1升等于多少斤|1 A Unit 7 Follow me(The First Period)

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-27 网络整理 晴天


1、teaching content
part a learn to say
part b look and learn
2、teaching aims and demands
a、knowledge objects
words:a mouth、a nose、 an ear、 an eye
drills:touch your nose.touch your eye.
b、ability objects
(1)can understand the words and drills
(2)can say the words of facial features
(3)can follow the words
c、moral objects
take care of their facial features
3、teaching stress
(1)the pronunciation of the 3 skills words
(2)the meaning of the words
(3)the understanding of the drills
4、teaching difficulties
(1)the pronunciation of “mouth”、“nose”
(2)understand the words “touch” and can do the actions according to the orders
5、teaching aids
word-cards、 television、computer、pictures
6、teaching steps
step 1 warming up
1、t: good morning, class.
ss: good morning, miss wu.
t: what’s this?
sa: it’s a pencil.
t: what’s this?
sb: it’s a pencil-box.
t: what’s that?
sc: it’s a book.
t: what’s this?
(show them a picture of a cow.)
sd: it’s a cow.
t: what’s this?
 (show them a picture of a pig.)
se: it’s a pig.
(show them a picture of a cat.)
sf: it’s a cat.
(show them a picture of a duck.)
sg: it’s a duck.
2、t: good! let’s say the rhyme 《i am a cow》
step 2 presentation
1、t:look at my picture. what is this? if you don’t know, you can say “what’s this?” to ask me. (出示猫眼睛的图片。)
sa: what’s this?
t: it’s an eye.
 /ai/--/ai/--eye--an eye; eye, eye, 睁睁大。(say it together.)
now,follow me, touch your eye.
(ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)
2、t: good! and now look at my picture again. what’s this? if you don’t know, you can ask me. (出示猫的鼻子。)
sb: what’s this?
t: it’s a nose.
  /eu/--/eu/--nose—a nose; nose, nose,闻一闻。(say it together.)
 now,follow me, touch your nose.
(ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)
3、t: look at my picture again. what’s this? if you don’t know, you can ask me. (出示猫的嘴巴)
  sc: what’s this?
  t: it’s a mouth.
/θ/--/θ/--mouth—a mouth; mouth, mouth, 说话巧。(say it together.)
 now,follow me, touch your nose.
(ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)
t: can you guess what it is?
sa: it’s a pig.
sb: it’s a dog.
sc: it’s a rabbit.
sd: it’s a cat.
t: a cat? is it a cat? now let’s look at its ear, and check it.
(show them the picture.)
4、t: good! it’s a cat. look at an ear. it’s an ear.
/ie/--/ie/--ear—a ear; ear, ear, 竖竖长。(say it together.)
now,follow me, touch your ear.
(ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)
t: let’s do them together! are you ready?
ss: yes!12
t: follow me!
  touch your eye; eye, eye, 睁睁大。
  touch your nose; nose, nose, 闻一闻。
  touch your mouth; mouth, mouth, 说话巧。
  touch your ear; ear, ear, 竖竖长。
step 3 practice
1、game 1—follow me and do it.
play the tape and ask the students to do with the music. (2 times)
2、game 2---贴人像
an ear, a mouth, an eye, a nose
  (2)t: let’s check it. is this an ear?
ss: yes, it is.
t: ok, touch your ear.
  (3) the same way to check answers. (a mouth, an eye, a nose)
  (4) 发小信封给学生,让学生分组来动手完成。
  step 4 consolidation
t: good! let’s do some drawing.
 a mouth, a nose, an eye, an ear
  step 5 homework
1、listen to the tape and read the text from page 30 to 31 for 10 times.
2、point to the facial features to their parents and let them follow you.
7、blackboard design
unit 7 follow me
 an eye
 an ear
a nose
 a mouth
1 a unit 7 follow me(the first period) 来自。 12


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