
八年级英语教案 2013-01-13 网络整理 晴天


topic3 the builders used live models,didn"t they?导学案

section b
the main activities are 1a and 3a.
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands
1. learn some words and useful expressions:
wonder, live, treasure, underground, palace, the summer palace, west, king
2. talk about the places of interest:
(1) —you visited emperor qin’s terra cotta warriors last week, didn’t you?
—yes, i did.
(2) —the builders used live models, didn’t they?
—yes, they did.
(3) —there aren’t any treasures in qin shi huang’s underground palace, are there?
—yes, there are. / no, there aren’t.
(4) —emperor qin’s terra cotta warriors are one of the greatest wonders of the world, aren’t they?
—yes, they are. / no, they aren’t.
3. master the usage of tag questions:
(1) —jim, you visited emperor qin’s terra cotta warriors last week, didn’t you?
—yes, i did.
(2) —the builders used live models, didn’t they?
—yes, they did.
(3) —there aren’t any treasures in qin shi huang’s underground palace, are there?
—yes, there are. / no, there aren’t.
ⅱ.important and difficult points
    tag questions.
ⅲ. teaching aids 
 ⅳ.teaching plan
step 1  review 
t:let’s play a game. please say the names of countries you know. the group which uses the shortest time is the best group.
t:group 1, begin.
group 1 2 3 4
t:did you travel to these countries?
t: oh. i think you will. did you visit any places of interest in china?
t:where are they?
t:did you have a trip to beijing?
t:beijing is very beautiful. it’s the capital of our country. there are many places of interest here, such as the old city walls, the great wall, the forbidden city, the summer palace, the ming tombs and so on. the last class we learned something about the old city walls of beijing. can you describe it? who wants to have a try?
t:you, please.
they can begin like this:
there used to be lots of old city walls in beijing, but only a few remain now, people pulled lots of them down in the 1960s. today, many modern buildings and roads appear. but the old city walls can make the city more beautiful and help us learn a lot about history. so we should do our best to protect and rebuild the old city walls.1234
t:well done.
t:you described very well. now can you tell me any other city in our country in which we have the old city walls?
t:yes, in xi’an. do you know there is an underground palace in xi’an?
underground palace
t:oh, it’s emperor qin’s terra cotta warriors.
emperor qin’s terra cotta warriors
emperor qin’s tomb is one of the greatest wonders of the world, the builder used live models, there are lots of treasures there.
live model(模特图片),
t:we know there are not only the old city walls but also emperor qin’s terra cotta warriors in xi’an. we call all of them places of interest. the places of interest make the city more beautiful. they can also make us learn a lot about history and people. so we should protect them.
t:boys and girls, i want to know your project.
would you like to share with us?
t:great! you, please.
t:wonderful! i’m pleased with your description. anyone else?
t:yeah, very good!
step 2  presentation 
t:now listen to the tape and answer the questions.
(1)who made the warriors?
(2)the builders used live models, didn’t they?
(3)there aren’t any treasures in qin shi huang’s underground palace, are there?
the answers are:
(1)the first emperor, qin shi huang.
(2)yes, they did.
(3)i’m not sure.
t:very good.
now, look at the blackboard again.
(1)jane never does her best to study,         ?
(2)there are few treasures in the tomb,         ?
(3)they didn’t do their best, did they?
yes,         .
(4)the patients had nothing to do,         ?
(5)lilei isn’t a soldier, is he        ?
        , he is a student.
(6)let’s go home,        ?
t:ok. excellent.

step 3  consolidation
1. (教师放录音1a,示范让学生跟读,让学生用铅笔标出语音、语调。)1234
t:listen to the tape and repeat. draw “up and down” with your pencil at the same time.
2. (教师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音、语调。)
t:clean the marks and now read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. go!
3. (人机对话,即学生和录音机对话。)
t:you are jim. listen to sally on the tape and make a dialog with her.
4. (看第二步呈现在黑板上的关键句,学生两人一组表演。)
t:work in pairs. close your book, look at key sentences on the screen and act the dialog out.
step 4  practice 
1. (学生齐读1a, 然后相互间谈论秦始皇兵马俑。)
t:read 1a together, then work in pairs. talk about the terra cotta warriors.
t:ok. excellent.
2. (听2的录音,完成练习题。)
t: now, open your books to page 95, activity 2. listen to the tape. mark true(t) or false(f).
t: ok, stop, please listen carefully.
t: can you tell me the answers?
very good! let’s listen again.
3. (大屏幕呈现图片,并与学生对话。)
t:ok, stop. look at the blackboard again. what is it?
s1:they are emperor qin’s terra cotta warriors.
t:where are they?
s1:they are in xi’an.
t:why is it famous?
s1:because it’s the tomb of the first emperor, qin shi huang.
t:do you know any other things about it?
4. (教师再次呈现图片,学生仿照上一幅图片编对话。)
(eiffel tower is in france.)
(the statue of liberty is in new york.)
t:work in pairs then act it out.
t:ok, stop. who wants to have a try?
5. (学生有了对话基础,会很顺利完成3a。)
t:ok, do 3a alone. match the descriptions with the pictures.
6. (检查完成情况,并出示两幅陌生图片,让学生进行描述。)
7.  t:now, look at the blackboard again.
do you know these places of interest? can you describe them in your own words?
step 5  project 
1. (展示西安古城墙的图片。)
how long is it?
how wide is it?
how high is it?
the xi’an city wall is 13.7 kilometers long, 12 meters high and 15-18 meters wide.
2. (做一个调查,让学生去网上或资料上调查一下紫禁城和乐山大佛的情况,并在班上进行报告。)
make a survey about the forbidden city and grand buddha in leshan, then report it to the class.1234
3.  homework:



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