
八年级英语教案 2013-01-16 网络整理 晴天


unit 3 online travel
unit 3 online travel
二. 教学目标:
掌握unit3的词法结构和用法:passive voice
1. 被动语态结构:be + 动词的过去分词。
2. 重点掌握以下6种情况的被动语态:
①一般现在时的被动语态(am/is/are +过去分词)
②一般过去时的被动语态(was/were +过去分词)
③一般将来时的被动语态(will be +过去分词)/(am/is/are going to be +过去分词)
④现在进行时的被动语态(am/is/are being +过去分词)
⑤现在完成时的被动语态(have/has been +过去分词)
3. 重点掌握两种特殊情况的被动语态
①含有使役动词、感官动词和help后接不带to 的动词不定式改为被动语态时要加上to。
4. 特别注意happen(take place)及系动词feel, sound, taste, smell, look等没有被动语态的情况。
1)主动语态(active voice)表示主语是动作的发出者、执行者. many people speak english.
主语many people 发出、执行了speak的动作
2)被动语态(passive voice)表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的接受者。
english is spoken by many people.
一般将来时:will/shall be+taught
现在进行时:am/is/are being+taught
过去进行时:was/were doing+taught
现在完成时:have/has been+taught
am/is/are +done
e.g.1:his brother  washes  bowls every day.
bowls are washed by his brother every day.
e.g.2:a dog follows me.
i’m followed by a dog.    
e.g.3:  football is played all over the world.
football is not played all over the world.
is football played all over the world?
1. 这些玩具是中国制造的。
these toys are made in china
2. 这个公园是为老年人建造的。
the park is built for the old.
1. bruce writes a letter every week.
  → a letter is written by bruce every week.
2. this factory produces machine tools.
  → machine tools are produced in this factory.
3. they often make fun of her.
  → she is often made fun of.
4. everyone respects her.
  → she is respected by everyone.
5. we clean our classroom every day.
  → our classroom is cleaned by us every day.
6. do you wash your clothes very often?12345678
→ are your clothes washed very often?
7. most people in the usa speak english.
→ english is spoken by most people in the usa.
8. people listen to this programme in many countries.
→ this programme is listened to in many countries.
9. people speak english in many countries.
→ english is spoken in many countries.
10. do you often clean your room?
→ is your room often cleaned by you?
句型格式:was / were + done
即由主语(动作承受者) + was / were + 过去分词(+ by + 施动者)构成。
与主动语态相比, 被动语态中主语是谓语动作的执行者。无需说明动作执行者时可省去“by+动作执行者”。句中主语就是原主动语态的宾语,动作执行者就是原主动语态的主语。was, were由主语单复数形式而定,主语为第三人称单数名词或代词或i时用was,主语为复数名词或代词或you时用were。
例:1. 去年,我是由赵老师教的。
i was taught by miss zhao last year.
  2. 那些信是由一位有名作家写的。
     those letters were written by a famous writer.
3. 昨天晚上那条裙子被买走了。
that skirt was bought last night.
4. -我的书在哪里?
-where is my book ? 
-it was put on the desk just now.
5. 这座桥是去年十月份建的。
this bridge was built in october last year.
these cakes were made by my mother last night.
the girl said she was often beaten by her brother.
一般过去时被动语态句型变换应围绕was, were进行,构成否定句在其后加not,构成一般疑问句将其提至句首,构成特殊疑问句将一般疑问句置于特殊疑问词后面,构成反意疑问句保留was/were。
his computer was not stolen by thieves last night.
was your homework finished in time yesterday evening?
when was your letter written? the day before yesterday?
why was this problem not worked out by you?
your bike was not repaired last night, was it?
——this house was not built in 1958.
——when was it built?
——it was built in 1987.
一般过去时被动语态一般疑问句的肯定回答用“yes, …was/were. ”否定回答用“no, …wasn’t/weren’t. ”特殊疑问句应抓住特殊疑问词进行回答,可用简略方法,也可用完整方法。反意疑问句也应用“yes, …was/were. ”或“no, …wasn’t/weren’t. ”进行回答。 12345678
——was your office cleaned yesterday afternoon?
——yes, it was. /no, it wasn’t. 是的,被打扫了。/不,没有被打扫。
——were your rooms painted again last week?
——yes, they were. /no, they weren’t.
——when was your brother sent to work in beijing?
——last year. /he was sent to work in beijing last year.
——where was your party held last sunday?
——at home. /it was held at home. 在家里。/在家里举行的。
——your debt was paid off at last, wasn’t it?
——yes, it was. /no, it wasn’t. 是的,被还清了。/不,没有被还清。
1. oh, this is really a big shop. do you know when it ____?
a. built  b. has been built  c. has built  d. was built
2. you needn’t clean the reading room now, because it ____ just now.
a. cleaned  b. was cleaning  c. is cleaned  d. was cleaned
3. the young woman was very sad, because her handbag ____ that day.
a. was lost  b. lost   c. was losing   d. is lost
4. ——who is the little boy in the picture?
——it’s me. the picture ____ 10 years ago.
  a. took   b. is taken   c. has taken   d. was taken
5. ——did jack come to our party yesterday?
  ——no, he ____.
a. wasn’t invited   b. didn’t invite   c. isn’t invited   d. hasn’t invited
6. the doctor looked over peter carefully after he ____ to the hospital.
a. takes   b. is taken   c. took   d. was taken
7. the prc ____ in 1949, so it has a very long history.
a. was found       b. is founded
c. was founded     d. has been founded
8. i ____ ten minutes to decide whether i should give up the plan.
a. gave   b. was given   c. was giving   d. had given
9. all our rooms ____ by the children yesterday afternoon.
a. cleaned   b. were cleaned   c. is cleaned   d. clean
10. peter ____ a job in this company, but he refused to take it.
a. was offered   b. offered   c. was offering   d. had offered
11. as she ____ by the story, karen burst into tears.
a. deeply moved       b. has deeply moved
c. was deeply moved   d. was deeply moving 12345678
12. yesterday, peter ____ a ticket for speeding.
a. gave            b. had been given
c. was given       d. was giving
13. ____ the worker ____ from morning till night?
a. did, make to work    b. was, made working
c. was, made worked    d. was, made to work
14. a tall man ____ down the road at midnight.
a. was seen run     b. was seen running
c. saw running      d. has been seen running
15. it was said that other possibilities ____ at the meeting the day before yesterday.
a. were not paid attention   b. were not paying attention to
c. not paid attention to     d. were not paid attention to
16. the teacher as well as a number of students ____ to attend the party yesterday.
a. were asked   b. was asked   c. were asking   d. was asking
17. i wanted very much to go to that ball, but ____.
a. i’m not invited     b. i won’t be invited
c. i wasn’t invited    d. i haven’t been invited   
18. ——were you praised by your teacher for your good answer yesterday?
——yes, i ____.
a. were   b. was    c. did     d. had
19. you were not taught how to do it, ____ you?
a. were   b. was    c. did     d. had
20. he was asked to make a speech at the meeting, ____ he?
  a. wasn’t    b. weren’t    c. didn’t    d. hadn’t
ddada  dcbba  ccdbd  bcbaa
1. 一般将来时的被动语态
构成形式:助动词will/shall +be+及物动词的过去分词(shall/will+be done )
    the people of beijing will plant more trees and build new road.
    more trees will be planted and new roads will be built by people of beijing.
    john will take his dog back.
    john’s dog will be taken back by him.
2. its negative structure:
    will + not + be + 过去分词
    my pictures won’t be developed until next week.
3. its interrogative:
    will+ subject+ be+过去分词?
    wh- +will+ subject+ be+过去分词?
    will the 29th olympic games be held in beijing?
 when will the 29th olympic games be held in beijing?12345678
1. they will build many new sport venues for the beijing olympic games.
2. millions of people will watch the final match on tv.
3. john will carry the canadian flag at the opening of the olympic games.
4. they will make all the flags by hand.
5. mrs jones will take care of your pet dog while you are away on holiday.
6. the government will spend almost 100 million yuan on this programme.
1. what will be built for the beijing olympics?
2. where will the final match be watched by millions of people?
3. by whom will the canadian flag be carried at the opening of the olympic games?
4. how will all the flags be made?
5. what will be taken care of by mrs jones while you are away on holiday?
6. how much will be spent by the government on this programme?
1. 这条裙子太漂亮了! 会有很多女孩儿喜欢的!
2. 他一到达这个城市就会被认出。
3. 这项工作很快就完成了。
4. 我们不会受到邀请。
5. 动物园的动物马上要喂养了。
1. what a beautiful skirt! it will be loved by many girls.
2. he will be recognized as soon as he arrives at this city.
3. the work is going to be done soon.
4. we will not be invited.
5. the animals in the zoo will be fed soon.
1. all those old buildings ______ down tomorrow.
    a. will be knocked      b. will knock
    c. will have knocked     d. knock
解析: will/shall be +p. p. 一般将来时的被动语态。故答案选a。
2. the mistakes in the exercises will _____ the teacher.  
    a. cross                b. be crossing
    c. be crossed by        d. cross by
3. it is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days.
   a. designed     b. has been designed
 c. will be designed    d. will have been designed
4. i’ll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ____ if we leave it here.
  a. would be fined
  b. will be fined
  c. will being fined
  d. will have been fined
  1. 表示一个被动的动作发生在说话之前, 强调对现在造成的影响和结果。如:
    the door has been locked. 门被锁上了。
  2. 表示一个被动的动作或状态开始于过去, 持续到现在, 并可能持续下去, 常与for 或since引导的时间状语连用, 或用于how long. . . ?句型中。如:
    the important problem has been discussed for nearly two weeks.12345678
    how long has the machine been used?
(1)请注意现在完成时的被动语态的两个助动词, 即have/has和been, 两者缺一不可。
(2)请注意与一般过去时的被动语态的区别。一般过去时的被动语态所表示的动作或状态与现在的情况没有联系, 而现在完成时的被动语态则强调与现在情况的联系。如:
    the bridge was built last year.
    the bridge has been built. 这桥已经建好了。
3. 请注意一些特殊动词, 如borrow, finish, begin, buy, start, return, marry, open, join等构成的现在完成时的被动语态不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。若要表达相应的意思, 则需改换动词或时态。如:
    [误] how long has this book been bought?
    [正] how long ago was this book bought?
    但这类动词的否定式可表示动作的持续过程, 具有连续性, 因而可与since或for引导的时间状语连用。如:
    no books have been bought since last week.
    自上周以来, 没有人来买过书。
this book has been translated (翻译) into many foreign languages.
this book has not been translated into many foreign languages.
has this book been translated into many foreign languages?   
1. 那本书已经送给了我父母。
2. 今天这首歌已经被唱了几次了。
1. the book has been given to my parents.
    the book has not been given to my parents.
has the book been given to my parents?
2. the song has been sung for several times today.
the song has not been sung for several times today.
has the song been sung for several times today?
we can repair this watch in two days.
this watch can be repaired in two days.
they should do it at once.
it should be done at once.
the book can be understood by thirteen-year-old boys.
1. “it is+形容词+to do” 句型中,这些形容词有nice, easy, hard, difficult, important, impossible, pleasant, interesting等
    it’s hard to say.
2. 动词不定式在名词后面作定语,不定式和名词之间有动宾关系时,又和句中主语构成主谓关系, 不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。
i have a letter to write.
3. take place/happen  发生
    what happened to the old city?
4. feel/look/taste/smell/sound…(系动词)
    the sweater feels soft. 12345678
    the dish tastes nice.
5. 一些动词如sell, write, wash等,当它们被用作不及物动词来描述主语特征时,常用其主动形式表达被动意义,主语通常是物。
    sell well 畅销   write well 书写流利 
    wash well 清洗容易
1. we call him jim.
he is called jim.
2. he painted the table green.
  the table was painted green.
3. we asked the teacher to explain the sentence again.
the teacher was asked to explain the sentence again by us.
二)make, hear, see, watch, feel, let, have等动词在主动语态的句子变被动语态时,其后作宾补的不定式必须加上to
1. his mother made him do his homework again.
he was made to do his homework again by his mother.
2. she saw a man go into the room.
a man was seen to go into the room by her.
3. we often hear her sing english songs.
she is often heard to sing english songs (by us).
(八)不及物动词带介词和介词宾语, 在变为被动语态时, 仍然要带上介词, 如:
1. they talked about the matter last night.
the matter was talked about by them last night.
2. we must think over what he said.
what he said must be thought over.
3. his classmates often made fun of him.
he was often made fun of by his classmates.
4. the students listen to the teacher carefully in class every day.
the teacher is listened to carefully (by the students) in class every day.
5. xiao ming looked after his sister yesterday.
his sister was looked after (by xiao ming) yesterday.
6. you should take care of the things.
the things should be taken care of.
 1. 先找出谓语动词;
 2. 再找出谓语动词后的宾语;
 3. 把宾语用作被动语态中的主语;
 4. 注意人称、时态和数的变化。
1. bruce writes a letter every week.
2. li lei mended the broken bike this morning.
3. he has written two novels so far.
4. they will plant ten trees tomorrow.
5. lucy is writing a letter now.
6. you must lock the door when you leave.
1. a letter is written by bruce every week.
2. the broken bike was mended by li lei this morning.
3. two novels have been written by him so far.
4. ten trees will be planted by them tomorrow.
5. a letter is being written by lucy now.
6. the door must be locked when you leave.
 1. 不及物动词无被动语态。
  what will happen in 100 years.
  the dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. 12345678
 2. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义。
  this pen writes well.
  this new book sells well.
 3. 感官动词或使役动词使用省略to的动词不定式,主动语态中不带to ,但变为被动语态时,需加上to 。
  例:make somebody do something→somebody+ be +made to do something
  see somebody do something→somebody +be +seen to do something
  a girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by. →my wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by.
  the boss made the little boy do heavy work. →the little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss.
 4. 如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,直接宾语(物)作主语,那么动词后要用介词,这个介词是由与其搭配的动词决定的。
  he gave me a book. →a book was given to me by him.
  he showed me a ticket. →a ticket was shown to me by him.
  my father bought me a new bike. →a new bike was bought for me by my father.
 5. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词。
  we can’t laugh him. →he can’t be laugh by us.
  he listens to the radio every day. →the radio is listened to by him every day.
the nurse is taking care of the sick man. →the sick man is being taken care of by the nurse.



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