[unit8why don’t get her scarf]Unit8Whydon’tyougetherascarf?导学案

八年级英语教案 2013-01-12 网络整理 晴天


unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf?导学案
1.为什么不(2)                why don’t you do= why not do
2….怎么样(2)                what about/ how about doing sth.?
3.足够的用法(2)              ①enough+ n.   ② adj./adv.+ enough
4得到足够多的食物             get enough food     
5不够有创造性的 /不够特殊的   not creative/special enough
6听起来好                     sound good
7.在我十岁生日上               on my tenth birthday (sound +adj.)
8.为某人做一顿特殊的饭         make a special meal for sb.
9.收到某人的礼物               receive one’s gift
1.我应该给妈妈买什么样的生日礼物?    what should i get my mother for her birthday?
2.为什么不给她买一条围巾?那太私人化。why not get her a scarf?   that’s too personal.
3.我应该给我妹妹买什么?              what should i get my sister?
4.一架相机怎么样?太贵了。            what about a camera?  that’s too expensive.
5.你为什么不买个围巾呢?那不够有趣。  why don’t you buy a scarf?
that’s not interesting enough.                    
6.joe曾收到的最好礼物是什么?自行车。 what’s the best gift joe has ever received? a bike.
7.他什么时候得到一块手表的?          when did he get a watch? ……
在他十二岁的生日那天。               on his twelfth birthday.
8.谁给他只兔子?他的父母。            who gave a rabbit to him? / who gave him a rabbit?
his parents.
9.我打算做一顿特殊的饭。              i m going to make a special meal.1234567
1. if you see someone breaking the rules ,you may politely give them some __________ .(建议)
2 she is afraid of ___________ (老鼠)
3. in western countries it’s impolite to ask people their p ____ questions.
4. it’s better to give than to r___________
5 .i am going to make a s_______ meal.
1. why not________(get)her a camera?   
2. how about________(watch)tv?
3. let’s _________(have)breakfast at 7:00   
4. would you like ________(join)us?
5. you’d better___________(not do)it like this.
6. would you mind__________(not drop) litter?
1.对某人友好/不够友好的         be friendly to sb. / be not friendly enough
2.一位八十岁的奶奶              an 80-year-old grandmother
3.一个叫玛丽的女孩              a girl called/named mary
4.给她做了一个特别的猪窝        make her a special pig house
5.整天睡觉                      sleep all day
6.入睡,睡着                    fall asleep
7.太多的礼物/太多的水            too many gifts/presents   too much water
8.照顾,照料(2)               take care of sb. = look after sb.
9.养这样的宠物                  keep such a pet
10.太…而不能                   too …to …
11.吵闹的                       be noisy
12.最流行的一种宠物             the trendiest kind of pet
13.(人)花费…做某事           sb. spend …doing sth. / on sth.
14.(物)花费                   sth. cost sb. money
15. (人) 花费钱干某事            sb. pay  money for sth.1234567
15.最受欢迎的宠物               the most popular pets
16.最不寻常的宠物               the most unusual pets
17.容易干某事                   be easy to do sth.
1.猫是最受欢迎的宠物。                   cats are the most popular pets.
2.鹦鹉是最不寻常的宠物。                 parrots are the most unusual pets.
3.金鱼容易照顾。                         goldfishes are easy to take care of .
                                        i think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child.
4.狗难照顾。                             dogs are difficult to take care of .
5.然而,和猪在一起的生活不总是完美的     however, life with a pig isn’t always perfect .
6.她太大了而不能睡在房子里。             she is too big to sleep in the house.
7.我给她做了一个特别的猪窝。             i make her a special pig house.
8.我没有足够的时间和她一起度过。         i don’t have enough time to spent with her.
1. there are a lot of __________ (mouse) in the house.
2. my father made the _________ (suggest) that i go there by bike.
3. many people in china have _________ (person) computers at home.
4. the little baby fell _________ (sleep) soon after the music began to play.

6.我的书包太大了,我拿不动。                                         1234567
7.tom 太小了不能上学。
1.带我们出去吃饭             take us out to dinner
2.在一个昂贵的饭馆           at an expensive restaurant
3..一点也不,根本不           not … at all
4. 为……付款                pay….for….
5. 入睡                      fall asleep
6.为…捐赠                   give money to….
7.为….筹款                   raise money for….
8.要求某人(不)做某事       ask sb. (not) to do sth.
8. 与其…不如                rather than
9. 对…感兴趣_               take an interest in..
10.被赠送给某人              be given away to sb.
1.我的鞋子很便宜,他们仅5美元。    my shoes were really cheap. they only cost five dollars.
  my aunt took us out to dinner at an expensive restaurant, but the food was not good at all,.
  the movie was boring. i fell asleep half way through it.
4.选择你感到有趣的学科很重要。   it’s important to choose subjects that you find interesting.
5.人人喜欢礼物。                 everyone likes gifts.
6.不同的人喜欢不同种类的礼物。   different people like different kinds of gifts.
7.使她高兴足够了。               it is enough to make her happy.
8.不同的国家所给的礼物是不同的。 gift giving is different in different countries.
9.相同的礼物可能被分给别的人。   the same gifts may be given away to someone else.
   they will pay for a park bench or a tree to help remember a person.
   some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.
12.在瑞典,为人做事是最好的礼物。  in sweden, doing something for someone is the best gift.
13.人们不需要花费太多的钱。       people don’t need to spend too much money.
14.取而代之,做一顿饭就做够了。   instead, making a meal is enough.
1. i’m going to give my brother a football as a birthday p_________.
2. all of them are very good it’s hard for me to c _______t he best.
3. who is the _________ (win) of the game?
4.sorry,i can’t hear you _________(清楚地)
5. he likes singing very. he________(唱)an english song last night.
6.i don’t think the movie is________ (interest). i am not _________ (interest) it at all.
5.他没去学校,相反,他去了电影院 。
1.用不同的方法                    in different ways
2.全国(2)                       all over china /around china
3.通过唱流行英语歌进入竞赛        enter a contest by singing popular english songs
4.看上去舒服                      look comfortable
5.跟…一样好                      as well as
6帮某人做某事(2)               help sb. (to) do sth. /help sb. with sth.
7.make的用法                     make sb. do sth.  make…+ adj.
8.鼓励某人做某事                  encourage sb. to do sth.
9取得(巨大的)进步              make (great )progress
10愉快做某事(2)                have fun doing / have fun with. sth
11.听说                           hear of /about
12对..感兴趣(2)                 be interested in (doing ) sth =take an interest in ( doing) sth1234567
1). some singers were able to sing english songs as well as native speakers.   (   )
2). the singers came from all over the world.    (   )
3). the winner of the men’s competition was a 19-year-old boy.  (   )
4). the two winners thought they were better than the other singers.   (   )
5). singing english songs is the only fun way to learn english.   (   )
1.为什么不学唱英语歌曲呢?        why don’t you learn to sing english songs?
many chinese people want to improve their english in different ways
  nearly all the singers sang very clearly and looked comfortable on stage.
  singers were able to sing english songs just as well as native speakers.
the winner of the men’s competition was a 40-year-old man.
6.学英语帮她获得了这个荣誉。   studying english helped her win the prize.
singing english songs made her more interested in learning english.
this kind of contest encourages people in china to speak english.
have you heard of the beijing speaks english program?
besides singing english songs, there are many other fun ways to learn english.

what about watching english movies, or reading english books?
if you look hard enough, you will find a good way to learn english better
14.两个获胜者都很谦虚。      both winners were very modest.
15.愉快学英语是个好办法     it is a good idea to have fun with english.
 (    ) !. what should i get my mom _______ her birthday?
         a. for  b. on     c. at   d. in
(    ) 2. why don"t you ________ a camera? that’s too cheap.
        a. got    b. get    c. gets    d. getting
(    ) 3. what’s the best gift john ________ ever received?
        a. have   b. has   c. had   d. having1234567
(    ) 4. when did joe get his first gift? on his _________ birthday.
        a. six     b. the six  c. sixth      d. the sixth
(    ) 5. what a _________ boy!
        a. luck    b. lucky    c. luckily    d. lucking
(    ) 6. __________ are the most popular pets.
        a. dog   b. the dog  c. dogs    d. a dog
(    ) 7. dogs are _________ to people
          a. friendly b. friends    c. friend    d. make friends
(    ) 8. dogs are too __________ to take care of.
        a. more difficult    b. the most difficult    c. difficult



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