
九年级英语教案 2016-04-24 网络整理 晴天


  i had done my homework before lunch.. 我在午饭前把作业做完了。
  句中的lunch即是过去某一时间,而过去完成时had done这一动作就是在lunch之前完成的。如果只说i had done my homework. 听者就会觉得难以理解。由此可见,过去完成时可以说是一个相对的时态,它不能离开过去时间而独立存在。再如:
  by the end of that year wendy had collected more than a thousand foreign stamps.
  the roads were full of people. we hadn" t foreseen that.

  1.怎样理解so...that和so that结构?
  she was so tired that she fell.她累得倒下了。(她是如此的疲劳以致于倒下了)
  (2)so that既可引导目的状语从句,也可引导结果状语从句。例如:
  i stopped so that you could catch up.我停下来以便你能赶上。(目的)
  nothing more was heard of him, so that people thought he was dead.
  2.“would you like me to look in the back?”一句中would是什么用法?
  是would like sb.to do结构,意为“想要某人做某事”。例如:
  i would like you to help me. 我想要你帮助我。
  could you answer my question? 你能回答我的问题吗?
  would you please do me a favor?请帮个忙,好吗?
  3.在this camera seemed to offer the most at the best price. 句中,price的用法及其他常用短语是什么?
  what is the price of this diamond ring?  这只钻戒的价格是多少?
  a life of toil is generally the price of fame and success.
  a price on one"s head  悬赏缉拿某人
  have one"s price  向人开价做坏事(价钱合适便做)
  (2)vt.  定价,标价。例如:
  the beauty parlour priced itself out of the market by charging so much.1234
  in any shop all goods should be clearly priced. 任何一家商店所有的货物都应该标明价目。
  be worth the price  是值这个价钱的          agree upon a price  议定价格
  reduce(raise)a price  降(提)价          price current  时价表
  price cutting  大减价                      price line  价格相同的一批货物
  beyond price  宝贵的,无价的              without price  宝贵的,无价的
  at a price   付出很大代价,昂贵            at any price  无论花多大代价;无论如何
  at the price of    以……的代价;以高于正常的价格,以高于市场的价格
  4.when do you want to go shopping?类似go shopping的短语还有哪些?
  go swimming   去游泳     go skating       去滑冰    go boating   去划船
  go climbing     去登山     go sightseeing   去观光    go fishing    去钓鱼
  5.order 作动词时的用法是什么?
  they ordered him to stop. 他们命令他停下。
  to order an attack  下令进攻
  if you make any more noise, i shall order you out of the hall!
  the doctor ordered me to rest for a week or two. 医生嘱咐我休息一两个星期。
  would you like to order some more food?  你要不要再来点菜?
  you"d better order a taxi.你最好还是去预定一辆出租汽车。
  we must order our affairs better before we leave for rome.
  6.go over 的用法是什么?
  we went over the building.我们查看了这座大楼。
  we must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them.
  you must go over the instructions of how it works before you use the micro-wave oven.
  go over the lesson again.把功课再复习一遍。1234
  his speech went over well.他的演说很受欢迎。
  7.fill in 的用法是什么?用fill组成的其他短语有那些?
  we"ll have to find someone to fill in for francis tonight as he"s ill.
  to fill in one"s income tax form  填写所得税申报表
  please fill in/out/up this form, giving your name, age, and address.
  please fill me in on what happened. 请你告诉我发生的事。
  to fill in a emergency  紧急时作为替代
  ①fill out  长胖。例如:
  her face is beginning to fill out.她的脸开始发胖。
  ②fill up  装满;填满。例如:
  he filled up the bucket with water.他把水桶装满水。
  we"d better first fill the car up with petrol at the petrol station.
  我们最好先到加油站去给汽车加满汽油。   8.“drop off”短语中的drop的用法及其他常用短语是什么?
  the rain was dripping from the trees.雨从树上滴下。
  the plate dropped from her hands.盘子从她手中掉了下来。
  she dropped the plate.她摔掉了盘子。
  the wind has dropped. 风势已减。prices dropped. 价格降低了。
  where shall i drop you?  我应在什么地方让你下车?
  he seems to have dropped most of his friends.他好像与大多数的朋友不再来往了。
  drop over to our house for a visit sometime.有时间请到我们家来玩。
  ▲常用短语:   (1)drop behind  落后。例如:
  our car dropped behind. 我们的车落后了。
  (2)drop into  滴入。例如:
  drop liquids into the test tube  把液体滴入试管
  (3) drop off  放下(某物),下车。例如:
  the bus will drop you off at the station. 这公共汽车送你到车站下车。
  drop a curtain  落幕  drop a letter  漏掉一个字母
  drop drinking  戒酒  drop one"s relatives(friends)  与某人的亲戚(朋友)停止往来
  drop a hint    暗示  drop a bird with every shot  每枪打落一只鸟
  the wall was covered with advertisements.墙上贴满了广告。
  the newspaper has many advertisements and many different sections.
  they like advertisements which show women in office, planes, and cars.1234
  a full page advertisement  整页的大广告       wide advertisement         广为宣传
  classified advertisement   分类广告           commercial advertisement   商业广告
  paragraph advertisement  写成新闻性的广告   publishers" advertisement    出版商广告
  television advertisement   电视广告



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