
八年级英语教案 2012-12-21 网络整理 晴天



unit nine
            班级__________ 姓名___________

一、 选择填空.(15分)
(    ) 1. ——when _____ he born? 
—— in 1995.
      a. is      b. was      c. has       d. does
(    ) 2. yao ming was born _____september 12, 1980.
      a. on     b. in        c. at        d. to
(    ) 3. bill gates is an _____ person.
      a. famous   b. talented      c. outstanding    d. kind
(    ) 4. she started ice skating _____she was four.
      a. after    b. when      c. how      d. where
(    ) 5. she _____a skating champion when she was twelve.
      a. becomes   b. become    c. becoming    d. became
(    ) 6.          the strong wind, we had to stay at home.
      a. in      b. for       c. with      d. because of
(    ) 7. ―________ you born? ―in a town near tianjin.
a. when were   b. where did     c. where were    d. where was
(    ) 8. when ________ you ________ to shanghai?
a. do, come     b. did, come     c. did, came      d. were, come
(    ) 9. she ________ the national table tennis team in 1988.
a. joins        b. joined        c. took part in     d. took part
(    ) 10. every year a lot of babies ________ born.
a. is           b. are          c. was           d. were
(    ) 11. he is always ________ late.
a. works       b. working      c. work          d. worked
(    ) 12. she spends two hours ________ the violin every day.
a. play        b. plays         c. played         d. playing1234567
(    ) 13. ―________ is li yundi?
―a famous chinese pianist.
a. how       b. what         c. which         d. who
(    ) 14. he ________ morning exercises yesterday.
a. wasn"t do      b. didn"t         c. didn"t do      d. doesn"t do
(    ) 15. the little boy is _______ young ______ do the work. i think linda could help him.
a. not; but       b. very; to        c. so; to        d. too; to


o. henry was a pen name used by an american   16   of short stories. his  17  name was william sydney porter. he was  18  in north carolina in 1862.
 19   a young boy he lived an exciting life. he did not go to school for very long, but he tried to teach   20   everything he needed to know. when he was about 20 years old, o. henry went to texas. there he tried different  21  . he first worked on newspaper, and then had a job in a   22.  . when some money went missing from the bank, o. henry was believed to have stolen it. because of that, he was   23   to prison.   24   the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. after he got out of prison, he went to new york and went to writing.
o. henry wrote mostly about new york and the life of the poor there. people liked his stories, because they were   25  to understand and they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the reader’s surprise.
(     ) 16. a. clerk          b. teacher            c. writer           d. doctor
(     ) 17. a. pen           b. old               c. first             d. real
(     ) 18. a. bore          b. born              c. bored            d. boring1234567
(     ) 19. a. to            b. for               c. as              d. because
(     ) 20. a. myself        b. himself            c. hiself            d. itself
(     ) 21. a. food          b. clothes            c. work            d. jobs
(     ) 22. a. newspaper     b. hospital           c. school           d. bank
(     ) 23. a. send          b. sent              c. sending          d. to send
(     ) 24. a. on           b. for               c. in              d. during
(     ) 25. a. hard          b. difficult           c. easy            d. creative

tom was from canada and he had come to new york for a holiday. one day he was not feeling well, so he asked a man of his hotel to find a doctor. the man said, “thomas brown is a good doctor.” tom said, “thank you very much. is he expensive?” “well” the man answered, “he always asks his patients(病人)for two dollars if they are first visit. one dollar if they are later visit.” tom decided to save one dollar, so when he went to see the doctor, he said, “i’ve come again, doctor.” for a few
minutes the doctor looked at his face carefully without saying anything. then he said, “everything’s going as it should do. oh, i gave you medicine last time, didn’t i? just go on with it.”1234567
(     ) 26. tom came to new york _________ .
          a. to see a good doctor                   b. for a holiday
          c. to feel ill                            d. to find a doctor
(     ) 27. doctor thomas brown asked for _________ for the first time.
          a. one dollar        b. two dollars        c. nothing       d. three dollars
(     ) 28. the doctor looked at tom’s face carefully because _________ .
a.he knew tom
b.he had seen tom before
c.there was something wrong with his face
d.he wanted to know if tom had been here before
(     ) 29. tom said, “i’ve come again, doctor.” because he __________ .
a.wanted to be friendly to the doctor
b.wanted to make the doctor happy
c.wanted to make the doctor angry
d.tried to make the doctor believe that he had been to him before
(     ) 30. the doctor knew that _________ .
a.tom didn’t want any medicine
b.he hadn’t seen tom before
c.he had given tom some medicine before
d.tom wasn’t feeling ill

we each have a memory. that’s why we can still remember things after a long time. some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.
a good memory is a great help in learning languages. everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. he hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. they can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear,remember and speak two languages every day. in school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.
but your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.
(     ) 31. some people can easily learn many things by heart because __________.1234567
a. they always sleep well
b. they often eat good foot
c. they read a lot of books
d. they have very good memories
(     ) 32. everybody learns his mother language __________.
a. at the age of six
b. when he is a small child
c. after he goes to school
d. when he can read and write
(     ) 33. before a child can speak, he must __________ .
a. read and write                     b. make sentences
c. hear and remember the sounds        d. think hard
(     ) 34. in school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language easily because __________ .
a. they have no good memories
b. they have no good teachers
c. they don’t like it
d. they are busy with other subjects
(     ) 35. your memory will become better and better __________ .
a. if you have a lot of good food
b. if you do more and more exercises
c. if you do morning exercises every day
d. if you get up early

george stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family. he had to start work when he was only eight.when george was fourteen, he became his father"s helper.he spent a lot of time learning about engines(发动机).and on holidays he often make one engine to pieces and studied each piece carefully.soon he became a very good worker though he could not read or write.he began to learn english letters when he was seventeen years old.every day after he did twelve hours of hard work, he walked a long way to have lessons from a young school teacher. on his eighteenth birthday,he wrote his own name for the first time in his life.george invented(发明) many things in his life.the train was the greatest one among them.today when we take trains from one place to another,we"ll think of this great man---george stephenson.
(     ) 36. in which year did george stephenson start to help his father?________.
a. in 1781    b. in 1789      c. in 1795    d. in 1798
(     ) 37. he learned about the engine ________.
a.through reading and writing
b.by making it to pieces and studying each piece carefully
c.at lessons from a young teacher
d.by asking a lot of questions
(     ) 38. he spent a lot of time learning about engines and soon he became ________.
a.a great man   b.a good maker  c.a good worker   d.a good student 1234567
(     ) 39. george stephenson invented the ________.
a. the train       b. the telephone      c. the car       d. the computer
(     ) 40. from the passage we know george stephenson was one of the greatest ________ in the world.
a. workers       b. writers       c.learners         d.inventors

四. 按要求改写下列句子:(10分)
41. she is so short that she can’t reach the apple. (改为同义句)
   she is ______ short ______ reach the apple.
42. he hiccupped for five months. (就划线部分提问)
   _______ _______ did he hiccup?
43. what’s the matter with her sister?(改同义句)
  _______ _______ with her sister?
44. he went to school at the age of seven. (改为同义句)
he went to school ________ he ________ seven years old.
45. my sister goes to a movie once a week. (划线提问)]
  _______ _______ does your sister go to a movie?

a: hello, david. when were you born?
b: (46)_______________________
a: were you born in beijing?
a. yes, i do.
b. why did you move to beijing?
c. i was born in 1990.
d. no, i was born in london.
e. i lived here for four years. 
b: (47)_______________________
a: how long did you live here?
b: (48)_______________________
a: so you moved here in 2005?
b: yes, that’s right.
a: (49)________________________
b: because my father found a job here.
a: do you like living in china?
b: (50)________________________

51. yang liwei is a n______ hero in china.
52. the scientist is still a______ after the wenchuan earthquake.
53. she broke the world r______ for the 200-meter race.
54. tom is going to u______ after he finishes his high school.
55. the chinese soccer team t______ asia last year.
56. arthur is a loving grandfather. he spends all his free time with his g______.
57. li yundi, a well-know chinese p______, always loved music.
58. deng yaping went to tsinghua university and m______ in english and management in 1997.
59. work hard, then you’ll be the n_______ one in your class.
60. the boy was b______ on a cold winter morning.

你的朋友  mike    
出生年月 1988年9月     1234567
出生地点  英国伦敦(london)附近的一座小城镇    
职业  中学生    
其它  由于他父母都在中国教学英语,两年前随父母来到中国。他们全家人非常喜欢中国和中餐。  




八年级(上) unit9单元测试参考答案

1-5:bacbd   6-10:dcbbb   11-15:bddcd


16-20: cdbcb            21-25 :ddbdc

三.阅读理解 (共30分)

26-30: bbddb       31-35: dbcdb     36-40: cbcad

四.句型转换 (10分)

41.too, to;     42. how long:      43. what’s wrong;
44.  when ,was;      45how ,often

46-50: cdeba

六.单词拼写 (10分 )

51. national;       52. alive;    53. record;      54. university;     55. toured;
56. grandson;      57. pianist;   58. majored;    59. number;       60. born






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