
高三英语教案 2014-10-05 网络整理 晴天


unit17 great women
a. 单词
 1.慷慨的;大方的        (adj.)___________________
 2.愉快的;高兴的        (adj.)___________________
 3.卑鄙的;吝啬的        (adj.)___________________
 4.紧张的;拉紧的        (adj.)___________________
 5.迟钝的;无趣的        (adj.)___________________
 6.不诚实的         (adj.)___________________
 7.极端的;极度的        (adj.)___________________
 8.乐观的          (adj.)___________________
 9.恐吓;威胁         (v.)___________________
 10.重视;估价        (v.)___________________
 11.允诺;答应;有前途      (v.)___________________
 12.烦扰;打扰        (v.)___________________
 13.忍受;承受        (v.)___________________
 14.鼓舞;感动        (v.)___________________
 15.钦佩;欣赏        (v.)___________________
 16.隐蔽;隐蔽处        (n.)___________________
 17.后悔;遗憾        (n.)___________________
 18.气候          (n.)___________________
 19.钢琴家;钢琴演奏者      (n.)___________________
 20.名声;名望        (n.)___________________
 21.奖学金;学问        (n.)___________________
 22.毕业          (n.)___________________
 答案:1.generous 2.cheerful 3.mean 4.tense 5.dull 6.dishonest  7.extreme8.optimistic9.threat 10.value11.promise12.bother 13.bear  14.inspire  15.admire 16.shelter 17.regret18.climate 19.pianist  20.fame21.scholarship  22.graduation1234
b. 短语
 23.即将来临;在拐角处 ________ ________ _________
 24.变弱;平息;消失 _______ _______
 25.甘心;忍受 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
 26.出名 _______ _______ _______
 27.某人/某事物情况如何?______ ______ _______sb. /sth.? 
 28.高声地 _______ _______ _______ _______one’s______
 29.正要,刚刚要做某事 _______ _______ _______ _______
 30.毫无预兆 _______ _______
 31.在世界的另一端  ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______
 32.打扰某人,给某人添麻烦______ sb.______ /_______ sth.
 33.健康状况良好 _______ _______ _______ ______
 34.违背/履行/给予/遵守/作出允诺______/_______ _______ /________/________/_______ a promise
 35.(天气)放晴 _______ _______
 36.打翻 _______ _______
 37.畅销书 _______ _______
 38.挣扎着爬起来 _______ _______ _______ ______
 39.做某事有困难 _______ ______(in)_______ sth.
 答案:23.around the corner 24.die down25.come to terms with 26.come/rise to fame  27.what becomes of 28.at the top of, voice 29.be about to do 30.without warning 31.at  the opposite end of the world 32.bother;about/with 33.be in good health 34.break/carry  out/give/keep/make 35.clear up 36.knock over37.the best-seller 38.struggle to  one’s feet 39.have difficulty; doing
c. 句型
 this book is_______ _______ young people.
 i don’t know what _______ _______ _______him.
 he _______ ______report the thing to the police.
 he _______ _______ ________you.
 答案:40.popular with 41.has become of42.threatened, to 43. regretted quarreling with
d. 语法
 44. five years _______(have) passed since we met last time.
 45. the dancer and singer_______ (be) going to beijing.
 46. the family ________(be) having their supper when i came in.
 47. every girl and every boy _______(have) finished the task.
 答案:44.has 45.is 46.were 47.has
 要点1 threat
 【例题】 (经典回放)her brother    to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order.
 a. declared          b. threatened
 c. warned     d. exclaimed
 解析:本句话的意思是“她哥哥威胁她说如果她不听他的话,他就把她单独留在一间黑房子里”。由“disobey”和“leave her in the dark room alone”可知此处应该是“威胁说,吓唬说”的意思。threaten意为“威胁说要……”。declare意为“宣布,声称”;warn“警告”;exclaim“惊叫”,均不符合题意。1234
归纳与迁移  
 threaten sth.意为“以……相要挟”。
 threaten sb.  with sth.意为“(用……)威胁某人”。
 threaten to do sth.意为“扬言要做某事”。
 threaten an employee with dismissal 用开除威胁一位雇员
 the robber threatened to kill one person every hour if his demands were not met.
 要点2 find
 【例题】 (经典回放)a cook will be immediately fired if he is found      in the kitchen.
 a. smoke      b. smoking
 c. was smoked    d. smoked
 解析:本题考查“find+复合宾语”结构。本句意为“如果厨师被发现在厨房吸烟将会立即被解雇”。find sb.  doing意为“发现某人正在做某事”。
归纳与迁移  
 i found this (to be) true in all the cities i have visited. 
 (2)find it+形容词+不定式
 i find it hard to finish the task.
 (3)find sb.  doing
 he found a number of people already working there.
 (4)find sb. /sth. done
 we found the house painted.
 要点3 regret
 【例题】 i regretted  such a good film.
 a. miss      b. to miss
 c. have missed    d. missing
 解析:本题考查regret的用法。本句意为:“我很后悔错过了如此好的一部电影。”regret doing “后悔做某事”。
归纳与迁移  
 i regret the loss of her friendship.
 i regretted my carelessness.
 用regret doing/having done表示“后悔做某事”。
 i regret not helping/having helped you.
 he regretted that he had missed the lecture.
 (2)regret to do表示“遗憾地……”。
 i regret to tell you that you haven’t passed the examination.
 i felt no regret for it.这件事我不觉得后悔。
 please accept my regrets at having to refuse the invitation.
 要点1 refer to
 【例题】(XX浙江,3)the president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ______this notes.
 a. bringing up
 b. referring to
 c. looking for
 d. trying on
 解析:本句意为:“行长在业务会上作了近一小时的讲话,都没有看他的笔记。”refer to意为“查阅”;bring up意为“抚养,培养”;look for意为“寻找”;try on意为“试穿”。
归纳与迁移  
 refer to有多层意思,常见的有:
 we agreed never to refer to the matter again.
 if you meet with new words, you can refer to the dictionary.
 what does the underlined word refer to?
 要点2 come to terms with
 【例题】usually great men have to ______lots of hardship before they gain their success.
 a. put up     b. come to terms with
 c. enjoy     d. do with
 解析:本句意为:“通常伟人在成功之前都要忍受很多的艰难困苦。”come to terms with意为“甘愿忍受(某种不愉快的处境)”;put up意为“举起,抬起”;enjoy意为“享受”;do with意为“利用,处理”,而且应该用do sth. with sth.。
归纳与迁移  
 come to terms with还有“和解,与……达成协议”之意。
 the two sides has come to terms.
 be on good/bad terms with“与某人关系好/不好”
 i am on good terms with my boss.
 in terms with“至于,从……观点来看”
 in terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized. 
 要点1 it is said that... 据说……
 【例题】(XX江苏,25)—is bob still performing?
 —i’m afraid not. he is said _______the stage already as he has become an official.
 a. to have left     b. to leave
 c. to have been left    d. to be left
 解析:本题考查sb.  is said to do结构。sb.  is said to do意为“据说”,相当于it is said that...;根据题意,说明他已经离开舞台了,所以用sb.  is said to have done。
归纳与迁移  
 it is said that...相当于people say that...
 it is thought that...    
 it is suggested that...
 it is reported that...
 it is believed that...
 it is arranged that...


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