lesson3your money 电子版|Lesson3Yourmoney

高二英语教案 2014-06-28 网络整理 晴天


lesson 3 your money
teaching aims:
1. to predict the content of the text using the title and the picture
2. to make student realize the importance of protecting the environment and 5yuan’s use.
3. to practise using the infinitives
teaching difficulties: to practise using the infinitives
teaching aids: computer and cassette
  teaching procedures:
ⅰ. warming up
t: i’m sure many of you have some pocket money. you can buy something you like. how much pocket money do you get each month?
t: what things do you like to spend money on?
t: in fact you can spend your money more meaningful, you can save ¥ 5 to buy a trees to protect the environment and save our mother river.
show a picture of the yellow river, then ask “the water is not clear, why?”
show a picture of soil erosion. draw a conclusion“ the soil is too poor to grow crops”
t: what can prevent from soil erosion?
s: “plant trees.”
t: your 5 yuan can have so much effect? now read the text.
ⅱ reading
t: your 5 yuan can have so much effect?
s: yes, all this started with 5 yuan
reading again, do the exercise. true, false, no information
1. with the money of selling trees , farmer can buy goods or services.
2. fugu county has become into a green paradise.
3. now government has taken measures to make everyone buy a young tree with 5 yuan.
4. five yuan is too little you can give more money to plant more trees.
5. planting more trees reduces soil erosion and makes soil fertile.
answers: 1. f   2.f   3.ni   4.f   5.t
ⅲ listening
main idea of each paragraph
para1 .  the removal of sand is the main cause of yellow river erosion
para2.   it is a massive job to control yellow river erosion.
para3 .  everybody plays an important role in stopping yellow river erosion.
para4  a success of a tree-planting  programme in inner mongolia.
para5 you can use 5 yuan to buy a tree and   create a green future.
ⅳ read aloud and answer the questions
1. which river is being talked about in the text?
2. what’s the problem with the yellow river?
3. in which area has soil erosion almost destroyed farming land?
4. is it a massive job to control yellow river erosion?
5. who has the most important role to play in stopping yellow river erosion? the government, international organizations or every one of us?
6. which example is given to show that 5 yuan can help to rebuild a local economy?
answers: 1. the yellow river  2. soil erosion  3. fugu county in shanxi  province  4.yes  5. every one of us   6. jiuchengong valley12
voice your opinion
talk about the local environment you live in . what can you and your friends do to improve it?
ⅵ do the exercise vocabulary practice
ⅶ grammar
to practise using the infinitives
ⅷ homework
do you have a plan for the use of your pocket money? write about what you do with the money.



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