[unit]Unit 4 How do you go to school?
Talk about your travel plan during the National holiday. and yourselPictures 导入 任务Guessing game 将要去旅游的城市Task1 where are you going for vacation and what are you doing there? Task2 You group decide where to go and how to go there. Task3 Write a travel plan and the whole class decide where to have the vacation.
Teaching procedures Task1 where are you going for vacation and what are you doing there? Aim: Know something about other cities and lead in the main sentence structure. StepsTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesStep1Lead-inIn a few days we are having a long holiday—National holiday. So I am taking you out to have a trip. Do you want to stay in Beijing or go out of Beijing?Students decide weather stay in Beijing or go out of Beijing.Step 2Here I choose some cities for you. Maybe we are going there. Look at the pictures and tell me where we are going.Students look at the pictures and guess by using the sentences: Are we going to Shanghai?Yes, we are.No, we aren’t.Step3 Give students some introduction about different cities, and let them choose the city they are going, read it and fill in the form.Choose the city they like and fill in the chart.Questions: Where are you going for vacation?What are you doing there?How are you going there?Step4 presentationAsk Students to give the report about the city they choose.Give the report by using the sentences:I am going……for vacation.I am swimming there.We are going there by plane/bus/ ship. Task2 Each group decides where to go and how long to stay.Aim: practice the sentences 1. Where are you going for vacation? 2. What are you doing there? 3. How are you going there? 4. When are you going there? 5. When are you coming back?StepsTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activities Step1Pair workAsk students to change their information in pairs and give them supportStudents fill in the chart by asking their partner the three questions.Step 2After students have filled in the chart ask them to give the report.Give the report by using the sentences:Bob is going to Hainan for vacation.Bob is going fishing there.It is fine there.Step2 Group workAsk each group to decide the city they all want to go and show them some questions to answer. Each group decide the city they all want to go and discuss the questions:1. Where are you going for vacation? 2. How long are you staying there?3. How are you going there?4. When are you going there?5. When are you coming back? Step3 ReportAsk one of the Ss in each group to give the report. Report the result like this:1.We are going Xian for vacation. 2. We are staying there for five days.3.We are going there by plane/train.4. I am going there on October 1st.5. I am coming back on October 5th.Task 3: Write a travel planAim: Learn how to write a travel plan.StepsTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesStep 1 writingNow, you have known the city you group are going, but before we should make a travel plan and we will choose the best one.The students write the one-day travel plan including what they are doing in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.Step2 Correction Ask each group to show their travel plan to the class, and the teacher help students to correct their letters.Show the travel plan and the whole class choose the city they all want to going.Home work: Make poster about their travel plan. Chart 1 nameWhere are you going? What are you doing there?How are you going there?I 1.教学思路本单元的句型较多,主要是让学生能够较详细地介绍自己。所以前三节课通过各种练习及相关的任务让学生基本掌握了本单元的主要句型,而本节课主要是通过任务的完成,培养学生语言综合能力的应用,本节课中阅读量较大,为学生提供了一定量的输入,为语言的最终输出做准备。在任务过程中学生通过小组活动不但可以充分练习语言而且可以培养学生的协作精神。最终学生在掌握语言的同时还能了解一些国家的背景知识及地理知识。2.教学环节此次课的课型是写作课,写一份自己的旅游计划,时间正值国庆节黄金旅游周的到来,所以本节课设计的一个大任务是全班选出一个出游的城市并作出一份旅游计划,项任务又有层层递进的四个小的任务组成,为任务的最终完成奠定基础。任务1、让学生看不同城市的图片, 猜我们在国庆节期间可能会去哪个城市旅游, 由于各城市的图片都是从不显著到最著名的建筑物及风光. 提供了信息差,学生充分练习了Are we going to Hainan? 的句型. 而且让学生增加对一些城市的了解,及地理知识。任务2、让学生通过讨论选出本组成员都想去的城市。 I am going to ……because 任务3、小组内制定旅游计划,包括日常的安排,所采用的交通方式,出发的时间,及应随身携带的物品等充分应用以下语言:I am taking a credit card. I am going there by plane. I am swimming there.任务4、独立完成旅游计划的写作并当堂完成批改。由于前两步语言的铺垫, 学生有了一定的输入, 所以在短时间内, 学生能够完成写作,并全班范围内进行修改,在此过程中学生学会如何修改自己的写作。教学反思: 任务型教学是一种较新的教学方法,大家都还处于一个摸索阶段,所以本节课是对任务型教学与教材的相结合作了一个研究与尝试,本节课的一个大任务就是制定假期出游计划,为完成这个任务,在课堂上又呈现了三个环环相扣的小任务,形成一个完整的任务链,为任务的最终完成奠定基础。在完成任务过程中学生通过小组活动不但可以充分练习语言而且可以培养学生的协作精神。
最终学生在掌握语言的同时还能了解一些国家的背景知识及地理知识。本节课任务的设置基本本着以上三条原则,任务真实,活动量大,内容充实,通过group work 使学生做到互动,节奏快,学生都能最终完成本课设计的任务。而且由于各环节多给予了学生语言支持,很多同学都在较短的时间内,完成了一篇质量较高的写作,内容丰富,语言流畅。
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