
八年级英语教案 2013-01-03 网络整理 晴天


unit 4 he said i was hard-working 导学稿
一般现在时 ———
现在进行时 ———
一般将来时 ———
现在完成时 ———
一般过去式 ———
★.时间状语变化:                                        ____ 
that _____
1. she said she was having a s_________ party for lana.
2. sally borrowed my jacket, but she didn’t r________ it to me.
3. i think i’ll do b________ than last year.
4.you are s______ to help your parents with homework
5.he doesn’t come here a______
6 .can you take a m    for my teacher?
7 .mother was m   at me when she knew i broke the window.
iii.用she/he said 将直接引语改为间接引语。
1. i am mad at you”she said.

2. “this is my book.” he said.

3. “we play football every day .”
the boys said
4.“ i don’t like my younger brother .”
mary said
5. he often says “ i shall tell you about them.”

6. he said,“these books are mine.”
7.“i am having a party for lana,”
she said.
8.“we are all here .”
he said.
9.“i will call you tomorrow,”
he told me.
10.“i can finish it in half an hour,”
she told me.
11.“the earth goes around the sun,”
the teacher said.
12.he said, “i’ll be waiting for you tomorrow.”

13.ann said,“are you free now?”

14. he often says “ i shall tell you about them.”

15 . he asked tom,”can you help me with my english ?”

16.lucysaid,”how does he go to school?”

17.the boy said to me ,”where are you from ?”

18.“don’t go there”said my mother.

19. he said to me,“wait for me”

20. he said,“the sun rises in the east.”

1.she said she _______ flying to shanghai next weekend.
  a. will be    b. was   c. is     d. are
2. what did you say? i said i _______ mad at you. www.xkb1.com12345678
  a. am     b. was   c. will be  d. were
3.he told me he _______ call his brother tomorrow.
  a. will    b. would  c. shall   d. can
4.our english teacher said she _______ speak three languages.
  a. can           b. could   c. will   d. is going to
5.she said she _______ to the cinema every saturday.
  a. goes       b. went  c. is going  d. was going to
6.the job wasn’t very interesting, but _______ it was well paid.
   a. on the other hand        b. in the other hand
c.the other hand         d. other hand
7. they said they ___ a party at 8:00 last night.
  a. were having     b. are having   c. had  d. have
8. jack said to me,” you look worried today.”
  jack told me that _____ worried _____.
  a. he looks…today    b. you look…today
  c. we looked…that day   d. i looked…that day
9. she will go to marcia"s house _________ friday night.
  a. at       b. in          c. for     d. on
10.the story ________a rainy night last june.
  a. happened on.     b. happened in
  c. took place on     d .took place in
not long ago, there was a story in russia about zhoya and shula. they were sister and brother. they were in  1   same class of a middle school. they studied hard. they were   2   strict   3   themselves. their homework was given the day before. shula was clever. he had done his homework earlier. but zhoya hadn’t yet. the next afternoon she went on doing hers.
shula thought his sister maybe couldn’t finish some of the exercises. so he put his exercise-book with answers on his sister’s desk before zhoya came in the classroom, and went out quietly to play. a few minutes later, zhoya came in and saw her brother’s exercise-book on her desk. but she had never looked at it all. she sat on her seat, thinking and thinking. five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour had  4  . an hour and a half  5  , she worked out all problem at last and handed it in on time that afternoon. how happy she was!
“why not copy my key down in  6  , sister?” asked shula with a smile. “no, i didn’t. i must use my head and try my   7   to   8   all by myself. i’m sure, i can  9   a way. i don’t like to be lazy in  10   homework,” answered zhoya. 12345678
(   )1.a. a              b. an             c. the             d. /
(   )2.a. both           b. either           c. neither          d. all
(   )3.a. on             b. with           c. in              d. at
(   )4.a. past           b. pass           c. passed          d. pasted
(   )5.a. later            b. late           c. latterly          d. lately
(   )6.a. you            b. yours          c. your            d. mine
(   )7.a. good           b. better          c. best            d. well
(   )8.a. work them out                    b. work out them  
c. work them off                    d. work off them
(   )9.a. look for        b. find           c. found        d. looked for
(   )10.a. doing         b. to do           c. done           d. do

everyone has his own birthday. people celebrate their birthdays in different countries in different ways. now here are four people from different countries. they will tell us how they celebrate their birthdays in the countries.12345678
sandy morison comes from madrid(马德里). he says happily, “my twenty-first birthday is on saturday, and i’m going to go out with some friends. to wish me a happy birthday, they’re going to pull on my ear 21 times, once for each year. it’s an old custom. some people pull on the ear just once, but my friends are very traditional(传统).”
mr. and mrs. sato are from tokyo. mr. sato is going to be 60 tomorrow. in japan, the sixtieth birthday is called kanreki—it’s the beginning of a new life. the colour red is for a sixtieth birthday. mrs. sato says, “what am i going to give my husband? i can’t say. it’s a surprise!”
li xiaomei from beijing feels very excited and tells us, “tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday. it’s a special birthday, so we’re going to have a family party. i’m probably going to get some money in lucky envelopes(信封) from my relatives. my mother is going to cook noodles— noodles are for a long life.”
phillip evans, from paris, smiles to us, “i’m going to be 30 next week, so i’m going to invite three very good friends out to dinner. in france, when you have a birthday, you often invite people out. in some countries, i know it’s the        opposite—people take you out. ”
how do you usually celebrate your birthday?
根据短文内容, 判断下列陈述内容的正误, 正确的写“t”, 错误的写“f”。
(   )5. people in different countries celebrate their birthdays in the same way.
(   )6. to celebrate her birthday, sandy is going to pull on her friends’ ears.
(   )7. on his birthday, mr sato is going to receive something red.
(   )8. li xiaomei is going to cook some noodles on her birthday.
(   )9. phillip is going to take his friends out to dinner on his birthday.
(   )10. mr. sato is from japan and phillip is from france.


unit 4  he said i was hard-working.(2)
1. ever _____________     
2. be mad at   ____________
3. not anymore ______________ 
4. snack  ___________________
5. direct speech _______________
6. reported speech ______________
7. a soap opera ________________12345678
8. have a party for sb ___________
9. be mad at sb _______________
10 come to my house to study
1首先 ___________________         5 被期望做___________________
2照顾___________________          6 逃跑    ___________________
3生气___________________       7 使人吃惊的是___________________
4传递___________________       8 找到时间做是___________________
1.dick said he_________________(report) some important things to us the day after tomorrow.
2.first of all,you must tell me what you____________(do)at nine last night.
3.my best friend tells me he _____________(send) some gifts to me for my birthday.
4.listen, some beautiful birds_________________(sing) in the tree.
5.________you _________(argue) with your father when i knocked at the door?
6.i was surprised___________(find) that ann got mad after hearing the bad news.
7.i don`t know if lucy________________(come) to see me in five days.
8.the teacher told us the earth__________(travel) round the sun.
9.i don`t think you are____________(suppose) to smoke in the classroom.
10.he said he __________________(clean) his bedroom at this time yesterday.
1 he usually ____________(read) a newspaper after supper.
2 the woman ______________(finish)cleaning the house just now.
3 what __________they __________(do) at this time yesterday?
4 do you find it easy ____________ (ride) a bike?
5 i ______________(fly) a kite when it began to rain.
6 you are ____________(suppose) to meet at the bus stop.
7 could you do me a favor_____________(answer) some questions?
8 betty said the whites _____________(fly) to france next monday.
9 alice does better in ____________ (skate)than lily.
10 the air is much _______(thin) in tibet than that in other parts of  china
11this is the _____________(bad) movie i have ever seen.
12this is an important_______________(decide)
13 who ___________ (eat) my cake just now?
14 tom is very tall, but _______(thin) than me. www.xkb1.com
15 she was __________(luck) saved by a kind man.
16 she said she ___________(go) to school by bike.
17 i was mad at ____________(lose) my key to my bike.
18 this is a ______ story, and i am________ at it (surprise)
1. he said:” i love reading books “ (同义句)
  he said that ______ _______ reading books.
2. teacher told us:” light travels faster than sound “(同义句)12345678
  teacher told us that light______ ______ ______ sound.
3. he said:” do you like english?” (同义句)
  he asked me ______ ______ _______ english.
4. she asked me:” what do you do?” (同义句)
  she asked me _______ ______ _______
5. they looked after him when he was ill. (同义句) 
they ______ ______ _______ him when he was ill
6. i don’t know when we should leave. (同义句)
  i don’t know _______ _________¬¬ _________
7.meimei said, “i can pass the end-of-year exam easily.” (同义句)
meimei said _________________________pass the end-of-year exam easily.
8.i hope that my parents are both well. (同义句)
i hope that my parents are ______________good__________________.
9. “don`t shout at the old people”, mother said to her son. (同义句)
mother _____________ her son_________________ shout at the old people.
10. i liked spring better than summer.  (同义句)
i __________________ spring _________________ summer.
11.this little girl is very clever.(变感叹句) 
_____________________________ the little girl is!
1. —could you tell me _____ there is a flight on may 2?
—just a minute please. i have to _____.
a. that;look for a computer          b. whether;find a computer
c. if;check my computer             d. where;search my ticket
2. i told him uncle wang _____ the tv set for us.
a. will mend               b. would mend
c. is mending               d. can mend
3. the police asked the little boy _____.
a. where did he live              b. where does he live
c. where he lived              d. where he lives
4. —_____ was your holiday?
—i enjoyed myself.
a. how                b. where
c. when                d. what
5. _____ whether he will come or not.
a. i’m sure                   b. i’m sure that
c. i’m sure not that              d. i’m not sure
1 幸运的是我考试没有失败。_______________________________________
2 抄别人的作业是不对的。_________________________________________
3 他不知道外面正方生什么。_______________________________________
4 比起骑自行车来我更擅长跑步。___________________________________
5 她不想再成为我的好朋友。_______________________________________
6 ben 告诉lana他要为她举办惊喜聚会。____________________________
7 你应该和别人友好相处。_________________________________________
8 你应该独立做作业。_____________________________________________
9 我完成了我的期末考试,并在今天收到了我的成绩单。_______________
mrs king wondered how she was going to look after and feed the seven children. she had good (1) _____. they would do their best to help her.
    by this time mr king had found a house, a place for the (2) _____. their first job was to put the (3) _____ house together again. everybody helped. (4) _____ it was finished, they all had to sleep in tents.
 mrs king brown made sure that (5) _____ would be a warm, comfortable house (6)_____ it was only made of wood. there was a big fire-place for them to sit round when winter came.
    this fire-place and the big (7)_____ in mrs king’s kitchen would need (8)_____ wood. each boy was told how much wood he had to get. most of it would come from the (9)_____ on the island. but mr king told them that if they went to the beaches they would (10) _____ find wood. the wood came from the sea.
1. a. a cow     b. children    c. her husband     d. wood
2. a. trees     b. childre        c. ship          d. house
3. a. wooden     b. big        c. new          d. white
4. a. after     b. until        c. when           d. before
5. a. they     b. he        c. it              d. she
6. a. and     b. because    c. but              d. though
7. a. stove     b. bed        c. toilet          d. basin12345678
8. a. many     b. a little        c. a lot of          d. a few
9. a. beach    b. mainland    c. trees          d. sea
10. a. early    b. soon        c. often          d. also
do you know why schools first started? well, it was like this. from the earliest days man lived in groups. each group had its own customs and traditions. the people of the group wanted their children to live in the same way and to follow the same customs and traditions. at first the older members of the group taught the younger members everything they knew. this was a kind of “education” which happened long before schools existed.
but then they invented letters and learned how to write. after that schools became necessary because it isn’t easy to teach children how to write. it is a specialized job. so schools started with specialized teachers to work in them.
nobody knows when the first schools appeared. but we do know that there were schools in egypt and perhaps in china (and maybe in other countries) about five or six thousand years ago.
schools like the schools we have today started in the eighteenth century. and it was only a little more than a hundred years ago that people realized that a good education was the right of every child. that’s why all children go to school today!
1. at the beginning, how did the younger ones to learn?
the older people of the group  ____________________.
2. when did schools become necessary?
schools became necessary when man ____________________.
3. what’s the job of teaching like?
teaching children how to write isn’t easy. it is a ____________________.
4. where were the first schools?
they were in ____________________.
5. at last what did people realize? xkb1.com
people believed that a good education was ____________________.



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