
九年级英语教案 2016-04-10 网络整理 晴天


九年级英语unit 3教学案例分析

[教学内容] 本课是人教版新目标九年级第三单元的第一节课,是介绍新知识的听说课。主要目标是:1、to learn to understand and use should﹢be allowed to…2、to read, listen and speak about what you are allowed to do [教学过程] 1、warming up by learning about “should﹢be allowed to…” we shall first learn to use the structure: “should﹢be allowed to”. “should﹢be allowed to” can be used like this: he should be allowed to come. animals should be allowed to live in the forest. children should be allowed to watch tv at weekends. “should﹢be allowed to” is actually part of the passive uses of english. 2、reading and circling let‘‘s go to page 18. please read the statements in the box on page after me circle a for agree or d disagree. 3、listening and circling listen to the tape recorder and circle “t” for true or “f” for false beside the statements in the box on page 18. while listening, pay attention to uses of “should+be allowed to” and useful expressions in it. now read aloud the tapescript on page 129 and underline all the useful expressions. copy them in your notebook. (go to the mall with…, get one‘‘s driver‘‘s license, go with…, allow… to drive, be not serious enough, at that age, get one‘‘s ears pierced, be allowed to get one‘‘s ears pierced, be sorry later, it‘‘s fun to watch, it is ok if…, take the bus, guess so, buy a new blouse at the mall, go with…, should be allowed to choose one‘‘s own clothes, get something nice) 4、now let‘‘s talk as they do in the conversation. we are going to talk in imitation of the conversation we have just heard and read. 5、pairing and speaking in pairs look at the statements in activity 1a具体做法是请他们两人练习,再四人讨论,并把班级分成两个小组,进行完成句子的竞赛。学生们的积极性很高。最后,我请学生们接龙,一个接一个地说有a: i think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to go to the mall with their classmates. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to get their driver‘‘s license. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to drive. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to get their ears pierced. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to watch tv at weekends. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to take the school bus. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to buy a new blouse at the mall a: i think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to make their own decision. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to give up their habits. a: i think teenagers should be allowed to deal with their own problems. 最后,我给他们布置了一道作业,让他们 make a conversation. [课后反思]     我觉得这节课最成功的地方就是充分地调动了学生的积极性,使每一个学生都参与进来,并且充分地利用情境,对学生进行了情感教育,大家在愉快中进行了学习。总的来说,在以下几方面做得不错: 第一,利用各种手段充分地调动了学生学习英语的兴趣。使得每个学生都参与到活动中来,每个学生的表现力、自信心的能力得到了提高,学习英语的兴趣得到了增强。通过讨论、竞赛等活动,使得每个同学都积极参与课堂活动。 第二,营造了良好的课堂氛围,师生之间、生生之间形成了互动,有效地进行了情感教育。从而使学生们轻松、愉快地学到新知识。


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