第五册语文书上册_第五册lesson plan
Lesson plan
Date:Dec.3 Period:one
Class:four Grade:one
Teaching materials: Text of lesson 49
English Book I p61
Teaching objectives: Help the students
(1)learn the new words and be able to make sentences with then .
(2)learn the test and be able to describe the colours in English .
Type or lesson:Comphrehensive lesson .
Teaching tools:a tape-recorder ,some pictures and a small blackboard .
Organization of class:
Ⅰ.Greeting students ready for class .
1、Greeting students to order .
2、Exchange of greeting with students .
3、Ask the students on duty the following questions:
T: Is everyone here ? S:
T: Who is on duty today? S:
T:What"s the weather like today?S:
4、Telling students the teaching contents:
Ⅱ.review and cheek-up .
Ask students to answer the following questions with cards:
T: what"s this in English?
S: It"s……
T:What"s that ?
S: It"s……
T:Is this(that) a(an)……?
S:Yes , it is ./No, it isn" t .
Ⅲ. Presentation of the new materials:
1、Teching the following new words with a small blackboard .
1)What colour is it ?(Teacher point to the pictures on the small blackboard)
It"s black/red/white/green/yellow/blue/purple/brown/orange/grey.(students read out aloud)
2)What"s colour is it ? (Teacher point to the classroom in the picture)
It"s…(red) . (students read aloud)
2、Teach the text:
1)Put up some pictures and ask students to listen to the recording of the text while looking at the picture.(again and again)
2)Ask the students some questions to cheek them .
①What"s this (that) ?
②Is this (that) a car ?
③What colour is it ?
④It"s…(black) . It"s a …(black) car .
3)Explain some language points:
①There is a car on the hill in the picture . (Explain why use "on" instead of "in")
②A:what colour is it? B:It"s black. It"s a black car. (Extlain "black" and " a black car "the use of sentences) .
Ⅳ. Reinforcement :
1、Reading the text after the recording and the teacher gives some guideline to the pronuncition and intonation of reading the text .
2、Ask students to read the text .
3、Ask students to give some questions on the pictures and give answer.
4、Play a game use pictures ( T : Act it.Ask students do it like this )
Ⅴ. Summary:
Today we"re learned some new words and the text please pay attention to those words in the text. (pointing to some important points)
Ⅵ. Design for exercises:
1)Revise the dialogues in lesson 49 .
2)Write the new words .
3)Finish the workbook esercises. Do Ex 2,3 in the exercise book .
2、Additional exercises :
1、一只红色的风筝 2、一朵黄色的花
3、一辆蓝色的小汽车 4、一只黑色的猫
5、一只白色的鸟 6、一个绿色的苹果
B)Fill in the blank:
A:What"s over there?
B: ?
A:Over there, the hill.
B: a car.
A: is it ?
B:It"s red. It"s a red .
A:Is a car , too ?
B: , it is .
A:What colour is it ?
B:It"s . It"s a black car.
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