
高二英语教案 2014-06-22 网络整理 晴天


unit 2 the united kingdom
  i. phrases
  1. consist of 由……组成
  2. divide…into… 把……分成
  3. at war (with…) (与……)交战中
  4. break away ( from… ) 挣托(束缚);脱离
  5. educational / legal system 教育 / 立法制度
  6. have a good / bad influence on … 对……有好/ 坏影响
  7. take the place of 代替
  8. break down (机器)破坏,损坏;(人)身体出毛病;(计划等)受挫,失败
  9. make an error 出错
  10. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑
  11. puzzle over / about 为…烦恼,困扰
  12. debate sth. with sb. 与某人讨论、争辩
  13. at your convenience 在你方便的时候
  14. in / with relation to (介)关于……;和……相关
  15. under construction 在建设中
  ii. sentences:
  1.  there is no need to debate any more why different words are used to describe the four countries.
  2.  to their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.
  3.  you must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the united kingdom worthwhile.
  4.  worried about the time available, zhang pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in london .
  5.  it looked splendid when first built.          
  6.  what interested her most was the longitude line.       
  7. come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.     


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