author henry drummond.
1. which of the following is not mentioned in the story as a way of fundraising?
   a. charity party b. charity post   c. charity tv program  d. charity for beggars.
2. what does the word“raise”in the first paragraph mean?
   a. collect together      b. donate
   c. increase        d. bring to someone"s attention.
3. we can infer from the passage that        .
   a. yao ming donated us$300,000 to help researchers find a cure for sars
   b. edna may not be a rich lady but she is willing to do something for others
   c. ruth leads a busy life and she feels very tired
   d. ruth is angry because so many people ask her for money every day
4. what"s the writer"s attitude towards charity?
   a. the writer thinks it"s something only people like ruth can afford to do
   b. the writer just wants to inform us of the different ways to practice charity
   c. the writer thinks it"s a virtue and admires the people who practice it
   d. the writer doesn"t make it clear in the story
5. the underlined part in the last paragraph probably means that        .
   a. when you look back sometimes, you need stand out
   b. when you want to do something for others, you need stand out
   c. the moment you stand out, you can do something for others
   d. what impresses people deeply is what they have done for others
     in the past, scientists have produced exact genetic copies of sheep and a few other animals. they  
   1    these clones from a single cell of an adult animal.
     recently, a private group of scientists has announced   2   to make an exact copy of a human being. doctor zavos, an american member of the team, says he and   3   will soon begin to clone humans and they hope to produce the world"s first cloned   4    within the next two years.
     doctor zavos says the new   5    group plans to offer human cloning to women unable to become   6    and produce children. the   7   would be similar to that used to clone animals. it would   8    clearing genetic material from a woman"s egg. doctors then would   9   genetic material from the woman"s husband into the egg   10   putting it in the women"s body.123456
     doctor zavos says his   11   plans to do its work in a country near the mediterranean sea, but he did not   12   the country. he says an italian reproductive expert, severino antinori, is   13  the team. doctor antinori has made   14   efforts to help many older women become pregnant. he is known for   15   pregnancies in women as old as sixty.
     many medical experts and other groups  16   the idea of cloning humans. several doctors criticized the   17   by doctor zavos. they say doctors do not know if cloning humans is   18   or safe. they say it would be irresponsible to   19   to clone a human being. that is because the   20   of success are too small and the risks are too great.
1. a. bought         b. created       c. discovered        d. found
2. a. plans          b. results        c. successes        d. agreements
3. a. another        b. othes         c. the other         d. the others
4. a. plant          b. animal        c. bird             d. baby
5. a. international    b. national       c. american        d. italian
6. a. successful      b. born          c. pregnant         d. fertile
7. a. imagination     b. technology    c. story            d. symbol
8. a. involve        b. start          c. make            d. borrow
9. a. translate       b. place          c. take             d. make123456
10. a. after          b. while          c. before           d. on
11. a. country       b. group         c. university         d. company
12. a. call          b. found         c. name             d. consider
13. a. managing     b. running        c. controlling        d. leading
14. a. high          b. total          c. great             d. wide
15. a. successful        b. beautiful       c. thankful           d. sorrowful
16. a. take up           b. object to       c. put up            d. bring down
17. a. announcement     b. program        c. subject           d. idea
18. a. careful           b. interesting       c. unable           d. possible
19. a. manage          b. refuse          c. attempt          d. hope
20. a. facts            b. results         c. sizes            d. chances
v. 短文改错
dear alice,
       i have just got some good news to tell to you.    1.__________
i win a national prize for painting last week.            2. __________
my father was so pleasing that he suggested             3. __________123456
i go to england for a holiday. i"d like to staying          4. __________
there for half a month,visiting place of interest            5.___________
or practicing my english as well.we"ve been            6.___________
writing to each for nearly a year now.i have           7.___________
often dreamed of talk face to face with you.             8.___________
i imagine you"ll be at vacation yourself by that          9.___________
time.perhaps we could go out to do some               10.__________
sightseeing together.
      best wishes for you!
1. differ          2. straightforward  3. retired    4. forbidden    5. reasonable
6. commercial     7. objection       8. merely    9. arguments   10. obtain
ii.单项选择1. a 2.b 3. a 4. b 5. c 6.b 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. d 11. d 12. d 13. c 14. c 15. b
iii.阅读理解1-5  dabcd
iv完形填空1-5  badda  6-10 cbabc  11-15 bcdca  16-20 badcd
v.短文改错1.去掉第一个to   2.win→won  3.pleasing→pleased/happy 4.staying→stay    5.place→places   6.or→and    7.在each后加other   8.talk→talking    9.at→on    10.√



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