
高二英语教案 2014-07-03 网络整理 晴天


unit14 the freedom fighters
   lesson3 reading   i have a dream ( para1 to para4)
teaching aims: 1.practise talking about causes and effects
         the passive voice
teaching methods: talking and communication
teaching materials:  computer and tape recorder
key words and phrases:  freedom free separation separate
forbid  section   politics   political
                     have no right to do something
set an example to
teaching procedures:
step1 revision (5 minutes)
          review some information about martin luther king by showing the pictures on tv.
step2 pre-reading (5 minutes)
   let students think of how to write an article about their dreams. play the computer to help them. first, what’s the dream? then, why do you have this kind of dream? next, what should you do to make your dream come into being? that last, how to do? then, let them scan the text.
step3 reading-i have a dream (from paragraph1 to paragraph4) (20 minutes)   
paragraph1 what’s his dream?
        1.march: v. demonstrate n. demonstration       
on the march  在游行;(军队)在前进中;(事情)在进行中;
the troop marched into the city.
        2.paragraph1 means: martin luther king, jr. gave a famous speech—“i have a dream” to black people.

paragraph2 why did he have this kind of dream?
1. equal: adj. ordinary/common
love makes all equal.    爱使一切平等。
2.separation n.分离;分隔  separate v. 分离;分隔 adj. 分离的;分隔的 separate¬¬…from…  把……从……中分离出来
can you separate oxygen from the air? 
this is a separate zone for sars.
3.although slavery ended in the usa in 1865,almost a hundred years before, the south had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites.
means: slavery stopped in 1865, but the south went on to separate blacks from whites.123
         4. mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law. 译文:法律禁止(黑、白人)通婚。
mixed: adj. 混合的;复杂的 
mixed-race: mixed blood
forbid(v. 禁止)-forbade-forbidden
this sentence means: law didn’t allow blacks to marry whites.
         5. have a/the/no right to do something   有(无)权利去做某事
you have no right to say like that.  你没有权利这么说。
paragraph3 what should he do to achieve his dream?
        1.political adj. 政治的 politics n. 政治 如: political rights 政治权利
2.set an example to:给…树立了榜样;给…举了一个例子
     cope/follow the example of: 向…榜样学习 doing this: by fighting for political rights
4.his message was that black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people: his idea was that blacks should be treated with respect.
 paragraph4 how to do?
1. winning a scholarship gave him the chance to go to a collage in one of the northern state, where black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they wished.
means: king won a scholarship, so he could go to a collage. in the northern states, blacks were equal and free.
2.all his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights.
means: if people didn’t have their civil rights, they would demand changes in society. king thought it’s right and necessary.

step4 grammar: the passive voice (被动语态) (5 minutes)
* 一般现在时:be (am/is/are)+done
a sound of piano is heard in the next room.
* 一般过去时:be (was/were)+done
this building was built last year.
* 一般将来时:will + be + done
this matter will be settled in the future.
* 现在进行时:be(am/is/are) + being + done
the passive voice is being discussed now.
* 现在完成时:have/has + been + done
my homework has been finished by now.
* 过去完成时:had + been + done
my homework had been finished last night.
step5 revision the text (5 minutes)
help students review the text’s main ideas by playing computer.
step6 practice (5 minutes)
do the exercises on the computer. i will ask some students to answer these questions, so i can know how much they have learnt.
step7 homework
   p29 language study 2

unit14   the freedom fighters123
lesson3 i have a dream
 paragraph 1 what’s his dream?
1. march  
2. para1 means:
paragraph 2 why did he have this kind of dream?
          3.although…whites. means:
          4. mixed-race
          5. have a/the/no right to do something
paragraph3 what should he do to achieve his dream?
2.set an example to:
       cope/follow the example of: doing this:
4.his message…respect.
paragraph4 how to do?
1.winning… wished. means
2.all …rights. means:
grammar: the passive voice (被动语态)




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