新目标八年级上unit9课件_新目标八年级上Unit9 Section A教学案

八年级英语教案 2012-12-20 网络整理 晴天


新目标八年级英语(上)unit9 when was he born?

teaching goals:
1. learn to use “be born” to ask sb sth
2.掌握一般过去时态的以how long , when , where 等疑问词开头的特殊疑问句.
4. key words:
achievement, record, brazilian skater, violinist, pianist, sneezing, hiccupping
start, stop, first went, first had, learned, talented, loving, creative, outstanding, unusual recycling: japanese, ping-pong player, basketball player, tennis player, soccer player, champion, great, born, star, golfer, music, musician, sports, bicycle, movie, party, beautiful, kind, famous,
who is…? when questions

period one
step1  warming up
write the word born on the blackboard and tell students we are going to talk about when some students were born. let’s find out when some of you born.
when is your birthday? april the first.
when were you born? in 1990.
then ask students to think of some famous sports stars, or athletes, and write their names under international sports stars.
step2  listening
get the students listen carefully and write the date under each person was born. play the recording twice and get the students to listen and write down the answers to each picture.
martin hingis: 1980
michael jordan : 1963
david beckham: 1975
step3  pair work
point out the conversation in the box in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class. ask the students work with a partner. make your own conversations about the people in the picture. then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.
 (1c) first ask a pair of students to read the example conversation ,the other students repeat. then ask the students to work in pairs.(first one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn.)
demonstrate the activity.
t: who is that?
s: that is deng ya ping. she is a great chinese ping-pong player.
t: when was she born? s: she was born in 1973
ask the students to work in pairs. then ask some pairs to act it out .
step4  2a and 2b listening
(2a)get the students look at the picture and teach them the words hiccup and sneeze. and point out the columns in the chart and read the column headings to the class. then explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column. 
let the students say some of the world’s recorded. then finish the chart on the book
(2b) play the recording twice and then ask the students repeat the sentences one by one.
step5.  (2c) demonstrate the activity. 12345678
t: how long did charles smith hiccup?
s1: he hiccupped for 69 years and ? months.
t: when did he start hiccupping
s2: he started in -----
t: when did he stop hiccupping?
s3: he stopped in-----
then ask the students to work in pairs.
1. make sentences with the words on page 53
2. make conversations with sentences: who is thst…?
when was she born…?

period two
step1.greet the class as usual and check the homework.
step2 .new words learning
golf brazilian professional achievement perform
step 3, students try to find out some phrases in the text.
invite one student read the little passage then the others read them together
then finish the chart below
step4.conversation making
students work in pairs to make conversation with the information on 3a
step 5.3b.
tell the students the three pairs are all in the big picture above. please find them in the picture. make sure the students understand the questions. then ask them to write the answers according to the picture.
4a, interview
how old were you when you started doing the things below? interview your classmates and fill in the chart.
write this sample question on the blackboard:
when did you learn to ride a bike? then ask two students ask and answer question.
then students ask each other this question
1. make sentences with the words on 4a
make two conversations after the conversation in 3a..

period 3. (section b 1a—3a)
step 1.teach the words:
talented  loving  outstanding  unusual  creative
grandchild   violinist  skating   skater  become
step2. ask students to name the places in the pictures ,
using the words giving to describe the picture
arthur is a loving grandfather .
he spends all his free time with his grandchildren
step 3. make a conversation with one student. the student should tell the truth. then ask the students to make conversations like this.
step 4. 2a and 2b listening part
play the recording three times for the students finish 2a and 2b.
step 5 2c.
make a short conversation with one student.
t: who is midori? s1:she is a famous violinist..
t :when was she born? s2:she was born in 1971.
then ask the students to practice in pairs and to take both roles.
step 6. 3a.
1. ask the students to read the passage silently and circle the description words.
2. answer the questions students may have.
3. play the tape for the students listen and repeat.
4. students read the passage aloud.
1. make a sentence with each new word on page 56 12345678
2. recite 3a.
3. write about a famous person.

period 4.
show the new words on the screen
pianist   hum   piece   accordion   chopin   receive
unit 9   when was he born?
section a    period i (1a-2c)导学学案
☆导学目标:                                      07-12-4
i.词汇和短语:be born, world record, start hiccup, stop sneeze
1.—when was she born?    --she was born in 1973.
 她是何时出生的? 她出生在1973年。
2.when did he start / stop hiccupping?
iii.正确使用when / how long引导的特殊问句。
iv. 我的重难点:

 1. play _______ 2. start ________ 3. begin __________ 4. stop ____________
 5. make ______ 6. win ________ 7. find ____________ 8. are ____________
 1. deng yaping is a ping-pong p________.
 2. you should use a handkerchief(手绢) when you s_______. it’s a good manners.
 3. john broke the school r          for the high jump.
 4. he ______ ______ (出生)in a big city.
5. the boy ____________ for three hours.(打嗝)
6.michael jordan is an international ______ ______ (体育明星).
 make a list of international sports starts you know(将你知道的世界体育明星的名字填入方框中)。
⊕1b   1c
i. —when was she born?    --she was born in 1973.
 be born“出生”是意思。be常用过去时was / were born.
 年份或月份或地点前用介词in,而具体时间前介词用on. 例如:
where were you born? i was born in jinan. 你出生在何地?我出生于济南。
when was wang lin born? he was born on august 11th, 1980.
1. where __________ you born?
a. did   b. had       c. was        d. were
2. he was born __________ january 25th, 1981.
a. in   b. on       c. at            d. for
3. his brother was born______ may, 1981.
a. in   b. at        c. to  d. on
4. “when _____ he born?”  “in 1995.”
    a. is     b. was      c. has      d. does12345678
5. she was born        the evening        may 5, 1996.
  a. in; of       b. on; of        c. in; in         d. on; in
▼practice in threes:
  a: when were you born?
  b: i was born in /on …
  a: when was he / she born?
  c: he / she was born in / on …
ii. 1b listen and write the year the sports star was born under each photo.(听录音,写出这些体育明星的出生日期)
iii. 1c  pairwork:(根据图片内容练习对话)
a: who’s that in photo 1 / 2 / 3 / 4?
b: that’s deng yaping. she is a ping-pong play. /…
a: when was she / he born?
b: she / he was born in …
⊕2a  2b  2c
 i. listen and fill in the “how long ” column in the chart.(听录音,填充表格how long中的内容)
 ii. when did he start / stop hiccupping?
  start hiccupping开始打嗝,stop hiccupping停止打嗝。start doing sth意为“开始做某事”,与start to do sth.所表达的意思相同。试比较stop doing与 stop to do (详细注释见练习册p.136-137).
1. smith先生去年戒烟了。
 mr. smith ______ _______ last year.
2. 你什么时候参加英语俱乐部?
 when will you_____ _____ _____ the english club?
a. start write      b. start writing    c. started to write   d. started write
4. --        did charles osborne hiccup?
  --he hiccupped        69 years.
  a. when; in    b. how; for      c. why;/        d. how long; for
iii. 2b listen again and fill in the “started” and “stopped” columns(再听一遍,填充started和stopped栏中的内容).
iv. 2c pairwork
i. 选择填空:
1.li ping __________ here two days ago.
a.come   b.came      c.comes      d.coming
2.__________did your family live in new york before you were born?
a.how soon   b.how long       c.when    d.how far
3. ____ you born in 1993 or 1994?
  a. are   b. was   c. is    d. were
4. –how long did you read the book?    --i have read it ______ 2days.
a.in  b.as        c.on   d.for12345678
5.david beckham is a great football player. the word “great” here means ______.
a.fantastic    b.strong   c.terrible    d.tall
 1. i was born in jinan in 1990.
  _____ and ______ _______ you ________?
2. she begins to work at 8:00 every day.(同义句)
 she _______ ________ at at 8:00 every day.
3. they lived in beijing for two years.
 ______ _______ ______ they live in beijing?
a is a new student. mr.wang is asking him some questions.
w: you are new here, am i right?
a: yes, you are right, mr.wang.
w:  1  ?
a: yes, what are they?
w:  2  ?
a: on july 14, 1983.
w: where were you born?
a: i was born in sydney in australia.
w:  3  ?
a: for about eight years.
w: and  4  ?
a: they were born in sydney, too.
w: are they living in china?
a:  5  .he is coming soon.
a. mum does, but dad works in sydney
b. when were you born c. where were your parents born
d. may i ask you some questions
e. mum is, but dad works in sydney
f. how long did you live there
ii. 用所给动词的适当形式填空.
  1. he _______ (be) not with me at that time.
  2. she _______(be) born in 1997.
  3. they ______ (go) to the park last sunday.
  4. bob was so tired that he _____(sleep) earlier than usual.
  5. my mother ________(give) me a present last christmas.
  6. mrs. li _______(live) here many years ago.
  7. i _____(have) a good time last vacation.
  8. she was in a hurry, so she ____(not have) time to cook for you.
roberto clemente was a great basketball player, in fact, he was a star. he could jump to catch a ball. he could run fast .and he could hit a ball hard.
roberto clemente loved children. he wanted to build a park for the
children of puerto rico. in 1972, roberto was killed in an airplane, but people did  not forget him. they sent money for the park. in 1975, the park was opened.  roberto clemente"s dream had come true.
1.baseball  棒球  2.dream 梦想 3.come true 实现
comprehension questions:
1.roberto clemente was killed in __________.
a.a car    b.a baseball game      c.an airplane
2.this story tells about __________.
a.a kind baseball star  b.roberto clemente"s team  c.poor children
3.in the first part of the story, what does the word “great” mean?
a.huge       b.old        c.very, very good12345678
4.roberto clemente wanted to build a park because he __________.
a.wanted to play baseball   b.loved children   c.was killed
5.you can guess from the story that people _________roberto clemente"s dream.
a.fought     b.believed in     c.didn"t like














unit 9   when was he born?
section a    period ii (3a-4b)导学学案
☆导学目标:                                      07-12-5
i.词汇和短语:too…to, brazilian, national team, achievement, for example
1. you are never too young to start doing things.
2. tiger woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.
iv. 我的重难点:

 1. too …to _______ 2. 例如 _____________  3. 国家队 _________________ 4.开始打高尔夫球____________  5.a comedy called _____________
6. have a party________
 1. liu guoliang joined the n__________ table tennis team when he was very young.
 2. michael jordan is a f_________ basketball player.
 3. they decided to leave at the e_____ of the month.
 4. liu xiang won the first p_______ in 2004 olympics.
i. read the article and fill in the chart(阅读短文,填充表格)。
 achievement age   
tiger woods  golfing    
shirley temple     
mei lanfang  ten years old   
liu xuan world championships gold medal  
ii. you are never too young to start doing things.
too +形容词/副词+(for sb.) +to do sth意为“太……而不能……”,此句表示否定意义。too…to 结构常与not…enough或so…that…(否定句)互换。例如:
the bag is too heavy for me to carry it. 这个包太重,我提不动。
= the bag is not light enough for me to carry.
= the bag is so heavy that i can’t carry it.
 1.the boy is ____ weak _____ he can’t carry the box.
  a. very, to     b. enough, to    c. too, to      d. so, that12345678
2. he is _____ young ____ go to school.
a. very, to     b. enough, to    c. too, to      d. so, that
3. i’m so tired that i can’t walk on.
  = i’m _____ tired _____ _______ on.
4. this shirt is too small. i can’t wear it.  (同义句)
  this shirt is ____ small _______ ________.
  this shirt is not _______ enough _______ _______.
  this shirt is ______ small ______ i can’t wear it.
iii. tiger woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.
 when意思是“当……时候”,它引导的句子称为时间状语从句,说明动作发生的时间。常与at the age of…(当…..岁时)互换。
 1. he began to write music when he was fourteen.
  _____ ______ he ______ to write music? (划线提问)
  he began to write music ______ ______ ______ ______ fourteen. (同义句)
 2. when i was five, i started playing the piano. (同义句)
  i started to ______ the piano ______ ______ ______ _____ five.
⊕3b   pairwork:(根据表格内容练习对话)
a: who’s tiger woods / ….?
b: he / she is …
a: when did he / she become a …?
b: when he / she was …years old.
 interview your classmates and fill in the chart. (采访你的同学,并把相应内容填入表格内)
i. 选择填空:
1. you are never ____ old ______ learn.
a. too, to     b. to, to     c. to, too       d. too, too
2.it’s dark outside. let’s stop _____ and go home.
 a. play ping-pong   b. playing ping-pong 
c. to play ping-pong  d. playing the ping-pong
3. they arrived in new york ______ the morning of february 24th.
  a. on        b. in       c. at          d. of
4. laura _____ ice skating when she was four.
  a. starts       b. is starting   c. started       d. starting
5.the baby ______ when he saw his mother.
  a. stopped crying   b. stop cry     c. stopped to cry   d. stop crying
 1. look. the boy ____________ (hiccup).
2. the box  is too heavy ________ (carry).
3. his uncle _______ (be) born in 1960.
 4. most people enjoy ________(live) in a quiet place.
 5. the player _______(call) liu xiang is my favorite sports star.12345678
i. 选择填空
1. she was born        the evening        may 5, 1996.
   a. in; of       b. on; of      c. in; in       d. on; in
2. --        did charles osborne hiccup?
    --he hiccupped        69 years.
   a. when; in    b. how; for    c. why;/      d. how long; for
3. the old man was        angry       say a word.
   a. too; too       b. so; to     c. very; to      d. too; to
4. when did mozart        music?
a. start write     b. start writing   c. started to write    d. started write
5. my brother likes playing    basketball and i am good at playing       accordion.
a. /; the        b. the; /        c. an, the     d. the, an
ii. 用所给动词的适当形式填空.
  study, have, many, hour, bear, become, real, train, say, be
sarah was _____ in 1993 in beijing. she plays ping-pong very well and now is_____ in our school. she hopes ______ a member of the national team. she started to play ping-pong when she ______ six. she _____ 2 hours every day. in this term(学期), she plays ping-pong for four _______ after school. she ______ enjoys playing ping-pong and she ______ she wants to have _______ time to play ping-pong. in fact, she ______ little time to relax.
iii. 句型变换
1. he went to bed at ten last night.
 _____ ______ _____ he ______ to bed?
2. they did their homework after dinner. (否定句)
 they ______ _____ their homework after dinner.
3. they often swim in the river. they are young. (改为一般过去时,并用
 they often _____ in the river _____ ______ _____ young.
 sleep_______ buy_______ plan_________ stay_________
 see________ tell_______ become________ cry_________












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