[九年级英语上学期教学工作计划]九年级英语上学期Lesson 15 教案

九年级英语教案 2016-04-06 网络整理 晴天


Lesson 15

Language Focus:

1. Useful expressions: on a trip; have a football match; What a Pity. How interesting. Have a good time; take photos.

2. The use of “that” in the Object Clause.

Properties: recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and have the students know what they will do in this class:

1. Master some useful expressions.

2. Go on learning the Grammar: the use of "that in the Object Clause

3. Read and act out the dialogue

II. Revision

1. Check homework.

2. Revise Lesson 14 “Jim’s Train Ride”. First get the students to ask and answer some questions about the passage, see if the students can understand the passage correctly. Get one student to retell the story.

III. Presentation

Present this dialogue:

T: What did you do yesterday?

S: We had a football match. What about you ?

T: We were on a train .We came back from Mount Emei.

S: Really? How exciting. I"ve never been there. How did you get there?

T: By train. We went there by train.

S: Did you have a good time?

T: Yes, ifs very beautiful.

S: Did you take any photos?

T: Of course.

Show the dialogue on a slide, and ask the students W read it in pairs. Give them a few seconds to practise the dialogue in pairs. Get the students to make their own dialogues. Ask some groups to share their dialogues with the whole class.

IV. Read and act

Part 1. Speech Cassette. Have the students listen to the tape. Then play the tape again for them to repeat. Ask: What did Lin Tao say? Have the students find the answer.

Read the dialogue again, and do Exercise l in the workbook to help them to understand the dialogue and help them to master the grammar: the Object Clause.

V. Practice

Part 2. Have the students ask and answer in pairs. See if the students can use the Object Clause correctly.

VI. Workbook

Do Exercise 3 with the students. Have the students read the passage and guess the meaning of the new words. Encourage the students to improve their reading ability.

Do Exercise 2. Have a dictation. Dictate some sentences. Then make the students ask and answer in pairs.

VII. Summary

Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.

1. Our teacher told us that you _________ (be) going on a trip.

2. Lin Tao said that he ___________ never __________ (be) there.

3. Jim thought that the train __________ (be) like a big moving party.

4. She says there __________ (be) a big party this weekend.

5. Lin Tao feels that his own team __________ (be) even better.

6. __________ (not be) late for class, the teacher __________ (not be ) happy.

Answers: 1. were 2. had been 3. was 4. will be 5. is 6. Don"t be / won"t be

VIII. Homework

Read the dialogue and make similar dialogues.


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