
九年级英语教案 2016-04-10 网络整理 晴天


chapter3. planning for the perfect wedding-listening, speaking, language, writing
一、章节分析 (section analysis )
(一)  综述
1 学会写段落。(每个段落写八至十句话。)
2 学会一个paragraph应包括:1.主题句(主要观点);2.进一步说明或描述观点;(2-4句)3.举例来论证观点。(2-4句)
3 可以这样写段落:1叙述性写作(不同的阶段)2议论法(论证观点)3提供信息法(不同的主题和步骤)4描述法(描述事物,人,地点)

确保学生掌握如下词汇:page 44: economy, attendance, package, album, standard, superior, reception
帮助学生知道:photographic studio, wedding present list, honeymoon holiday, wedding seating plan, anniversaries

二、教学设计(teaching designs)
教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考
listening   材料的整合:将课本第43页和课本第56页上的听力材料整合。两份材料都是培养学生找到具体的信息。
  pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务(recognize key words),扫清在听力材料中出现的困难词汇( economy, attendance, package, standard, superior ,reception …),提高听的效果。
 while-listening诱发兴趣,增强听的动力。
 post-listening 要求学生小组活动,找一份伊丽沙白二世女王登基50周年庆典的文章,一人给出提纲,并朗读,其余人进行记录,看是否能很快找到具体信息。

elizabeth ii became queen of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland in 1952. in addition she is head of the commonwealth. for more than 50 years, during a period of great change in britain, the queen has carried out her political duties as head of state, the ceremonial responsibilities of the sovereign and a large annual programme of visits in the united kingdom as well as numerous foreign tours. in XX, elizabeth celebrated her golden jubilee (50 years on the throne) and in XX her 80th birthday. 123
 《牛津英语教学参考》page 44, page56
speaking   注意语音,语调,升调和降调并操练。role play 
language a  clauses with who, whom, that, which and whose
b  defining and non-defining clauses
c  additional activity: combine the pairs of sentences, making any necessary changes.
   1. tom did not do well at school. he was interested in films.
     tom, who was interested in films, did not do well at school. (non-defining)
   2. the boy felt ill. he had eaten six ice-creams.
     the boy who had eaten six ice-creams felt ill. (defining) 
writing    using paragraphs
 this section reviews some of the ways in which we use paragraphs.
 use the passage on pages 40-41 as an example of good paragraphing. most of the paragraphs in that passage start with a topic sentence which tells the reader what that paragraph will be about.
 if a writer has a good plan, he/she will find it easy to use paragraphs. if a writer has no plan, and just writes without knowing what will come next, it will be more difficult to use paragraphs in an ordered way. thus paragraphing is closely linked to planning.
 paragraphs are very important in the visual appearance of a piece of writing. no one likes to read a solid page of text without any paragraphs. (this includes examiners.) students are unlikely to lose marks for having too many paragraphs, but they may lose marks in the composition if they have no paragraphs at all, or very few.
 the task for this chapter is relatively simple. this is deliberate, so that students can concentrate on paragraphing skills. let students discuss their stories, and list unlucky and lucky incidents which could happen to people. then each student must make his or her own plan and write the story.
具体处理这部分内容的建议见[链接2]。 参考教参p54

     建议听说结合:在说的基础上,引入听的内容,要求学生掌握locate specific information的技巧。

1 pre-listening (page44)
1) get familiar with the new words ( economy, attendance, package, album, standard, superior, reception ).
2) introduce the task to the students. this exercise provides practice in the type of listening tasks which often occur in exams.
2 while listening
1) according to the outline,require students to locate specific information.
2) play through the recording once, and get students to try to answer the questions after hearing them just once (as in the exam). then replay the recording as often as is necessary for students to understand it fully.123
3) there is another exercise on page56. do the listening.

3  post-listening
after the listening ,  explain the answers.

step one  pre-writing --- to introduce structures and the ways of writing paragraphs.
a typical paragraph can have this structure:
 topic sentence: gives a main idea
 2-4 sentences: explain or describe the idea more
 2-4 sentences: give some examples to support your idea
you can use paragraphs in this way:
a.  in narrative writing:      for different stages in a story
b.  in argumentative writing:  for different ideas in your argument
c.  in informative writing:    for different topics or steps in a process
d.  in descriptive writing:     for different items, people or places
 step two  while-writing
 students can have two or more paragraphs on the same topic, if necessary.
 students must start a new paragraph for a new speaker (when they are using direct speech.)
  if they have a good plan, it will be easier for them to decide when to start a new paragraph.
step three  post-writing
 students check if they have used the structure and ways mentioned above.
 students present their writings.
 students then knew which is better, thus improving their writing paragaphs.



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