
高三英语教案 2014-10-03 网络整理 晴天


(精品推荐)XX届高考二轮复习英语学案--专题一 名词和冠词

1. (XX福建)what’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?
   a. sense            b. matter            c. case               d. opinion
【解析】a sense意为“感觉”在这样一个公共场所,不可以吃喝甚至不可以走动有什么感觉。
2.(XX天津卷)most air pollution is caused by the burning of ____ like coal, gas and oil.
   a. fuels             b. articles          c. goods               d. products
【解析】a  fuel燃料,题干中coal, gas, oil均为燃料,由此选出a
3. (XX山东)i bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real______.
a. exchange         b. bargain     c. trade      d. business
【解析】b bargain廉价货符合句意,exchange交换;trade贸易,买卖;business事业,业务均不合句意
4. (XX江西卷)—shall we go out for a walk?
—sorry. this is not the right ____ to invite me. i am too tired to walk.
a. moment           b. situation  c. place       d. chance
【解析】a 句意为:此刻邀请我不合适,moment此时,此刻符合句意;situation形式;place地方;chance机会均不合题意
5. (XX湖北卷)the young man made a ______ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.
a. prediction  b. promise  c. plan   d. contribution
【解析】b 年轻人对父母做出许诺。b许诺,答应符合句意;a意思为预测,c为计划,d意为贡献均不合句意
6. (XX湖北卷)the top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly______
   a. atmosphere    b. state     c. situation    d. phenomenon
【解析】a  atmosphere氛围。气氛符合句意;b为状态;c为形式;d意为现象
7. (XX安徽卷)to save some of the human languages before they are forgotten, the students in our school started a discussion “save our ________” .
   a. sky        b. life        c. arts            d. voices123456789
8.(XX辽宁卷)my neighbor asked me to go for _________ walk, but i don’t think i’ve got _________ energy.
a. a; 不填                    b. the; the      c. 不填; the                 d. a; the
 【解析】d go for a walk 去散步,走走,固定搭配;the energy 那个力量,专指去散步的力量,具体所指,所以用定冠词the.
9.(XX全国ⅱ)it’s not _________ good idea to drive for four hours without _________ break.
a. a; a          b. the; a      c. the; the                     d. a; the
10.(XX山东卷)students should be encouraged to use _____ internet as _________ resource.
a. 不填; a                     b. 不填; the       c. the; the                     d. the; a
11.(XX湖南卷,22)have you heard ______ news?the piece of _______ petrol is going up again!
a. the, the           b. 不填,the        c. the, 不填         d. 不填,不填
【解析】c 听说那个消息,特指后面的石油价格上涨,所以用定冠词;石油不可数名词,所以不用任何冠词
12.(XX江苏卷,21)we went right round to the west coast by ______ sea instead of driving across ______ continent.
a. the; the   b. 不填;the   c. the; 不填   d. 不填;不填
【解析】b by +交通工具中间不用任何冠词;与水路对应,专指陆路,所以用定冠词the.
13.(XX江西卷,30)--- i am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.
--- it is not your fault. with __ rush-hour traffic and __ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.
a. a; a              b. the; the            c. /; /               d. /; a123456789
【解析】a 一种。。。样的交通状况用a;这么一场大雨,泛指,用a.
14.(XX陕西卷,10)i ate _________ sandwich while i was waiting for _________ 20:08 train.
a. the, a             b. the, the            c. a, the            d. a, a
【解析】c 我吃了一个三明治,一般所指;特指哪一列火车,用定冠词the.
15.(四川卷,08)in the united states, there is always ____ flow of people to areas of ______ country where more jobs can be found.
a. a; the             b. the ; a             c. the; the          d. a; a
【解析】a一群人流,a flow of 固定搭配;特指能找到工作的那个地方,所以用定冠词。
16.(XX浙江卷,2)______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head.
a. an;  the          b. the;  the          c. an; 不填        d. the; 不填
【解析】a一个苹果,可数名词;hit sb on the head 固定用法。击中某人某个部位用定冠词。
17.(XX重庆卷) in many places in china, ___ bicycle is still ___ popular means of transportation.
a. a; the            b. /; a                 c. the; a           d. the; the
【解析】c 自行车,专指大家知道的交通工具,用定冠词表类别;一种。。。方式,固定用法。
1. 语义学习是语言学习过程中的基础,没有一定的词汇量,听说读写等其它能力无从谈起。所以,在备考中,一定要重视词汇语义的学习和复习
2. 词汇意义的领悟和掌握既要机械记忆,又要在阅读、运用中领悟,巩固。要将词汇织成一个网,全面掌握一些重要的词汇及相关词汇
3. 同义词近义词的学习必须进行专项复习。收集大量的语言实例,反复记忆,用心领悟。
4. 考查零冠词用法。
5. 和某些抽象名词连用,使其具体化以及不可数名词在特指情况下将成为考查重点。
6. 冠词在一些固定短语,特殊句式的运用将仍旧会出现在某些省市的高考试卷中。
7. 比较级中的冠词也是考查的重点。
8. 冠词的基本用法,定冠词在adj.前表示一类尤其是考查的重点。
9. 语境、语义下的冠词灵活运用。
10. 根据知识网络将冠词的基本用法记牢,这是你做好试题的前提。
11. 熟悉一些名词的用法,和冠词结合。有很多不可数名词,有时候被具体化的情况,也是考查的重点123456789
12. 多做练习,能够提高熟悉语境的能力,很多考题是要和语境相联系起来考查的,这方面一定要重视
1.i heard you have______ vacant position for a secretary. i’ve come to apply for _____job.
a.the; a        b.a; the         c.不填; a      d.a; 不填
2.---john, there is_____ mr. wilson on the phone for you.
 ---- i’m in____ bath.
 a. a; the            b. the; a          c. a; 不填         d. 不填;  不填
3. people think that ______ opening ceremony of the 29th olympic games is _____ great success.
a. an; a             b. the ; a          c. the ;the         d. the ; x
4. --- do you often listen to _____ radio?
  ----no, in fact i haven’t got____ radio.
a. a; the             b. 不填; a         c. the; a           d. the; the
5.--- waiter, could we have_____ bill, please?
 ----darling, don’t forget to leave____ tip.
a. a; the             b. a; 不填         c. the; 不填       d. the; a
6. the research showed beyond ________ that smoking contributes to heart diseases.
 a. wonder           b. doubt          c. problem        d. use
7 would you take my old tv in _______ for this camera?
 a. place             b. return          c. exchange       d. business
8 faced with the hard financial ____________, all the countries in the world should learn to cooperate to get it over.
  a. situation          b. position        c. phenomenon     d. state
9. it is a spectacular __________ as the fireworks are set off and light up the who sky during the spring festival.123456789
 a. look              b. view           c. scenery          d. sight
10. quite a few employees’ payments are cut down and barely cover their household ________ due to the serious economic crisis.
 a. bills              b. expenses         c. prices          d. charges
11. suddenly we felt the _________atmosphere grow tense as neither of the sides would give in.
a. atmosphere     b. state     c. situation     d. phenomenon
12. the chinese are looking forward to the first _______to land on the moon after three chinese astronauts’ successful trip to space.  
 a. measure       b. attempt         c. purpose        d. desire
13. —who did you stay with yesterday? i couldn’t find you anywhere.
 — ___________.
 a. mr. green’s         b.the greens       c. greens         d. the mr. green’s
14. i shouldn’t have accepted the man’s present, but i found it difficult to turn down his ______.
 a. offer               b. request          c. suggestion     d. plan
15. he kept sending her presents in an attempt to win her _______.
 a. respect             b. favor            c. admiration     d. pleasure
参考答案1-5 badcd
6【解析】b beyond doubt为固定短语,意为:无疑,确实。本句句意为:这项研究确实表明吸烟会导致心脏疾病。
7.【解析】c in return for…作为回报;in exchange for…交换。你愿意用我的旧电视机换这架照相机吗?
9【解析】d look看;面貌;view指从某处看到的景色;scenery指自然景色;sight指所看到的事物,景象。在春节期间,当烟火被点燃照亮整个夜空的时候真是一幅壮观的景象。
10.【解析】b expense 意为“(时间、精力、金钱等的)消耗,花销,费用”。很多雇员收入下降不够维持生活的费用”。故选b项。bill 意为“账单,清单”。price 意为“价格,价钱,市价,代价,价值”。charge 意为“费用,捐税,代价,记账”,作“费用”解时指卖方开出的价钱。123456789
11【解析】a  atmosphere氛围,d意为现象。我们突然感觉到气氛变得紧张了。
12【解析】b measure 措施; attempt试图,尝试;purpose目的; desire渴望,欲望。在中国三名宇航员成功遨游太空后,中国正盼望着登月的第一次尝试.
13【解析】b此题考查考生对复数姓氏名词的掌握能力。表示姓…的一家人,应用the +姓氏的复数形式。
14【解析】a offer: statement offering to do, or give sth to sb.(为某人做某事或给某人某事物的)建议,提议request: act of asking for sth. 要求;suggestion提议或建议的内容;plan计划。本句句意为:我本不该接受那个人的礼物,但很难拒绝他的提议。故选a。
15.【解析】b 他不停送给她礼物,试图获得她的好感。favor: liking , goodwill , approval 喜爱,宠爱,好感,欢心。
1. recently cctv station has taken great pains to make a program that reviews the   important_____0f XX.
 a. affairs        b. events           c. matters       d. things
2. there’s no ______from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys.
a. view          b. scene         c. sight        d. look
3. she is in a poor ______of health, which worries her mother much.
a. position         b. situation         c. state        d. condition
4. the experiment turned out to be ________, which wasn’t ______ they wanted.
a. a completely failing; as           b. a complete failure; what
c. completely failure; that           d. failed; 不填
5. in the botanic garden we can find a(n)______of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.
a. species        b. group           c. amount         d. variety
6. he was chosen _________ of the company.
a. manager       b. a manager        c. the manager     d. as a manager
7. i looked under __________ bed and found __________ book i lost last week. 123456789
 a. the; a         b. the: the          c. 不填; the        d. the; 不填
8.—how about __________ christmas evening party?
—i should say it was __________ success.
a. a; a            b. the; a           c. a; 不填         d. the; 不填
9. polar bears live mostly on __________ sea ice, which they use as __________ platform for hunting seals.
a. a; a            b. a; the           c. 不填; a         d. the; 不填
10. we have every reason to believe that __________ XX beijing olympic games will be __________ success.
a. 不填; a         b. the; 不填      c. the; a            d. a; a
11. many people have come to realize that they should go on __________ balanced diet and make __________ room in their day for exercise.
a. a; 不填         b. the; a          c. the; the          d. 不填; a
12.—could you tell me the way to __________ johnsons, please?
—sorry, we don’t have __________ johnson here in the village.
a. the; the          b. the; a          c. 不填; the        d. the; 不填
13. __________ walk is expected to last all day, so bring __________ packed lunch.
a. a; a            b. the; 不填       c. the; a          d. a; 不填
14. in __________ film cast away. tom hanks plays __________ man named chuck noland.
a. a; the           b. the; a           c. the; the          d. a; a
15. how about taking __________ short break? i want to make __________ call.
a. the; a           b. a; the            c. the; the          d. a; a123456789
16. i wanted to catch __________ early train, but couldn’t get __________ ride to the station.
a. an, the           b. 不填, the        c. an, 不填        d. the, a
17. i like __________ color of your skirt. it is __________ good match for your blouse.
a. a; the           b. a; a                c. the; a           d. the; the
18.george couldn’t remember when he first met mr. anderson, but he was sure it was __________ sunday because everybody was at __________ church.
a. 不填; the         b. the; 不填          c. a; 不填        d. 不填; a
 19.— i knocked over my coffee cup. it went right over __________. — you shouldn’t put drinks near __________ computer.
a. the; 不填         b. the; a              c. a; 不填       d. a; a
20. in __________ review off 44 studies, american researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of __________ heart disease by 76%. _______
a. a; the             b. the; a              c. a; 不填       d. 不填; a
21. of all __________ reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’s advice was __________ most important one.
a. the; a             b. 不填; a             c.  不填; the   d. the; the
22. for him __________ stage is just __________ means of making a living.
a. a; a               b. the; a              c.  the; the      d. a; the
23. according to __________ world health organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent __________ spread of aids.
 a. the; 不填         b. the; the             c. a; a          d. 不填; the123456789
24. everywhere man has cut down __________ forests in order to grow crops, or to use __________ wood as fuel or as building material.
 a. the; the            b. the; 不填         c. 不填; the     d. 不填; 不填
25. i know you don’t like __________ music very much. but what do you think of __________ music in the film we saw yesterday?
a. 不填;不填           b. the; the           c. the; 不填      d. 不填; the
参考答案     1-5 bacbd 6-10 abbcc 11-15 abcbd 16-20. dccbc 21-25 dbbcd



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