
九年级英语教案 2016-04-08 网络整理 晴天



教学目标 与要点

1.掌握本单元的词汇和短语。特别是be worn out,a pair of,try…on, think about等的用法。



4.能完全区别so that和so…that的用法。


6.认真学习“ on-line”,领会高科技给我们生活带来的莫大方便。




be excited about 关于……而兴奋

a place of interest 名胜

go over 过一遍;仔细检查

make a mistake 犯错误

drop off 放下(某物);下车

beijing opera 京剧

the great hall of the people 人民大会堂

the palace museum 故宫

the great wall 长城

a pair of leather tennis shoes 一双皮面的网球鞋

even though 纵使;即使……也

have a 38 in this color 有38号这种颜色的鞋

shopping on-line 在线或网上购物

take pictures of this trip 在旅游中照相

click on the screen 点击屏幕

close to 靠近

hear sb. doing sth.. 听见某人在做某事

on kunming lake 在昆明湖

the summer palace 颐和园

beihai park 北海公园

the day after tomorrow 后天

again and again 一遍又一遍地

cost so much 如此昂贵

cost so little 如此便宜

so that 以便

drop off our things 放下我们的物品

be in a hurry 匆忙


the camera cost so much that …. 这架照相机如此贵,以至于……。

she decided to buy a camera online so that …. 她决定在网上买一架照相机,以便……。

the computer cost so little that …. 这台计算机如此便宜,以至于……。

even though …(be) a little expensine, … will take …. 虽然……有点儿贵,……将买……。


1.购物 shopping

what size …? 多大号码?

have you got any other colour / size / kind? 你们这还有其它别的颜色/尺码/款式吗?

have you got anything cheaper? 你们这有更便宜的吗?

how much are they? 它们多少钱?

how much does it cost? 它多少钱?

how much is it? 它多少钱?

that’s a bit expensive. 那个有点儿昂贵。

even though they’re a little expensive, i’ll take them. 即使它们有点儿贵,我也将买它们。

i’ll think about …. 我将考虑考虑……。

i don’t think i’ll take …. 我想我不买……。


i like …. 我喜欢……。

i don’t really like …. 我真的不喜欢……。

3.提供(帮助等)和应答offers and responses

can i help you, girl? 我能帮助您吗?

would you like me to look in the back? 您能让我看一下反面吗?

yes, do please. 是的,请吧!



本单元的中心话题是“购物”,所有的对话、课文及练习都是围绕这一话题展开的。我们要能熟练运用有关“挑选物品、询问价格、做出决定”的购物交际用语,同时还得学会通过互联网进行购物的方法和技巧。“ on-line”给我们提供了典型的范例。本单元着重讲述了过去完成时的基本概念、构成以及它的肯定、否定和疑问句式及其简略答语,区别了so that和so…that…的不同用法。结合自己的实际情况,参考lesson 56,进行英文日记的写作训练,也可以写一篇自己经历过的shopping活动。


1. are you excited about going to beijing?  去北京你很激动吗?

2. you’d better try them on first. 你最好先穿上试一试。

句中try on的意思是“穿上(戴上)试一试”。如try on 的宾语是名词时,名词可放在try on后面,也可放在try 与on之间。如:

i went to the tailor’s shop to try on my new suit. 我到裁缝店去试新做的西服。

i went to the tailor’s shop to try my new suit on. 我到裁缝店去试新做的西服

注:如try on的宾语是代词,代词一般要放在try与on之间。如:

she was trying on a new hat. (she was trying it on.) 她在试戴一顶新帽子。

3. even though they’re a little expensive, i’ll take them. 即使鞋有点儿贵,我也将买它们。

(1)句中even though相当于even if,意思是“纵使;即使……也”。常引导让步状语从句:

i’ll help you, even if i don’t sleep for a night. 即使我一夜不睡觉,也还要帮助你。

even if ,even though还可用于虚拟语气,意思是“即使”,引导从句。如:

even if he were here, he could not solve the problem at once, too. 即使他在这里,他也不能立即解决这个问题。(事实上他没有在这里。)

even though she had been very busy, she would have helped us. 即使当时她很忙,她还是会帮助我们的。(事实上她当时并不十分忙,故帮助了我们)。

(2) expensive与high, cheap与low

这四个词在谈论到价格的高低时,要注意使用。expensive与high涉及到价格“高”,而cheap 与low涉及到价格“低”。


this watch is expensive. 这只表很贵。

these glass-products are not expensive. 这些玻璃制品不是很值钱。


the cheap table was bought from him.  这张便宜的桌子是他卖给我们的。

this cloth doll is very cheap. 这只布娃娃很便宜。


the price of this watch is very high.  这只表的价格太高了。

the price of this book is not low for me. 这本书的价格对我来说是不低。


the price of this computer is expensive.

(上句宜改为:this computer is expensive. 或the price of this computer is high. )

the price of this pen is not cheap for him to buy.

(上句宜改为:this pen is not cheap for him to buy. 或 the price of this pen is not low for him. )

4. shopping online(互联)网上或在线购物

5. she wanted to take pictures of this trip.

take pictures of this trip在旅游中照相

6. as she lives out in the country, there is no place to buy a very good camera.


*句中as 是连词,作“由于,因为”解,引导原因状语从句。because,since,as,for都是说明原因的接续词,because语气最强,表示理由充分,有必然的因果关系,其次是since,表示一种间接或附带的原因,再其次是as、for,只是说明一下,关系是松弛的。如:

everybody likes tom, as he is kind and honest. yesterday, we stayed at home because it rained. someone invited him to dinner. he replied, “as i am ill, i won’t go out”. after he had hung up, he smiled, “i can’t see anything for the fog in fact”. i said, “since you insist, i have to cook for you ”.

*句中to buy a very good camera是动词不定式短语作定语,修饰no place。

7. she decided to buy a digital camera online so that it could be sent to her.


句中so that意思是“以便,为了 ”,常常引导结果状语从句。“so (such) …that”引导结果状语从句,作“这么……,以至”或“所以”解,so接形容词、副词或分词,而such则接名词。如:

wan jun does exercises everyday so that she could run fast.


wan jun was such a fast runner that he could almost catch up with a deer. =wan jun ran so fast that he could almost catch up with a deer.


8. she had searched the internet for two hours…

had searched 是过去完成时。



9. mr sato looked at the ad.

ad是缩短词,也可写成advertisement,常见的缩短词还有:dormitory — dorm(宿舍), popular — pop(流行音乐), refrigerator — fridge(冰箱)等。

10. then he found ads for other cameras as well.

句中as well意思是“亦;也;又;同样”。as well as 引导比较状语从句,意思是“和……做得同样好;和……一样”,as well as里的well是副词,作“好”解。

11. …all the information about different kinds of cameras…

different kinds of 不同种类的,表达“……这(几)种”可用以下组合:

this kind of + 名词原形 + 动词单数

these kinds of 名词原形/名词复数 + 动词复数

名词复数 + of this kind + 动词复数

12. click on the screen  点击屏幕

13. a week later miyoko received the camera she had ordered.

she had ordered在这里修饰the camera,指她所订购的那台相机。

14.the computer cost so much that she didn’t buy it. 这台计算机太贵一直她买不起。


the book cost me five yuan. 我花五元钱买了这本书。

像take,spend,pay也都表示“花钱”这一用法,但句型不同:take的主语是动词不定式;spend,在主动语句中主语是人;pay的主语是人。be worth是“值得……的”的意思,be worth后接宾语。

it took me five yuan to buy the book.. 买这本书花了我五元钱。

i spent five yuan on (for) the book.或i spent five yuan (in) buying the book. 我花五元钱买这本书。

i paid five yuan for the book. 我花了五元钱买这本书。

the book was worth five yuan. 这本书值五元钱。


the past perfect tense (1)




statements 陈述句

they had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel. 在他们到达旅馆之前,他们已经吃早饭了。

从句中“arrived at”到达在“过去”的时间,而“had already had”吃早饭的动作发生在到达之前,因此主句的时态为“过去的过去”。

i had finished writing my composition by 10:00 this morning. 今天上午10:00点以前,我已经写完了我的作文

she had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the canon digital camera. 当她找到了佳能数码照相机的广告时,她已经在因特网上查询了两个小时。

i went over what i had written again and again so that i wouldn’t make any mistakes. 我一遍又一遍地检查了我所写的内容,以至我没能出现任何错误。

negative 否定句

he remembered he hadn’t paid for it yet. 他记得他没有付款。

he said that he had never seen such a beautiful bird before. 他说他在以前从来没有看过这样美丽的鸟。

questions 疑问句

how many english flashes had you seen by the end of last term?


had you reached the station before ten o’clock.?





1) she had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the canon digital camera.

2) after she had found more information,. . .

3) after he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, . . .





关于so that句型的教学建议

由so…that引导的状语从句是本单元另一个语法重点。这个语法点并不难理解,教师应使学生认识这个句型表达的意思; so后面是跟形容词还是副词由so前面的谓语动词类型决定。

教师事先准备好画有jacket, shoes, socks, shirt, sweater, suit, trousers等衣物的图片,以及写有cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small等词的卡片。把he,she,we,they,john,i写在黑板上,然后出示相应的图片和卡片,造句如下:

the jacket cost so much that he didn"t buy it.

this pair of trousers are so long that i can"t wear them.

教师先让全班做快速口头造句练习,然后板书一部分例句,简要分析这个句型的构成及意义和使用场合。接着半班,行排之间进行快速口头连锁造句比赛。两组轮流造句,不能重复。教师限定时间,造句多且准确的组为优胜。接着要求学生口头完成练习册练习题。检查核对答案后,根据study and practise和上面口头完成的两个练习,笔头造句。并要他们注意使用不同类型的谓语动词。对造句子多且好的学生应予以奖励。 


本单元教学的主要交际项目是有关“购物 (shopping)”的日常用语。这个交际项目曾在第一册、第二册出现过。本单元的教学应在归纳总结以前知识的基础上,采用多种教学手段和教学形式,使学生对“购物”这项交际项目有更全面的了解,并逐步掌握购物过程中“挑选物品、询问价格、做出决定”的不同表达形式。建议教师采用如下教学步骤 :

教师准备出示画有shop, sweater,shoes的图片或学习用品的实物,并要求一位学习好的学生配合教师演示如下对话:

1. (出示sweater 图片)

t: my sweater is worn out.

s: you can buy one in the shop. it sells clothes there.

t: i want to go shopping now. can you come with me, please? i can"t decide which sweater to buy.

s: let me help you.

2. s shopkeeper: what can i do for you?

c customer: i"d like two woolen sweaters for my friend.

s: well, which colour do you like?

c: blue.

s: what size do you want?

c: size ten.

s: what about this one?

c: it looks nice. can i try it on, please?

s: certainly.

c: well, how much does it cost?

s: eighty-five yuan.

c: oh. that"s cheap. i"ll have it, please.








can i help you? what can i do for you? which would you like? how many/much do you

want? is that all? do you like…? what about …? which one/ colour / …do you like? what

size do you want? is this one better? ok/certainly. here you are. no hurry. please take your

time! i"m afraid we haven"t got any …in that size at the moment. i"m sorry. we"ve sold out.

the… in your size. but we"ve got some… ones.


i want to buy (some) … (for…) this evening/afternoon/morning. thank you. / yes, please. i want … of..., please. i would like ..., please. i"d like… for … no. and some …please. i want some … about… (数量), please. we"ll/ill have a look at the …thank you. i like the colour, but it"s/they"re too… /no, the colour"s too .... it"s great, but it"s not… enough. /they are great, but they"re not …enough. i prefer…, but this… is too… ! that"s too … yes. that"s just right. have you got any other kind/ colour /size? that looks nice/great. can/may i try them/it on, please? have you got anything cheaper?

谈论价格并做决定:(顾客)how much does it cost?/ how much do they cost? how much are these things? that"s (much) too expensive, i"m afraid. that"s (quite) cheap/dear. that"s a bit expensive. i like it, but it costs too much. / i like them, but they cost too much. i can"t decide. i"ll take it. i"ll just buy…

售货员:let me see…(价格),…yuan /dollars please. you haven"t paid for it yet. that"s the cheapest/most expensive … we have, i"m afraid.


教学目标 与要点

1.掌握本单元的词汇和短语。特别是be worn out,a pair of,try…on, think about等的用法。



4.能完全区别so that和so…that的用法。


6.认真学习“ on-line”,领会高科技给我们生活带来的莫大方便。




be excited about 关于……而兴奋

a place of interest 名胜

go over 过一遍;仔细检查

make a mistake 犯错误

drop off 放下(某物);下车

beijing opera 京剧

the great hall of the people 人民大会堂

the palace museum 故宫

the great wall 长城

a pair of leather tennis shoes 一双皮面的网球鞋

even though 纵使;即使……也

have a 38 in this color 有38号这种颜色的鞋

shopping on-line 在线或网上购物

take pictures of this trip 在旅游中照相

click on the screen 点击屏幕

close to 靠近

hear sb. doing sth.. 听见某人在做某事

on kunming lake 在昆明湖

the summer palace 颐和园

beihai park 北海公园

the day after tomorrow 后天

again and again 一遍又一遍地

cost so much 如此昂贵

cost so little 如此便宜

so that 以便

drop off our things 放下我们的物品

be in a hurry 匆忙


the camera cost so much that …. 这架照相机如此贵,以至于……。

she decided to buy a camera online so that …. 她决定在网上买一架照相机,以便……。

the computer cost so little that …. 这台计算机如此便宜,以至于……。

even though …(be) a little expensine, … will take …. 虽然……有点儿贵,……将买……。


1.购物 shopping

what size …? 多大号码?

have you got any other colour / size / kind? 你们这还有其它别的颜色/尺码/款式吗?

have you got anything cheaper? 你们这有更便宜的吗?

how much are they? 它们多少钱?

how much does it cost? 它多少钱?

how much is it? 它多少钱?

that’s a bit expensive. 那个有点儿昂贵。

even though they’re a little expensive, i’ll take them. 即使它们有点儿贵,我也将买它们。

i’ll think about …. 我将考虑考虑……。

i don’t think i’ll take …. 我想我不买……。


i like …. 我喜欢……。

i don’t really like …. 我真的不喜欢……。

3.提供(帮助等)和应答offers and responses

can i help you, girl? 我能帮助您吗?

would you like me to look in the back? 您能让我看一下反面吗?

yes, do please. 是的,请吧!



本单元的中心话题是“购物”,所有的对话、课文及练习都是围绕这一话题展开的。我们要能熟练运用有关“挑选物品、询问价格、做出决定”的购物交际用语,同时还得学会通过互联网进行购物的方法和技巧。“ on-line”给我们提供了典型的范例。本单元着重讲述了过去完成时的基本概念、构成以及它的肯定、否定和疑问句式及其简略答语,区别了so that和so…that…的不同用法。结合自己的实际情况,参考lesson 56,进行英文日记的写作训练,也可以写一篇自己经历过的shopping活动。


1. are you excited about going to beijing?  去北京你很激动吗?

2. you’d better try them on first. 你最好先穿上试一试。

句中try on的意思是“穿上(戴上)试一试”。如try on 的宾语是名词时,名词可放在try on后面,也可放在try 与on之间。如:

i went to the tailor’s shop to try on my new suit. 我到裁缝店去试新做的西服。

i went to the tailor’s shop to try my new suit on. 我到裁缝店去试新做的西服

注:如try on的宾语是代词,代词一般要放在try与on之间。如:

she was trying on a new hat. (she was trying it on.) 她在试戴一顶新帽子。

3. even though they’re a little expensive, i’ll take them. 即使鞋有点儿贵,我也将买它们。

(1)句中even though相当于even if,意思是“纵使;即使……也”。常引导让步状语从句:

i’ll help you, even if i don’t sleep for a night. 即使我一夜不睡觉,也还要帮助你。

even if ,even though还可用于虚拟语气,意思是“即使”,引导从句。如:

even if he were here, he could not solve the problem at once, too. 即使他在这里,他也不能立即解决这个问题。(事实上他没有在这里。)

even though she had been very busy, she would have helped us. 即使当时她很忙,她还是会帮助我们的。(事实上她当时并不十分忙,故帮助了我们)。

(2) expensive与high, cheap与low

这四个词在谈论到价格的高低时,要注意使用。expensive与high涉及到价格“高”,而cheap 与low涉及到价格“低”。


this watch is expensive. 这只表很贵。

these glass-products are not expensive. 这些玻璃制品不是很值钱。


the cheap table was bought from him.  这张便宜的桌子是他卖给我们的。

this cloth doll is very cheap. 这只布娃娃很便宜。


the price of this watch is very high.  这只表的价格太高了。

the price of this book is not low for me. 这本书的价格对我来说是不低。


the price of this computer is expensive.

(上句宜改为:this computer is expensive. 或the price of this computer is high. )

the price of this pen is not cheap for him to buy.

(上句宜改为:this pen is not cheap for him to buy. 或 the price of this pen is not low for him. )

4. shopping online(互联)网上或在线购物

5. she wanted to take pictures of this trip.

take pictures of this trip在旅游中照相

6. as she lives out in the country, there is no place to buy a very good camera.


*句中as 是连词,作“由于,因为”解,引导原因状语从句。because,since,as,for都是说明原因的接续词,because语气最强,表示理由充分,有必然的因果关系,其次是since,表示一种间接或附带的原因,再其次是as、for,只是说明一下,关系是松弛的。如:

everybody likes tom, as he is kind and honest. yesterday, we stayed at home because it rained. someone invited him to dinner. he replied, “as i am ill, i won’t go out”. after he had hung up, he smiled, “i can’t see anything for the fog in fact”. i said, “since you insist, i have to cook for you ”.

*句中to buy a very good camera是动词不定式短语作定语,修饰no place。

7. she decided to buy a digital camera online so that it could be sent to her.


句中so that意思是“以便,为了 ”,常常引导结果状语从句。“so (such) …that”引导结果状语从句,作“这么……,以至”或“所以”解,so接形容词、副词或分词,而such则接名词。如:

wan jun does exercises everyday so that she could run fast.


wan jun was such a fast runner that he could almost catch up with a deer. =wan jun ran so fast that he could almost catch up with a deer.


8. she had searched the internet for two hours…

had searched 是过去完成时。



9. mr sato looked at the ad.

ad是缩短词,也可写成advertisement,常见的缩短词还有:dormitory — dorm(宿舍), popular — pop(流行音乐), refrigerator — fridge(冰箱)等。

10. then he found ads for other cameras as well.

句中as well意思是“亦;也;又;同样”。as well as 引导比较状语从句,意思是“和……做得同样好;和……一样”,as well as里的well是副词,作“好”解。

11. …all the information about different kinds of cameras…

different kinds of 不同种类的,表达“……这(几)种”可用以下组合:

this kind of + 名词原形 + 动词单数

these kinds of 名词原形/名词复数 + 动词复数

名词复数 + of this kind + 动词复数

12. click on the screen  点击屏幕

13. a week later miyoko received the camera she had ordered.

she had ordered在这里修饰the camera,指她所订购的那台相机。

14.the computer cost so much that she didn’t buy it. 这台计算机太贵一直她买不起。


the book cost me five yuan. 我花五元钱买了这本书。

像take,spend,pay也都表示“花钱”这一用法,但句型不同:take的主语是动词不定式;spend,在主动语句中主语是人;pay的主语是人。be worth是“值得……的”的意思,be worth后接宾语。

it took me five yuan to buy the book.. 买这本书花了我五元钱。

i spent five yuan on (for) the book.或i spent five yuan (in) buying the book. 我花五元钱买这本书。

i paid five yuan for the book. 我花了五元钱买这本书。

the book was worth five yuan. 这本书值五元钱。


the past perfect tense (1)




statements 陈述句

they had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel. 在他们到达旅馆之前,他们已经吃早饭了。

从句中“arrived at”到达在“过去”的时间,而“had already had”吃早饭的动作发生在到达之前,因此主句的时态为“过去的过去”。

i had finished writing my composition by 10:00 this morning. 今天上午10:00点以前,我已经写完了我的作文

she had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the canon digital camera. 当她找到了佳能数码照相机的广告时,她已经在因特网上查询了两个小时。

i went over what i had written again and again so that i wouldn’t make any mistakes. 我一遍又一遍地检查了我所写的内容,以至我没能出现任何错误。

negative 否定句

he remembered he hadn’t paid for it yet. 他记得他没有付款。

he said that he had never seen such a beautiful bird before. 他说他在以前从来没有看过这样美丽的鸟。

questions 疑问句

how many english flashes had you seen by the end of last term?


had you reached the station before ten o’clock.?





1) she had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the canon digital camera.

2) after she had found more information,. . .

3) after he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, . . .





关于so that句型的教学建议

由so…that引导的状语从句是本单元另一个语法重点。这个语法点并不难理解,教师应使学生认识这个句型表达的意思; so后面是跟形容词还是副词由so前面的谓语动词类型决定。

教师事先准备好画有jacket, shoes, socks, shirt, sweater, suit, trousers等衣物的图片,以及写有cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small等词的卡片。把he,she,we,they,john,i写在黑板上,然后出示相应的图片和卡片,造句如下:

the jacket cost so much that he didn"t buy it.

this pair of trousers are so long that i can"t wear them.

教师先让全班做快速口头造句练习,然后板书一部分例句,简要分析这个句型的构成及意义和使用场合。接着半班,行排之间进行快速口头连锁造句比赛。两组轮流造句,不能重复。教师限定时间,造句多且准确的组为优胜。接着要求学生口头完成练习册练习题。检查核对答案后,根据study and practise和上面口头完成的两个练习,笔头造句。并要他们注意使用不同类型的谓语动词。对造句子多且好的学生应予以奖励。 


本单元教学的主要交际项目是有关“购物 (shopping)”的日常用语。这个交际项目曾在第一册、第二册出现过。本单元的教学应在归纳总结以前知识的基础上,采用多种教学手段和教学形式,使学生对“购物”这项交际项目有更全面的了解,并逐步掌握购物过程中“挑选物品、询问价格、做出决定”的不同表达形式。建议教师采用如下教学步骤 :

教师准备出示画有shop, sweater,shoes的图片或学习用品的实物,并要求一位学习好的学生配合教师演示如下对话:

1. (出示sweater 图片)

t: my sweater is worn out.

s: you can buy one in the shop. it sells clothes there.

t: i want to go shopping now. can you come with me, please? i can"t decide which sweater to buy.

s: let me help you.

2. s shopkeeper: what can i do for you?

c customer: i"d like two woolen sweaters for my friend.

s: well, which colour do you like?

c: blue.

s: what size do you want?

c: size ten.

s: what about this one?

c: it looks nice. can i try it on, please?

s: certainly.

c: well, how much does it cost?

s: eighty-five yuan.

c: oh. that"s cheap. i"ll have it, please.








can i help you? what can i do for you? which would you like? how many/much do you

want? is that all? do you like…? what about …? which one/ colour / …do you like? what

size do you want? is this one better? ok/certainly. here you are. no hurry. please take your

time! i"m afraid we haven"t got any …in that size at the moment. i"m sorry. we"ve sold out.

the… in your size. but we"ve got some… ones.


i want to buy (some) … (for…) this evening/afternoon/morning. thank you. / yes, please. i want … of..., please. i would like ..., please. i"d like… for … no. and some …please. i want some … about… (数量), please. we"ll/ill have a look at the …thank you. i like the colour, but it"s/they"re too… /no, the colour"s too .... it"s great, but it"s not… enough. /they are great, but they"re not …enough. i prefer…, but this… is too… ! that"s too … yes. that"s just right. have you got any other kind/ colour /size? that looks nice/great. can/may i try them/it on, please? have you got anything cheaper?

谈论价格并做决定:(顾客)how much does it cost?/ how much do they cost? how much are these things? that"s (much) too expensive, i"m afraid. that"s (quite) cheap/dear. that"s a bit expensive. i like it, but it costs too much. / i like them, but they cost too much. i can"t decide. i"ll take it. i"ll just buy…

售货员:let me see…(价格),…yuan /dollars please. you haven"t paid for it yet. that"s the cheapest/most expensive … we have, i"m afraid.

lesson 53 教学设计示例

properties: recorder, overhead projector, pictures

teaching objectives:

1. learn some dialogues.

2. learn some useful expressions.

language focus: be excited, be worn out.

i don’t think i’ll take it.

teaching procedures:

i. show the teaching aims

ii. revision

check the homework and revise the names of articles of clothing by showing the students pictures or the real thing. ask:

what’s this ? what colour is it? what’s it made of?

iii. leading in

get the students to look at the pictures, they are all advertisement of the shoes. there are all kinds of clothing. and say: today i want to buy a new pair of shoes. do you know why? because my shoes are old enough, they are worn out, i can’t wear them to school or any other place. show an old pair of shoes to the class to help the students to understand the dialogue.

iv. presentation

say: now i want to buy some new shoes. i’ll go to the shop. what ideas would you like to give me? let the students give some good advice. (quality, color, price, style, etc)

v. practice

get the students to listen to the tape to get the general idea of the dialogue.(show lesson53text.exe)

then play the cassette for the second time and let the students follow the dialogue. go through the dialogue. let them really understand it. in the sentence “you’d better try them on.”

ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape. get them to practise it in pairs without opening the books. ask some pairs to act it out in class. then go through the useful expressions in the box at the bottom of the page. note the position of the negative in “i don’t think i’ll take it.” finally, make up new dialogues for buying dark blue suits or light green dresses.

vi. workbook

do exercise i in class. practise dialogues.

do exercise 3 orally. and write down the answers.

vii. consolidation

ask the students to write down one dialogue on a piece of paper, then share with each other.

viii. homework

revise the contents of the lesson.

make up one dialogue about shopping.

lesson 54教学设计方案

period: the second period

content: lesson 54

properties: computer / recorder; overhead projector; pictures, sounds.

teaching objectives:

1. understanding the past perfect tense.

2. learn some useful expressions.

language focus: on line, make a decision, so that, click on the screen, places of interest

teaching procedures:

i. showing the teaching aims

ii. revision

get the students to watch a video about shopping and practise the dialogues again and present some dialogues that the sentences written for homework.

iii. leading in

get the students to look at the picture of shopping online and describe it in english. look the exercise below,

1. what did sato miyoko decide to buy online?

2. why didn’t she buy it in a store?

3. what did her father think of her choice?

4. what did they do after a form appeared on the screen?

5. when did she receive what she had ordered?

then lead students watch the video / listen the tape of lesson 54 online.


iv. watch and listen

watch the flash / listen the tape of lesson 54 online (which is offered) three times.

after the first time, answer the questions above, and show the right answers to them:

1. she decided to buy a camera online.

2. because she lives out in the country.

3. her father thought that her choice is right.

4. they filled in the form and typed credit card number, telephone number, address and e-mail address.

5. a week later she received what she had ordered.

after the second time, do the listening exercise about text, such as filling the blanks. ( show flash online )

after the third time, tell the students to read the text more carefully and check their answers, find the sentences of the past perfect tense appeared in this text. such as:

1) she had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the canon digital camera.

2) after she had found more information, she asked her father if she could buy it.

3) after he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision.


v. explain and practice

explain the language focus of the text, for example, online, so that, as well, make a decision, etc. the main point is:

1. shopping online(互联)网上或在线购物

2. take pictures of this trip在旅游中照相

3. as 是连词,作“由于,因为”解,引导原因状语从句。

4. so that意思是“以便,为了 ”,常常引导结果状语从句。“so (such) …that”引导结果状语从句,作“这么……,以至”或“所以”解,so接形容词、副词或分词,而such则接名词。

5. had searched 是过去完成时。

6. ad是缩短词,也可写成advertisement。     

7. as well意思是“亦;也;又;同样”。

8. different kinds of 不同种类的。

9. click on the screen  点击屏幕

10. she had ordered在这里修饰the camera,指她所订购的那台相机。

* show the pictures about clothes and some words, such as:

cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small; he,she,we,they,john,i
ask students make sentences with so that.


the jacket cost so much that he didn"t buy it.

these trousers are so long that i can"t wear them.

vi. work in pairs

look the chinese translation of text (which is offered in lesson 54 text.exe ) and think about what the writer could tell us. divide the students to four parts. show the topic below, and let them prepare this in groups.

simulate you will do shopping online, what should you do and what will be appeared to you? could you speak out the process in english?

sum up the points of shopping online or show the answers to the class. otherwise finish the exercise lead you shopping online which is offered.

vii. homework

1. review the contents of the lesson and retell the story. pay attention to telling students that the most important thing is the main idea, is not the whole text itself.

2. go shopping at spare time, and write a dairy about shopping.

lesson 55 教学设计示例

properties: recorder, overhead projector

teaching objectives: learn grammar: the past perfect tense.

language focus: 1. grammar: the past perfect tense

2. so. . . that, so that . . .

teaching procedures:

i. showing the teaching aims.

ii. revision

ask the students to read the text, then get several students to retell the story.

iii. presentation

look at the picture and say;

1. miyoko bought a camera so that she could take pictures in beijing.

2. tom got up early so that he could catch the early bus. ask the students to pay attention to the structure. let the students make up some sentences with so that....

iv. practice

do exercise 1. read through the sentences with the students - pay attention to the phrases: go over, make mistakes, get wet in the rain.

v. presentation

make up some examples: 1.i am so angry that i can’t say a word. 2. the teacher spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him. 3. the question is so difficult that nobody in our class can answer it. 4. the car cost so much that she didn’t buy it. 5. the box is so difficult that he can’t carry it. ask the students to pay attention to the structure. so + adj./ adv. + that + . . . let them make up some sentences with it.

vi. practice

look at exercise 2. read through the words in the box, make up an example, let the students make up more sentences with each other. then collect the sentences from the students. pay attention to the followings, let the students understand them,

it took me an hour to do my homework.

i spent an hour in doing my homework. (on my homework. )

i paid five yuan for the book.

the book cost me five yuan.

discuss the simple past forms of cost/ hit / hurt/ let / cut/ put. listen to the sentence

1. miyoko had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the camera.

2. miyoko had bought a pair of leather tennis shoes before she went to beijing.

the past perfect tense is used here .its structure is had + past participle

e.g. 1. he had left before his wife came back.

2.i remembered that peter had already got a driving licence.

let the students have the clear concept first. then do exercise 3. look and say. ask the students to talk about each picture with their partner.

vii. workbook

do exercise 1. let the students write down the answers: 1. had stopped 2. had heard  3. had gone 4. had begun 5. hurried, had gone

do exercise 2 in class. the answers are: broke, happened, locked, left, came, had broken, had forgotten, left, leave, had happened, have, lust, lost

ix. homework

1. make up six sentences using “so that” “so…that”.

2. finish exercise 3 in the workbook.

3. write three important changes that had taken place in your hometown by the end of last year.

lesson 56 教学设计示例

properties: recorder, overhead projector

teaching objectives:

1. practise listening comprehension.

2. understand the text.

3. master the forms of writing a diary.

language focus: hear somebody doing something/do sth, have the picture taken, drop off

teaching procedures:

i. showing the teaching aims

ii. revision

check homework, and then revise the story of miyoko’s school trip.

iii. presentation

part 1. ask the students to read miyoko’s diary and put the pictures in the right order, check the answers with the whole class .then play die tape for the students to listen and repeat. explain some language points and pay attention to the forms of writing letters.

iv. practice

ask the students to do exercise 2. write miyoko’s diary for april 3rd and april 4th. guess and write what she said at the last three places .

v. listening

let the students go through the sentences in exercise i in the workbook, then play the tape, ask the students to check their answers, listen again, repeat the sentences, then ask the students to go through the sentences of exercise 2 in the workbook. ask the students to match the questions from the tape with the following answers. check the answers with the whole class.

vi. practice

part 4. ask the students to answer the questions about miyoko’s school trip in pairs. then checkpoint 14

go through the grammar part.

1. the past perfect tense.

2. the adverbial clause with so. . . that and so that. give the students more practice in the use of these grammars. practise the useful expressions and make sure the students can under their meanings.

vii. workbook

exercise 3 should be done orally in class, then practise the dialogue with the whole class.

ix. homework

1. finish off the rest exercises in the workbook.

2. make a shopping dialogue in pairs.


go (去购物)


1. 组织学生做游戏增加学英语的兴趣。

2. 熟悉英语数字的读法 ( one, two, three,…ten, twenty,…one hundred 等)并会用简单的英语提问和回答价钱。


1. 学生已学过英语1-99、百、千等数字。

2. 学生会 how much…的句型。


1. 钱币数十枚/张,有壹元、伍元、拾元不等。

2. 图片或实物数样, 如:明信片、笔记本、水果、篮球、书等。

四、活动过程 :

1. 老师先带领同学复习1-99, one hundred, thousand 等读法。

2. 发给每位同学若干钱币, 钱数不必相同。

3. 先由老師扮演购物者shopper,拿出一样物品,如书本,全体同学一起问:

how much is it? 此時shopper 便回答: it is _______ dollars.

4. 听到钱数后, 学生们須赶快拿出手中的钱湊在一起,使钱数符合该项物品价格, 如:a book is fifteen dollars. 持有不同钱数的同学即须聚在一起,三五个不等,然后一起说: we have fifteen dollars.

5. shopper再拿另一物品, 再问 how much is it? 其余同前面的步骤。


◎ shopper 可换人扮演,并以不同角色如扮演小女孩或妈妈,增加趣味性。

write diary (写日记)


1. 以实际经验应用课本所学的英语,来提高学生对学习英语的兴趣。

2. 训练用简单的英语写日记。


学生已学过人教版英语第三冊lesson 56的內容或完成了关于日记的文体学习。


1. 先安排好业余时间,星期六或星期天,统一集合后出发前往较近的快餐店, 如 mcdonald"s, kenturkey 等。

2. 老师拟好一份日记范文, 或只有开头提示的短文, 如下所示:

today is ______________.

my classmates and i went to ___________________________.

at _________, we got together at school. then we went by___________.

we __________

3. 提醒學生注意礼貌。

四. 活动过程 :

1. 老师可利用前往途中先带领同學复习所学的生字和对话。

2. 进入店內即让学生自行点餐,但要求一律用英语。

3. 学生点餐时, 老師可拍照或录影, 回校后再检查和总结应用英语的效果。 此举亦使学生态度较认真。

4. 用完餐后,老师将事先准备好的日记或短文范本影印件发给每位学生。 说明写作要点和提交时间即可。

knowing computer

如果学生们从来就不知道计算机是怎样操作的,是很难理解第54课的内容 online 的。可以把下面的短文、图片、习题、注释等提供给学生们。做好使用计算机的各项准备后,带领学生们到计算机教室里进行have a try的活动内容。如果可以联网到internet, 不妨让学生们尝试一下网上购物的过程,相关的过程展示请参考本课的课件lead you shopping online。

a computer is an electronic machine that can store and work with large quantities of information. computers can do hard mathematical problem fast, can retrieve(检索) information quickly, and can help a person work with words and pictures.

using only the computer in your home and a few pieces of software, what you can do is limited. network lets you keep in touch with people you know and meet hundreds of people you didn"t know before. it can transform a small tool into a treasure house of tools for hundreds of uses.

   the internet is the most powerful tool for information exchange. it is a collection of computer networks all over the world, and the world wide web (www) is an easy-to-use access system. the internet has created a new environment and will affect the future of society.


(1) do computers know what to do or how to work without a computer program?

(2) computers are very useful. please find out what people can do with computers.

true or false

(1) network can make your small computer with limited capabilities(能力) into a large computer with unlimited options. (    )

(2) network can help you make communication(交流) with people easier.( )

(3) through network you can get information quickly and easily. (    )

(4) the internet is not an object that you can touch. (    )

(5) the www is an easy-to-use system. (    )

(6) the internet is a collection of computers all over the world. (    )

have a try

(1) try to do your english homework with a computer, and show it to your english teacher.

(2) try to draw a picture with a computer, and show it to your parents.

(3) do you know how to play a computer game?

(4) do you know how to go shopping online?

answers of true or false

(1) t (2)  t (3) t (4) t (5) t (6)f


internet  因特网

windows98 视窗98

dos 磁盘操作系统

mouse 鼠标器

information 信息


web 网

central processor unit (简称cpu) 中央处理器

pentium 奔腾

read only memory (简称rom) 只读存储器

random access memory (简称ram) 随机存储器

cd—rom 只读光盘驱动器

keyboard 键盘

enter 回车键

space 空格键

insert 插入键

del 删除键

home 使光标到行首键

backspace 退格键

esc 动能键

shift 换档键

number lock 数字键

caps lock 大小写转换键

try to go shopping online

安排学生们上电脑课时,体验在线购物的乐趣,帮助理解lesson 54的课文 online。学生们可根据教师出示的网址进行搜索和查询。回来后,请总结网上购物所遇到的问题,并帮助学生理解预订、付款、交货等如何在网络上和现实中实现的。









cancel 删除

search 搜索

select 选取


check out 结算

bill 账单

finish 完成(选购)

list 列表

detail 详细(情况)

introduction 介绍

order  订(购)

discount 折扣

delivery 交货,送货

payment 付款

package 包装

handling charge 手续费

total price 总价格

catalogue 目录


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