
高三英语教案 2014-10-06 网络整理 晴天


unit 14 zoology [知识点拨]

warming up a small animal that helps the police get hold of thieves.
【点拨】get hold of …= take/catch hold of …意思是“抓住…”;“获得…”
e.g. he took hold of the rope and pulled.
i got hold of the sack and lifted it.
i need to get hold of some money quickly.
hold 还用作动词,意为“握住”“拥有”“容纳”“使…保持…”“持…观点”等
e.g. she was holding a book. 她手里拿着一本书。
they held their heads up.他们头抬得高高的。
she holds that the government’s policy is mistaken.
hold a conversation/meeting 进行交谈/开会
hold the line = hold on 别挂电话
hold … back 阻止…
hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
hold…off 使…与…保持距离
hold …over 使…延期 an animal that isn’t telling the truth.
【点拨】tell the truth“说实话”的意思,tell的相关类似短语有:
tell a/the lie = tell lies 撒谎
tell a story 讲故事
listening you are going to hear an interview with a woman who works in a zoo.
你将听到对一位在动物园工作的妇女的采访报道。   【点拨】interview 在这里是名词“采访”的意思,还有“面试”之意。
e.g. the film star agreed to give an interview after the wedding.
she’s got an interview for a new job.
interview 还有动词用法,是“采访”的意思,
要区别与cover的用法。interview 可以用interview sb. 或interview sth.
但cover不能用cover sb.只能说cover sth.
e.g. a reporter interviewed the prime minister.
she’s being interviewed for the job.
they sent a great many reporters to cover the conference.
“涉及…(内容)”等含义。请学习下面例句中cover 一词的各种用法
e.g. since water covers most of the earth, corsteau knew we should keep the seas clean.    由于水覆盖了地球的大部分,库斯托知道我们应该保持海洋清洁。
he tried to cover (up)his mistake.
he said he could cover the distance on foot in two hours.
how many pages have you covered? 你读了多少页了?
what are the main points you’re going to cover in your talk ?
we have only just covered our expenses.
e.g. when the water boils, take the cover.
the book needs a new cover .
这书需要装个新封面. what’s the problem with the animals at the zoo?
【点拨】what’s the problem with…
=what’s the trouble with…123456
=what’s the matter with…
=what"s your problem?
=what"s wrong with you?
speaking the two teams take turns speaking.
【点拨】 take turns doing sth. “轮流干…”,turn是名词。
为便于学习,现就turn的用法归纳如下: i. turn (n.)  顺序, 轮流  1. it"s one"s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 it"s your turn to make a decision. 
2. take one"s turn to do sth. = do sth. in turn =do sth. by turns 轮流做某事 the nurses attended the patient in turn / by turns. 
=the nurses took turns to attend the patient. 
护士们轮流照顾病人。ii. turn (vi.) 转动,转向,翻转  turn right / left = turn to the right / left  turn to sth. / sb. (for help)  turn to page 84 iii. turn (link-v.) 变得…… turn green / yellow  变绿/黄了 ten years later, he turned       teacher.    a. /    b. a    c. an    d. the 注: 此题考查turn 作连系动词的特殊用法,即 turn 作连系动词时后接表语名词,省略冠词. 所以此题的答案为a. 如果turn 后加into 则须在名词前加冠词a. iv. 固定词组:  1. turn against   背叛   nobody will turn against his country.  2. turn down   关小 / 拒绝   he turned down my suggestion without hesitation. please turn down the gas.  3. turn from side to side  把身体转来转去   the naughty boy turned from side to side while answering questions in class.  4. turn in 上交  the child picked up a purse on the way and turned it in to the policeman.  5. turn ... into ... (使……)成为……  the farmers are turning waste land into rice fields.   6. turn off 关(水源、煤气、 电灯等) / 避开(问题等) turn off the light when you leave the room.  7. turn on 打开(水、 煤气、 电灯、无线电等) / 对……发怒 turn on the radio turn the gun on sb. 8. turn out 结果是 / 证明是 / 生产出 the weather yesterday turned out (to be) fine. the factory turned out more products than they had expected.  9. turn over (使)打翻 / 翻身 / 翻动 / 翻耕(土地) / 转危为安   the man turned over and went to sleep again when the telephone rang. 10. turn up 开大 / 出现 / 找到 / 证明是 (= turn out to be)   the meeting is beginning, but he has not turned up. he might have been lost. when all the teams are ready, the teacher will start and time the debate.
【点拨】time 是动词,"计时"的意思,还有“安排好时间,使合拍子;安排……的速度"123456
e.g. how long can you hold your breath underwater ? take a deep breath and i’ll time you . 你在水下能潜多久呢?深呼吸一下,我给你计时。
he timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark . 他安排好了他的旅程,以便能在天黑以前到达旅馆。
he tried to time his steps to the music.
reading  among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the “language” they use to communicate with each other.
【点拨】…it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists…是一个由it 引导的强调句,被强调的部分是 the honey bee。如果不加以强调,则全句是:
…the honey bee has most interested scientists…
the development of the  modern beehive in 1851 made it possible to design experiments to research the language of honey bees.
1851年新式蜂箱的研制,使设计实验研究蜜蜂的语言成为可能。 【点拨】 本句是一个简单句:the development… made it possible to design experiments …其中的 it是形式宾语,它所代替的真正宾语是后面的不定式短语 to design experiments。it作形式宾语的句型是:
主语 +及物动词 +it +宾语补足语 +不定式
e.g. i found it important to learn spoken english.
i think it hard to master a foreign language.
she feels it her duty to support her family.
the storm made it impossible for them to march to the city.
暴风雨使他们不可能向城市进军。 professor karl von frisch, a scientist from austria, spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey-bees communicate in their dark hives.
【点拨】amaze vt. 使惊愕;使大为惊讶:
e.g. he amazed everyone by passing his driving test.
amazing “令人惊异的”;在西方人的口中,表示惊讶,经常可以听到amazing这个词。如果有些事情发生得出乎意料,难以置信,也可以用amazing来形容。
e.g. you’re amazing. 你真了不起。
it was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.那男孩能这样快地解完这道题,真是令人惊奇。
有些漂亮或另类的东西,总能吸引许多眼球,就可以说是amazing things.
e.g. i am always looking for new and amazing items. 我总是在寻找让我眼前一亮的新东西。
amazed 使(某人)感到惊奇,常用be amazed at / by 感到惊奇。
e.g. he was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish.    他对五颜绿色和各种美丽的鱼感到惊奇。  we are amazed at the changes in beijing. i can’t even find where my old house is.    北京的变化使我们感到惊奇。我几乎找不到旧房子了。123456
【点拨】"...honey-bees communicate in their dark hives."是定语从句,其先行词
是"ways","way"后省略了引导词 “that”,也可用 “in which”,也可以省略引导词.
    e.g. some english words are not spelt the ways that they sound.
= some english words are not spelt the ways in which they sound.
= some english words are not spelt the ways they sound.
一些英语单词不是像他们发音那样去拼写. he built a transparent wall, through which he could observe what went on inside.
【点拨】 “through which he could observe what went on inside”是定语从句,来修饰先行词,引导词是介词through加which构成.
e.g.this is the house in which i lived two years ago.
某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的"介词+关系词"结构可以同关系副词when 和where 互换。
e.g. do you remember the day on which you joined our club?      =do you remember the day when you joined our club? 
    e.g. the children whom the nurses look after are wery healthy. in order to tell the bees apart ,he painted some bees with little dots of colour.
【点拨】 tell apart 辨别;识别
= tell … from…;
= tell the difference between … and …
e.g. some people can"t tell blue from green.
most new cars look so similar that it"s impossible to tell them apart.
i confused jim with mike because i can"t tell them apart.
the two brothers are so much alike that their mother can hardly tell them apart.
这兄弟俩长得太相象了,连他们的母亲都难以辨别。 they trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movement.
【点拨】课文中 troop作动词用,意思是"结队而行"、"成群涌向"
(come or go together in a group)。用在句中时,句子的主语总是复数。  e.g. the children trooped into the park.
孩子们列队走进公园。  the game was over and the players trooped home.
troop还有名词用法,作"一队"、"一群"解。  e.g. a troop of visitors (一群参观者)。 它的复数形式(troops)作"军队"解。  e.g. we must have our own troops.
【点拨】copy原作"抄写"、"复写"解。   e.g. he is busy copying his composition.
他正忙着抄写他的作文。  本句中的copy引伸作"模仿"、"仿效"解。   e.g. please copy my actions.(=please act as i do. )123456
请照我这样做。  "good morning," she said, copying her mother"s voice.
you should copy his strong points, not his weak points.
你应当学他的长处,而不是他的短处。 von frisch assumed that the dance conveyed more information. 冯·弗里希想弄清这种舞蹈能不能说明喂食处有多远.
【点拨】 assume的用法 assume vt. 表示“假设,主观认为,假定;装出…样子;开始担任,承担…
e.g. we assumed that you understood the situation.
he assumed a well-informed manner but in fact he knows very little.
他装出一副见多识广的样子,而实际上他知之甚少。assume something to be 猜想某事如何
assume ignorance/an injured air
e.g. supposing your father saw you know , what would you say? =if your father saw ……
assuming that the weather is favourable, farmers will have a bumper harvest. 假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。
assumed 假装的,假的;假定的,设想的:
e.g. an assumed cheerfulness伪装的高兴,
an assumed result假定的结果,
his look of astonishment was assumed.他那惊讶的样子是装出来的。 assuming自负的,傲慢的,过分自信的:
e.g. he is too assuming in this attitude about the energy supply.
他在对待能源问题的态度上实在显得过于自信。 assumption假定,异端;自负,傲慢;假装
e.g. we are going on the assumption that the work will be finished tomorrow. 我们在根据明天可以完工这一假定办事。
i was under the assumption that you were coming tomorrow. 我原以为你明天来。
assumptive 被视为理所当然的,自负的,傲慢的:
e.g. assumptive beliefs被视为理所当然的种种信仰,
assumptive people自命不凡的人
one was close to the hive. the other was much farther away ,beyond some trees.一个靠近蜂箱,另一个远离蜂箱,几棵大树之外.
e.g. beyond the river stood a power station.
e.g. some shops keep open beyond midnight有些商店营业到半夜以后。
e.g. your work is beyond all praise.
②作定语 e.g. these were matters beyond his understanding as yet.
e.g. we succeeded beyond our hopes.
e.g. i know nothing beyond what he told me.
is there anything more you can say beyond that?
e.g. he didn"t believe in people living beyond 100.
e.g. if we cross the mountains we may find people living in the valley beyond.
i"ll go with you to the bridge,but not a step beyond.
e.g. he told me nothing beyond.



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