
八年级英语教案 2013-01-06 网络整理 晴天


chapter 7 family lives
teaching aims:
1.learn to use  these words :  pocket money, teenager, spend, seldom, latest, disturb, responsibility, whole, useful, expect, last, family tree, bunch, play, perform, washing machine, receive, afford, therefore, electrical
2.learn to use the following phrases:  after all, at the bottom of, make it, make the decisions, aged 14, a generous amount of, the latest fashions, look after, expect things for nothing,
3. be able to skillfully report what people say and what we read. and comprehend the two short articles in chapter seven to improve the students’ reading ability.
5.encourage the students to interview some people they live
around them about the family life and try to establish a
friendly family relationship.
important and difficult points:
1)report what people say and what we read
2)reading comprehension
teaching methods:
1) listening, speaking and writing.
2)watch and say
3)pair / group work
teaching aids: multi-media, a tape recorder
teaching periods: 8
the first period
vocabulary study
main points :
1 pronounce the words correctly..
2. memorize the word spelling
3. use the words and phrases to make the sentences.
teaching procedures
step 1 greetings and revision
1. teacher greets the class in the usual way.
2. check the assignment for the last lesson.
3. get the students to read the new words of chapter7 at page 102
step 2 learn to pronounce the words correctly.
step 3 help to explain the words in english and memorize the spelling
step 4 use the words and phrases to make the sentences in groups
  1) pocket money, teenager, spend, seldom, latest, disturb, responsibility, whole, useful, expect, last, perform, afford, therefore,
2)after all, at the bottom of, make it
step 5 let’s play a game.
a memory testing game to review the new words in chapter seven
step 6 today’s homework
1.finish the exercise in workbook vocabulary page 77.
2.preview the reading of chapter 7.
periods 2 & 3   
main points: read and comprehend the two short articles in chapter seven to improve the students’ reading ability
teaching procedures
step1  greetings and revision
1. teacher greets the class in the usual way.
2.check the assignment for the last lesson.
3. review the new words we have learned 123456
step 2  pre-task 
what do you know about:
ask the ss to discuss about the following questions before reading the articles.
1. how much pocket money do you get?
2. who does the housework in your home?
3. do you often get presents from your parents? if so, what kind of presents are they?
4. who makes the decisions in your family?
5. what are the rules about watching tv in your home?
step 3 while-task
1. go through the articles and try to fill in the blanks at page86.
                              tiny                      david
1 pocket money
2 housework

3 presents
4 parents saying no
5 tv watching a generous amount
a _____  ____  ____
b it is the job ____  ____
gets ____  ___  ____
____  ____each week _______    ______
a does it _____  ____
b it is the _____  ____  
_____  ____   _____.
gets them _______.
____  ____ each week

2. listen and then answer the t(true) or f(false) questions.
3. fill in the blanks with the words and phrases learnt
tina’s family life
tina’s parents give her ________  _______  _____ of pocket money every month. if she ____ it before the _____ of the month, they complain _____   _____, but they always give her _____.
she _____ do housework. sometimes her mother asks her to _____ her room if she’s very _____, but she always gives her _____ or a _____ for helping her. tina thinks ______ is the job of the parents.
she gets lots of presents. she also has lots of nice ______. her parents buy her all the _____ fashions. they _____ say ‘no’. they want her to have a happy _____.
tina has her own tv. she can watch it for _____, and no one _____ her. she watches tv for about _____ hours each week.

david’s family life
david gets ______   _____ pocket money every month. his parents says he has to learn to _____  _____ his money. so they ______ give him any more if he spends it too quickly. but he think this is ______.
he has to do the _____ for about ____ hour every day. he ______ dishes and clothes, _____the floors and sometimes _____ meals. his parents never ______ him for doing housework. he thinks doing housework is the ________ of the ______ family.123456
his parents give him presents _______. they usually give him something ______. they only buy him ______ clothes. they only have _____ tv for the whole family and he watches it for about _____ hours each week.
step 4 post-task: writing.
write an article about your own family life. try to use the words and phrases learnt as many as possible.
step 5 today’s homework
1. listen to the tape recording of the reading and read aloud .
2. finish the textbook c.&d. at page88-89.
the fourth period
main points: encourage the students to interview some classmates about the family life to improve oral english
teaching procedures
step 1 greetings and revision
   1.teacher greets the class in the usual way.
2.check the assignment for the last lesson.

c1 1. latest   2. teenagers  3. useful   4. disturbs
c2. 1. responsibility  2. seldom   3. pocket money  4. expecting 5. spends
d1 1. opinion  2. fact   3. fact
step 2 find out the following words and phrases:
1. 决策   2、数量不少的零用钱  3、花费  4、月底  5、很少抱怨
6. 毕竟  7、最时尚的衣服   8、度过一个快乐的童年 
9、打扰某人 10、照顾、保管 11、整个家庭的责任 
12、某些有用的东西 13、想要一些没用的东西
step 3 try to find out the answers to the following questions: much pocket money do tina’s parents give her?
2.if tina spends the pocket money before the end of the month, what will happen to her?
3.does tina often do housework? what’s her opinion to doing housework?
4.why do tina’s parents give her so many presents? does david deal with his pocket money?
6.does he need to do housework? what’s his opinion to doing housework?
7. what kind of presents do david’s parents usually give him? often does david watch tv?
step 4 discussion
 work in pairs and discuss which opinion to doing housework do you agree on? and why?
step 5 make a survey about you and your partner
  your answer your partner’s answer
parents’ jobs            
only child or not            
pocket money (every week)                                          123456
how often( help with housework)   
how often (watch tv)   

step 6 compare you with your partner
after finishing the chart, please compare you with your partner according to the information you take down. and then report it to your classmates.
step 7 today’s homework
1. memorize the words and phrases and get ready for tomorrow’s dictation.
2. finish the exercises in workbook at page 84-85.
the fifth period   
main points: practice listening for information to improve listening

teaching procedures
step1  greetings and revision
   1.teacher greets the class in the usual way.
2.check the assignment for the last lesson.
3.have a dictation.
step 2 introduce the the listening materials we’ll listen to.
1. we’ll listen to three dialogues. after each dialogue there is one question on the recording.
2. explain some of new words and phrases in it.
1). last
e.g. i hope our friendship will last forever.
2).  family tree
3) at the bottom of
e.g. we found some words at the bottom of the vase.
4) make it
e.g. if you try your best, you’ll make it.
step 3 listen to the tape recording and choose the right answers.
1. a   2. c   3. a
step 4 do workbook page82-83
step 5today’s homework
preview the textbook at page 91-93
prepare for the dictation.

periods 6 & 7   
main points: be able to skillfully report what people say and what we read.
teaching procedures:
step1 greetings and revision
   1.teacher greets the class in the usual way.
2.check the assignment for the last lesson.
3. have a dictation.
step 2 learn to report what people say
1. in this chapter, only very simple reported speech in the present tense is used. students only need to worry about changing the pronouns and making sure that the verbs agree with the changed forms.
2. read the introductory text with students and carefully explain the changes in the table. point out to them how pronouns do not have one fixed meaning, but vary according to the speaker, and that, as in chinese, when we report what someone says, we must make the appropriate adjustments.
3. remind students that the pronunciation of says is /sez/.
4. tell the class to wtite out the answers to exercise a1 and a2, which should be done by students individually.
step 3 do the exercises on the textbook and check the answers.
1. david says he gets a little pocket money.
2. david says that they all do the housework in her home.123456
3. david says that his parents only buy him simple clothes.
4. david says that they only have one tv for the whole family.

1. she says she seldom does housework.
2. she says no one disturbs her.
3. he says his parents give him presents sometimes.
4. she says sometimes her mother asks her to clean her room..
5. he says his parents often say ‘no’ when he asks for things.
6. she says her parents want her to have a happy childhood.
7. she says her parents never pay him for doing housework.

1. --- will the flower show start on the fifth of march?
 ---- no. the advert says it will start on the eighth of march.
2. --- will the lady of iron be on at 9.20?
---- no. the paper says it will be on at 7.25.
3. ---- is sunshine apartments near the underground station?
----yes. the advert says it is just a short walk away.
4. ---- is the woman in the picture doing a fashion show?
--- no. the picture shows she is showing the customers some new cars.
5. ---- will it be fine all day today?
  ---- no. the forecast says it will become cloudy with rain later.
6. ---- can children go to see the film at the shenzhen film studio?
---- no. the advert says it is not suitable for children.
step 4 today’s homework
  finish workbook at page 79-81.
the eighth period  
main points: learn to give yourself time to think
teaching procedures:
step 1 greetings and revision
   1.teacher greets the class in the usual way.
2.check the assignment for the last lesson.
step 2 lead-in
  answer the following questions:
1. how many people are there in your family?
2. are you an only child?
3. have you ever done housework?
4. do you wash clothes by yourself of by washing machine?
step 3 teach the students to use some of the expressions to give yourself time to think.
well:  1) to express doubt and hesitation;
      well, i’m not so sure about it.
      2) to continue a story;
       well, the next day he bought a new car.
      3) to express surprise;
        well, that’s good news.
oh well, if i must leave , i will.( oh well is used to express acceptance of something rather unwelcome)
oh, i didn’t realize that.( oh expresses slight surprise.)
er, i don’t really know.(er expresses hesitation.)
um, i don’t know what to say.(um means the speaker is thinking.)123456
ah, i was going to tell you that i’ve lost the report.( ah expresses surprise , sudden understanding or introduces a difficulty.)
step 4 listen and read and finish exercisea1
   1. let’s go to the cinema this afternoon.
2. well, er…       um, ah…       yes, but you see, er…
3. what rubbish!
4. he thinks washing clothes is a job for girls.
5. b

step 5 practicing the conversation in pairs

b. speak up
work in small groups and discuss the questions at page95.

step 6 report your results to the class.

the ninth period  
main points: learn to write a family charter to improve our writing
teaching procedures:
step1 greetings and revision
   1.teacher greets the class in the usual way.
2.check the assignment for the last lesson.
step 2 lead-in
   rules are important. at school, we have school rules. in every country, we have rules called laws. rules and laws make people feel safe and happy because they know what they can or cannot do
do you think a family needs rules as well? in some families, a family chapter is used to give parents and teenagers some ideas on how to live together better.
step 3 writing a family chapter at page 96
step 4 more practice
step 5 using english
step 6 today’s homework
  write a family charter of your own family.



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