幼儿园大班综合活动|大班英文综合活动 caterpillar butterfly ladybug
le on planteaching content:
words: caterpillar ladybug
sentences: caterpillar is to be butterfly.
teaching aim:
(1) help the kids learn the new words and sentence.
(2) help the kids review:
words: monday、tuesday、wednesday、thursday、friday、saturday、sunday、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon、fat、thin、hungry
chant: 《season chant》《a week》
song: 《morning song》
teaching aids:
(1) picture cards: caterpillar、ladybug 、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon
(2) real object: toy butterfly、yellow board、cotton.
teaching procedure:
1、 greeting: say hello to all the guest teachers and make the roll-call .
2、 warm up : (1) song 《morning song》
(2)game 《simon says》
3、 presentation
(1) talk about the weather、days and the season (review the chant),tell the kids that there will be lots of i ects in ring and summer with the warmer and warmer weather, such as ants 、 iders and so on. guide the kids to find the i ects in the gra .
show and teach them the words: caterpillar and ladybug.
practice the words: whole cla —part—individual game of the two new words:
listening game《find your friends》
eaking game《london bridge is falling down》
(2) caterpillar makes friends with the ladybug, they have a good time together(play some games). after a while, caterpillar feels a little hungry, he starts to eat: an a le、a pear、a banana、a strawberry、an orange、a cake、a biscuit、a hamburger、an ice-cream、a peach and a watermelon. now the caterpillar become a fat one, not a tiny one any more. the caterpillar feels sleepy , so he build a small house and go to sleep.
(3) tell the kids that if they can count the 7 days a week for two times, they will find the magic change of the caterpillar. (review the days of a week).show them the butterfly and teach them the new sentence with tpr.
4、 review
today we know two new friends and we have a good time together, now it’s time to say goodbye (sing the《goodbye song》 with the words: caterpillar and ladybug)
活动目标: 1、通过欣赏故事,了解十二生肖的名称、排序及轮回的规律。 2、学习用语言大胆与人交往和表述的能力。 3、感受十二生肖这一中国特有的民族文化,萌发民族自豪感。 活动准备: 1、十二生肖动物图片。 2、十二生肖的工艺品图片。 3、十二生肖故事。 活动过程:...
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设计意图 一切生物的生存和发展都离不开环境,陈鹤琴先生指出:“大自然是我们最好的老师,大自然充满了活教材,大自然是我们的教科书。我们要张开眼睛去仔细看看,要伸出两手去缜密地研究。”他特别强调在教学过程中应当“活”,那就是让幼儿回归自然。幼儿亲自用手摸一摸,用眼看一看,用耳听一听,用嘴...
活动目标: 1、感受“雪地里的脚印”。 2、倾听和理解故事内容。活动准备: 1、脚印,老爷爷活动过程: 一、出示老爷爷 1、这是一个很善良的老爷爷,他的家里养了很多的小动物。平时的老爷爷很爱...
活动目标:1、学习故事,能安静地倾听故事,理解故事内容。2、能结合自己的生活经验,学习关心别人,感谢别人。3、能大胆表达自己的心愿,学习自己制作贺卡。活动准备:1 课件《新年礼物》;幼儿画册中的《新年快乐》。2 幼儿感知过有关新年的知识及其相关的经验。3 爱心形的各色彩纸、油画棒、剪刀。活动过程:1...