
八年级英语教案 2013-01-12 网络整理 晴天


unit 6 connect
一. 教学内容:
unit 6 connect lesson 41~ lesson 44
1. 单词和短语
n.  monitor  keyboard  key  space bar  shift  enter  mouse (mice) screen  internet  button  menu  search  message  click  printing press  machine  tool
v.  connect  enter  fail  succeed  shout  search  receive  compose  address   
adv.  suddenly  forward 
adj.  fantastic  modern 
pron.  somebody  which  everybody 
2. 语法
3. 语言目标
(1)hello! this is... speaking.
(2)hello! may i speak to...?
(3)hold on /wait a moment, please.
(4)can i take /leave a message for... ?
二. 重点、难点分析:
1. let’s turn on the computer.
(1)let’s是let us的缩写形式,意思是“让我们……”,后面必须跟动词原形。
    let’s play volleyball together. 咱们一起打排球吧。
    his mother was ill yesterday. let’go to see her.
除let外,make,see, hear, watch等词后也加动词原形。
在let’s和let us构成的句子中,在构成反意疑问句时,let’s …shall we?
与let us…,will you?有所不同,请同学们注意。
2. turn on 意思是“扭开、打开、接通”等意思。其反义词组是“turn off”
3. another意思是“另一,再一”,一般修饰单数可数名词,前面不能用冠词。在表示时间金钱、距离的短语前,可以用于有数词修饰的复数名词前。
this shirt is too dirty. will you give me another one?
  i will wait for you for another thee minutes. 我再等你三分钟。
  i will wait for you for another three minutes. 可以变化为:i will wait for you for three more minutes.
4. fail的用法
  her plan failed. 她的计划失败了。
  i passed in maths but failed in english.
  the bank failed. 这家银行破产了。
  fail to do sth. 忘记,忽视或未能做某事
  fail in sth. /doing sth. 在某方面或做某事遭到失败
  i failed to work out the problem. 我没能解出这道题。
  we failed in catching up with the person in front. 我们没能追上前边的那个人。
5. succeed v. 成功,反义词是fail。
  the experiment has succeeded. 实验成功了。
  he succeeded in the examination. 他考试及格了。
  tom succeeded in winning the first place. 汤姆获得了第一名。1234
  succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事
6. forget  忘记,反义词是remember。
  i forget his name. 我忘了他的名字。
  he has forgotten about it. 他已经忘了此事。
  forget to do –forget doing
  remember to do –remember doing
7. suddenly adv. 突然,忽然
  suddenly a dog rushed out. 突然冲出一只狗来。
  sudden adj. 突然的,不经意的。a sudden turn in the road路上的急转弯
  on a sudden(all of a sudden)=suddenly突然,冷不防
  on a sudden/all of a sudden the lights went out. 突然灯灭了。
8. shout v. &n.
  (1)v. 叫,喊,嚷。“horry” shouted li ming. 李明嚷道“好呀”。
  (2)shout at sb. 对某人叫嚷。don’t shout at the old. 不要对老人大嚷。
  (3)shout to sb. 向某人大喊。“your bag! ”i shouted to mary. 我向玛丽大喊,“你的包!”   
  (4)n. 呼喊,喊叫声。they ran out when they heard my shouts. 他们听到了我的喊声,跑了出来。
9. forward向前,前进,反义词backward
    短语:look forward to期待,期盼,后跟名词,代词或动词-ing形式。
    i’m looking forward to seeing you. 我盼望着见到你。
  10. search
  (1)搜查;搜身;在……中搜寻。they searched the woods for the lost child.
    细看;细查。i’ve searched my memory,but i can’t remember that man. 
    (2)n. 搜寻,找寻。they made a careful search for the lost boy.
    search的宾语一般为表示地点的名词,通常用结构search+地点+for sth. 寻找,搜寻。如: 
    the enemy searched the village for the red army.
11. how often多久,多长时间,指频度、频率。如:
  —how often do you go to a movie?你多长时间去看一次电影?
  —0nce a month. 一个月一次。
  how often do you go there?你多久去那儿一次?
12. receive   n. 接到,收到,同义词accept。反义词send。
i received a letter from my friend. 我收到了朋友的一封来信。
i received his invitation but i didn’t accept it.
13. message n. 消息,信息
  (1)leave a message留话,留言。may i leave a message for her?
  (2)take a message for sb. 给……捎个信儿。can you take a message for me?你1234
  (3)give sb. a message给……传个信儿。i’ll give her a message. 我会给
14. 辨析:person与people
    people泛指人们,着重指“全体”。people指人民或确指的“人们”,a people和peoples指民族,种族。
    there are some people in the park. 在公园里有一些人。
    the chinese people is a great people. 中华民族是一个伟大的民族。  
15. 此句为一般将来时态的被动语态结构。英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态,主动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的承受者。被动语态由be+过去分词构成。一般将来时态的被动语态结构其构成形式是“will be+动词的过去分词”。
  the radio has been repaired. 收音机已被修好了。
  the classroom was cleaned by the students. 教室被学生们打扫了。
  that book will be sent to you tomorrow. 那本书明天将被送给你。
16. not… any more意为“不再”,not常与句子中的连系动词、助动词、情态动词等缩写在一起。它与not…any longer同义。
(1)not…any more等于no more修饰终止性动词。例如:
    i won’t go there any more. —i will not go there any more.
  (2)not…any longer等于no longer修饰延续性动词。例如:
    annie doesn’t live here any longer安妮不再住在这儿了。
    另外,not...any more(no more)指数量或次数上的“不再”。
    例如:there is no more bread here. 这儿不再有面包了。
17. 句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式,这样使用是为了使句子平衡。
  it is very difficult to learn maths well. 学好数学很难。
  it is very difficult to sleep here. 在这儿很难入睡。
  hear from接到……的信,收到……的信息,后面的宾语是人。如:
  have you heard from mary recently?你最近收到玛丽的来信了吗?
  mother hasn’t heard from you for quite some time.
  (1)receive a letter from sb.  
  (2)get a letter from sb. hear from sb.
  辨析:hear from与hear of/about
  hear of/about得知,听说(某情况),听人说起。如:
  —who’s john denver?约翰•丹佛是谁呀?
  —i’ve never heard of him. 我从来没听说过他。
  he has never been heard about since then.
  they had often heard of elephants,but they had never seen them.
18. which疑问代词,哪个,哪一个,哪一些。如:
    which pen do you like?你喜欢哪枝钢笔?1234
    which came first,the chicken or the egg?哪个先产生,小鸡还是鸡蛋?
    which foreign language are you studying?你在学哪种外语?
19. by hand用手,手工
    that old book was written by hand. 那本旧书是人工抄写的。
    i like to eat dumplings made by hand. 我喜欢吃手工包的水饺。
20. on the internet在因特网上。如:
  some students often have a chat on the internet.
  you can find a lot of interesting things on the internet.
21. in a short time在很短的时间里,in在……之后。
  (1)“in+时间段”通常用于将来时。如:my father will be back from beijing in a week.  我爸爸一周之后就从北京回来。
  (2)“after+时间”也可以用于将来时,但after之后加时间点。例如:he’ll come back after seven o’clock. 他将在7点钟后回来。
22. thousands of数千的,注意thousands必须用复数形式,of后面跟名词或代词的复数形式。如:
there are thousands of people in the park today. 今天公园里有数千人。
thousands of workers are working over there. 数千名工人正在那儿工作。
23. key n. &adj.
  (1)钥匙。have you got the key to this door?你有这个门的钥匙吗?
    here is the key to this exercise. 这是这个练习的答案。
(3)(钢琴、打字机等的)键。a piano has a row of black and white keys. 钢琴上有一排黑白相间的键。
(4)adj. 关键的;主要的;基本的。key words关键词
24. enter  (1)vt. 进入,走进enter the room进入房间enter the army参军
  (2)n. (电脑键盘上的)回车键
25. point to指向,指着。the mouse lets you point to the things on the screen. 鼠标让你用来指向屏幕上的东西。
(1)point at指向。she points at the map and says “this is beijing. ”她用手指着地图说:“这是北京”。
(2)point out指出,若有代词,代词必须放于out之前。如:
  my teacher pointed out my mistakes. 老师指出了我的错误。
  please point it out! 请指出来。
26. lap  (1)n. 膝上;腿上。如:
    now i put the laptop on my lap. 现在我把便携式计算机放在了我的腿上。
    on the first lap, li lei was in front. 在第一圈,李磊跑在前面。



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