【what if】What are you doing? Lesson 83教学设计示例

八年级英语教案 2012-12-21 网络整理 晴天


Lesson 83教学设计示例







Step 1 Revision

1 Revise What are you doing? Are you mending your bike? Yes, I am. No, I"m not. Get the students to use gestures as in TB Lesson 82 , Step 4.

2 Revise What"s he /she doing? Using SB Page 22, Part 1 to play a game. Call out three students to demonstrate. Student A whispers to Student B what he / she wants to do. While A is acting, Student C asks B: Is he /she singing? Is he /she putting on his /her clothes? etc. Student B answers Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn"t. until C guesses correctly. Divide the class into groups of three and have them practise.

Step 2 Presentation

Teach open, close, and talk with. Give a student an instruction (e.g. Open the door, please). Get the class to ask him / her What are you doing? Help the student to answer I"m opening the door. Ask the class What"s he / she doing? Help the class to answer He / She"s opening the door. Repeat with two students performing the actions, using We"re opening the door./ They"re opening the door, etc.

Step 3 Find the right picture

1 SB Page 23, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 83. Tell the students Cover the writing at the top of the page. Play the tape. Students listen and decide which picture matches the sentences. Check the answers and ask extra questions about each picture, e.g. What are they doing in Picture 1? Who are the two boys? What do you think Jim is writing? etc.

2 Play the tape again and have the students listen and repeat.

Step 4 Ask and answer

1 SB Page 23, Part 2. First get the students to ask and answer the questions with the books open and then get them to cover the writing. Ask them general questions about the picture on colour page iii in the SB: What can you see in this picture? Where are the men in the picture? What are they doing? What are the children doing? Is he /she …? Is he / she …or … ? Are they .. ? Are they … or … ? etc.

2 Teach water (v.), draw, and take photos.

3 In pairs, have the students ask and answer as many questions as they can about the picture. You may make this into a contest and have each pair keep count of how many questions and answers they can give and announce the winning pair who can ask and answer the most questions.

Step 5 Workbook

SB Page 97, Wb Lesson 83, Exx. 1-3. Read aloud the instruction of Exx. 1 and 2 and do the first sentence together with the class. Make sure the students know how to do the exercises. For Ex. 3, play the Listening Cassette Wb Lesson 83.

Listening Text

1 A: Where"s John?

B: He"s in Room 103.

A: What"s he doing?

B: He"s playing computer games.

2 A: Where are Rick and Peter?

B: They are in Room 101.

A: What are they doing?

B: They are playing chess.

3 A: Where"s Bill?

B: He"s in Room 102.

A: What"s he doing?

B: He"s sleeping.

The answers are:

Room 101 Rick and Peter are playing chess.

Room 102 Bill is sleeping.

Room 103 John is playing computer games.


Write Exx. 1 and 2 in the exercise book.


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