
九年级英语教案 2016-04-12 网络整理 晴天


           chapter 9 the weird world of plants教材版本  oxford english shenzhen edition课题名称  writing: an account of a school activity    oxford english 9a chapter 9          one period, 40 minutes   教学设计:                   writing   an account of a school activity                                          by  fuyan zhou this is a writing lesson. i’ll train students to pay attention to five ‘w’ element when they describe a school activity. here is my teaching plan. part one  understanding of new curriculum standard and teaching aims according to the new curriculum standard, junior students should have the following writing abilities. they can craft and correct compositions. they can be able to solve problems and write the report by cooperative learning. so this writing section requires students to write a guided account of a school activity and encourage them to list the elements such as times, people ,places and opinions. for these reasons, i designed the teaching aims.                    1.knowledge objects students should know the definition of account students should learn how to write an account of a school activity in a right way. students can list the elements in an account such as times, people, places and opinions. 2.ability objects instructor should develop the ss’ abilities of writin g, reading and speaking instructor should foster their ab ilities of cooperative learning and develop their imagination. 3.emotional objects.  students can use their own word to express their opinions in the last part of the account. 4.strategy aim: observation, discussion, writing and speaking. 5.culture aim: the differences between english account and chinese account. part two   analysis of the teaching material1. status and function                         this is a writing lesson. students should learn how to write an account of a school activity. such a topic is related to the detailed description of an event. it should include information about times, people, places and opinions. so it is very helpful to improve their ability of writing a report and also logical thinking this section also can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. t herefore it is very important in the teaching material.  2. analysis of the students                             this section is from junior oxford english 9 a. so most students have mastered the basic writing skills. they have already known some ideas of accounts or elements about it. so this topic can give them clear ideas of account and greatly trained their writing abilities. 3. teaching emphasis and difficult point                                       1. teaching emphasis i will emphasize the definition of the account, it’s similar to the report . i will emphasize the four elements, times, people, places and opinions. 2. difficult points:   instruct students to find out the four elements from example accounts. instruct students to discuss in groups to finish exercises. part three  the teaching aids and methods1231. teaching aids                            multi-media computer, pro jector, slide show, powerpoint and so on. they will be needed in this lesson. 2. teaching methods. as we all know: the main instructional aims of learning english in the middle school is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the english language. so in this lesson i’ll mainly use “communicative” teaching method, “audio-visual” teaching method and “task-based” teaching method. part four  teaching procedures and activity design step i. lead-in (within 5 minutes.)  t-s, s-s, monologuearouse students’ interests by showing some pictures of school activities such as sports meeting, cleaning day and art fe stival, encourage students to list the elements by asking and answering. they can discuss in group work.. the date of the event who did what where the activity took place the purpose of the activity general information detailed information people’s opinion of the activity you know the sports meeting/the big cleaning day/art festival held in our school? 2.can you describe it in your own words?(times, people and places) 3.what"s your opinion about this meeting? step ii presentation (within 30 minutes)  group work,monolo students to summarize the definition of an account and the four elements of account 2.ask students to work on exercise a in groups and encourage them to discuss their ideas with each other. teachers check students and answers. 3.ask students to prepare an account of a school tree-planting day using the plan, the notes and the pictures on the textbook. encourage students to invent some details for each paragraph in groups and invite one students from each group to present their account of the activity to the class,each students have 2 mins 4.teachers show possible answers to students and comment the important points or mistakes. step iii. consolidation (within 5 minutes) (writing practice)   review the four elements of an account by students answering together. emphasize the key points they should pay attention to when they write an account.step iv. homework.   students choose any activity held in school recently and write a short account about 50 words, it should contain the four elements.

part one

part one  understanding of new curriculum sta ndard and teaching aims123

1.       understanding of new curriculum standard 2.       teaching aims  2.1knowledge objects   2.2ability objects 2.3emotional objects.     2.4strategy aim    2.5culture aim

part two

analysis of the teaching material

1. status and function  2. analysis of the students 3. teaching emph asi s and difficult points

part three

teaching aids and methods

1.teaching aids 2. teaching methods 2.1.c ommunicative teaching method 2.2. audio-visual teaching method 2.3.task-based teaching method

part four


teaching procedures and  activities

step i.pre-writing(lead-in) (5 mins) t-s.s-s,s show some pictures of school activities, group work to list elements step ii while- writing (presentation and practise)(30 mins)1.summarize the definition of an account and four elements 2. work on exercise a in groups 3.prepare an account of a school tree-planting day using hints in textbook. one student of each group will present their account. 4.teachers show possible answers to students and comment the important points or mistakes. stepiii. post-reading (consolidation)  (5 mins)  review the four elements. emphasize the key points in an account. step iv. homeworkt-s s-s s pair work group work monologue123


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