
高二英语教案 2014-06-23 网络整理 晴天


module 5
great people and great inventions of ancient china
i. 教学内容分析
本模块以“great people and great inventions of ancient china”为话题,介绍了中国古代的三位哲学家、他们的学说以及五项重要的古代发明。通过本模块的学习,使学生掌握与话题有关的词汇、句型及语法,提高阅读能力和口语表达能力,并能运用所学知识,阐述自己对人或事物的看法及观点。同时,通过本模块学习培养学生的文化意识,增强民族自豪感。
reading and vocabulary课文部分介绍了中国古代三位思想家及其学说,围绕课文教学,教材设计了四个与课文内容和词汇有关的练习。第一、第二个练习,帮助学生理解词汇在语境中的意义。第三个练习,帮助学生理解课文内容、捕捉细节信息。第四部分,和introduction部分第二个练习呼应,帮助学生把握孔子的思想。通过这些练习,帮助学生熟悉课文、学会使用与课文有关的词汇、句型,并能够对人物进行简要介绍。
grammar 1该部分介绍了有关系词where, when, whose, who, which 引导的定语从句。教材安排了四个练习活动:前两个活动通过观察、理解课文中的例句,帮助学生认识定语从句,理清概念;第三、四个活动提供学生练习的机会,帮助学生在运用中把知识转化为能力。
function该部分介绍了交际功能“陈述理由”(giving reasons)的语句,有两部分,第一部分,要求学生认识句型结构。第二部分,通过改写练习,使学生对两个句型初步掌握。两种相关句型是:
1) i like reading about ancient china because the philosophy is very interesting.
2) the reason why i like reading about ancient china is that the philosophy is very interesting.
vocabulary and speaking通过该部分练习学习一组有关社会道德方面的词汇,对学生进行说的训练的同时渗透道德教育,使他们学会表达自己的观点并阐述理由。
pronunciation该部分介绍了连读的一种现象:前一个词的尾元音与后一个词的首元音跨越字界,紧密依靠产生近似 / j /或者/ w / 那样的音质。要求学生听录音,认识这种现象,然后进行朗读模仿。通过该部分练习帮助学生提高辨音能力及口语表达能力。
listening and vocabulary通过听有关“中国古代发明”一段材料,培养学生利用现有信息对所听内容进行预测的能力、准确获取信息的能力,并完成相关练习。
speaking该部分是listening and vocabulary 的一个延伸,通过谈论20世纪的有关发明,对模块内容进行拓展,锻炼学生的口头表达能力。
grammar 2该部分学习“介词+ which / whom”引导的定语从句。共有四个部分,前两个活动通过连线、比较帮助学生认识这种语法现象,后两个活动为巩固性练习,分别进行了仿写和改写练习。
everyday english通过补全对话的形式,使学生理解并掌握所列出的五个日常用语。1234567891011
cultural corner该部分介绍了欧洲工业革命的历史背景及其影响,帮助学生扩大知识面。
task 该部分是对本模块的复习和应用,让学生写一篇介绍中国古代名人的文章,介绍其生平事迹及思想。
module file 帮助学生对本模块的知识进行复习归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。
ii. 教学重点和难点
1. 教学重点
(1) 掌握有关中国古代思想家及中国古代发明的词汇;
(2) 学习定语从句;
(3) 学习陈述理由的语句;
(4) 初步掌握论文的写法。
2. 教学难点
(1) 定语从句,特别是“介词+关系词”结构;
(2) 学会对将要听到的材料内容进行预测、认识连读现象并进行模仿;
(3) 学习写作论文。
iii. 教学计划
第一课时:vocabulary (workbook), introduction, vocabulary and speaking
第二、三课时:reading and vocabulary, task
第四课时:grammar 1&2, function
第五课时:listening and vocabulary, everyday english, cultural corner, speaking
第六课时:pronunciation, writing, module files
period 1 introduction, vocabulary and speaking
teaching goals:
1. to get ss to learn some words about philosophers and their ideas.
2. to get ss to know something about the three philosophers of ancient china.
3. to learn some expressions on social morals.
teaching procedures:
step 1. introduction
1. leading- in
ask ss to answer the following questions to lead them to say sth about chinese philosophers and inventions.
(1) there are many great philosophers in ancient china. can you say some?
(2) can you say something about the ideas of confucius, mencius and mozi?
(3) what are the four great inventions of china?
(4) can you say the influence of the chinese four great inventions?
2. vocabulary study
(1) ask ss to read the vocabulary of module 5 on page 115 individually.
(2) ask a student to read the words to the class. give out corrections if there are any mistakes.
(3) ask ss to practice reading the words, and then ask them to read together; make sure they can read them correctly.
3. practice
(1) ask ss to read the words in activity 1 on page 41 and make sure that they know their meanings.
(2) ask ss to fill in the blanks in activity 1 by using some of the words in the box. then call back the answers.
 (3) ask ss to go over the statements in activity 2 and tick the ideas that confucius taught.
4. speaking
(1) ask ss to discuss the following questions in groups: what do you know about confucius, mencius and mozi? what ideas do you agree with most? and why?
(2) ask some of them to express their opinions following the example in activity 3 on page 41.
step 2. vocabulary and speaking
1. ask ss to pay attention to the following word formations and then discuss them.1234567891011
(1) equal—equality,  important—importance, honest—honesty,
(2) fluent—influential
(3) contribute—contribution, invent—invention—inventor
(4) argue—argument
(5) free—freedom  wise—wisdom
2. ask ss to read the words in activity 1 on page 45 aloud. then ask them to do the following exercise to help them understand better.
(1) -- who’s __________ today?
-- i am. and i have just cleaned the blackboard.
    (2) the teachers often ask us to have a sense of ________. that is, we should try our best to do our work well.
    (3) tom never tells lies, and his ________ gains the ________ of others.
    (4) _________ is the basic principle of law.
    (5) he believed in ________ and ______, so he was always helping others.
suggested answers:
    (1) duty (2) responsibility (3) honesty, respect (4) justice (5) kindness, love
3. ask ss to work in groups and discuss the ideas in the box in vocabulary and speaking in order of importance in society and explain their reasons. ask some ss to express their opinions.
step 3. homework
1. ask ss to revise and remember the vocabulary in this module.
2. ask ss to finish activities 4, 5 and 6 in vocabulary on page 92.
3. ask ss to preview reading and vocabulary in this module.
4. ask ss to think out a famous person from ancient china and search for much information about him.

            period 2~3 reading and vocabulary,task
teaching goals:
1. to enable ss to master some words and expressions.
2. to improve ss’ reading skills.
3. to help ss know something about three chinese philosophers and their ideas.
teaching procedures:
step 1. revision
1. check the answers to activities 4, 5 and 6 in vocabulary on page 92.
2. ask ss to fill in the following blanks.
(1) confucius is one of the great p          in ancient china.
(2) they believed that all human beings are created e          .
(3) china has made great c          to science.
(4) “h          is an important quality.” the teacher said.
(5) a r          is someone who controls a country.
(6) as we all know, edison is a great i          .
(7) more and more people have realized the i          of english, so they begin to attend all kinds of language schools.1234567891011
(8) some of mozi’s           (学说) were different from those of confucius
suggested answers:
(1) philosophers (2) equal (3) contributions (4) honesty
(5) ruler  (6) inventor (7) importance (8) teachings
step 2. leading-in
1. ask ss to look at the pictures on page 43 and talk about them by following the questions:
(1) say three things you know about confucius.
(2) say what you know about mencius and mozi.
       confucius                 mencius                mozi
step 3. reading
1. fast reading
ask ss to read the text quickly and answer the question:
who wrote a book himself, confucius, mencius, or mozi?
suggested answers: mencius
2. intensive reading
(1) ask ss to read the text carefully and choose the correct answers to activity 3 on page 42.
 (2) ask ss to fill in the following form.
philosophers sth about their life their ideas influence

confucius 551bc---479bc, a time when…  
suggested answers:
philosophers sth about their life their ideas influence

confucius 551bc---479bc, a time when… stressed the importance… the greatest, for more than XX years

mencius 372bc---289bc, …died, was brought up…, a student of…, was given…, resigned…, traveled…, became…
the books of mencius very similar to…, man is good, believed people were more important, hated… great, but less than confucius

mozi 476bc---390bc, poor, famous for,  mohism, similar to…in some way, government … important, all men …equal, his idea of love…, hated… great, but less than confucius
(3) ask ss to retell the text according to the information in the form.
for your reference (information about confucius):
confucius was born in 551bc and died in 479bc. it was a time when states were often at war and also a time when there were many great philosophers. he stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. his influence, which lasted for more that XX years, was the greatest of the three.
step 4. language points
ask ss to discuss the important and difficult language points.
1. ancient china was a place where states were at war with each other.中国古代各诸侯国经常交战。
(1) where 引导定语从句,修饰a place。(让学生找出文章中其他的定语从句。)1234567891011
(2) be at war 在交战。如:
in1920 poland and russia were still at war.
“at+不带冠词的名词” 表示“从事某工作”或“出于某种状态”。如:
① he is at work. = he is working.
   ② the family are at breakfast. = the family are having breakfast.
2. mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of confucius.孟子的学说和孔子的学说非常相似。
(1) be similar to 和……相似,其反义词组为“be different from”。如:
 our school is similar to yours.
be similar in sth 在……方面相似。如:
gold is similar in color to brass.
(2) 句中的those 代替the teachings, 避免重复。that 用来代替单数名词。如:
  ① his method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my junior high school.
    ② the climate here is nothing like that in lanzhou.
3. ...and was then given an important position in the government of a state.在一个诸侯国担任重要职位。
    position 地位,职位。如:
you’d better ask someone in a position of authority. 你最好咨询一下权威人士。
abuse your position 滥用职权     hold a position  担任一个职务
be in/out of position 在/不在适当的位置
4. however, when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice, he resigned. 然而当他看到统治者并不接受他的意见时,他辞职了。
follow one’s advice/orders/wishes 听从某人的忠告/服从某人的命令/遵照某人的愿望      follow one’s instructions/directions 按照使用说明/指示去做
    pay attention to the following sentences: 注意下面的句子
    i didn’t quite follow what she said. 我不大明白她说的话。
    the results are as follows: first was class1; second, class2; third, class3. 结果如下:第一名一班;第二名,二班;第三名,三班。
5. for many years he traveled from state to state, teaching the principles of confucius.许多年来,他周游列国,传授孔子的思想。
(1) from…to … 从……到……
  from door to door / from house to house (挨家挨户)
from hand to hand (从一手到另一手)from head to foot(从头到脚)
(2) teaching the principle of confucius  是-ing形式作状语。如:
① fill in the blanks using the words in the box.
② he was seated there reading a novel.
6. he spent his last years preparing a book of his teachings called the book of mencius.他在晚年整理了自己的学说汇编成一本书《孟子》
    (1) one’s last years 某人的晚年
    (2) spend sth on sth/(in) doing sth 花费时间; 度过。如:1234567891011
① how long did you spend on your homework?
    ② mary spent too much time watching tv.
    ③ most of her life was spent in caring for others.
step 5. task
1. ask ss to discuss in pairs to get the idea how to write about a famous person from ancient china by answering the following questions:
q1. who was he?
    q2. when and where was he born? and when and where was he died?
    q3. what kind of difficulties did he have?
    q4. what was he famous for? (ideas, teachings, inventions etc)
    q5. what about his influence?
2. ask ss to find out the useful expressions in the text philosophers of ancient china.
3. ask ss to write a famous person from ancient china.
for your reference:
xun zi , one of the greatest philosophers who lived before qin dynasty (340-245 b.c.), was a great thinker who kept to the stand of the confucianism. his view was that human nature was evil at the beginning and that external factors such as confucian ethics and moral standard were particularly emphasized on human behaviors. he suggested that people should treat the world with impersonality and intellect. and his thought was carried forward in large scale in chinese long history.
step 6. homework
1. ask ss to review the text and then retell it in their own words.
2. ask ss to finish activities 1, 2 on page 42.
3. ask ss to finish reading activities on page 93-94.
4. ask ss prepare for grammar.
          period 4 grammar 1, grammar 2, function
teaching goals:
to enable ss to know about attractive clauses.
to enable ss to give reasons.
teaching procedure
step 1. grammar 1
1. leading-in
(1) ask ss to translate the sentences in activity 1 of grammar 1 into chinese.
(2) ask ss to look at the sentences in activity 1 to find out if the underlined phrases give essential or extra information.
(3) ask ss to choose the right answers to the exercises in activity 2. make sure that ss are clear about how defining relative clauses.
(4) ask ss to find out more examples in the text, and translate the sentences.
2. practice
(1) ask ss to complete sentences in activity 4.
(2) ask ss to match the two parts of the sentences in activity 3 and translate them into chinese.
3. explanation
   give ss some explanation to the grammatical points of attributive clauses.
(1) 有关术语:在英语中用来修是一个名词或代词的句子叫定语从句。定语从句须放在所修饰词之后,定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词。1234567891011
 (2) 如何确定关系词
方法一:准确判断关系词在定语从句中的成分,关系词作主语、宾语,用关系代词;关系词作状语,用关系副词;关系词作定语则用whose, 或which。
 (3) 关系代词的一般用法:
关系代词          指代 在定语从句中所充当的成分
 人 物 句子 主语 宾语 定语 表语
who √   √ √  √
whom √    √  
which  √ √ √ √  
that √ √  √ √  √
whose √ √    √ 
as √ √ √ √ √  √
    ① 当先行词是everything, anything, nothing (something 除外), all, none, few, little, some等代词时,或当先行词受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代词修饰时。如:
all that can be done has been done.  所有能做的都做好了。
there is little that i can do for you.  我不能为你干什么。
the book contains none that interests me. 这本书没什么让我感兴趣的东西。
② 当先行词被序数词、形容词最高级修饰时。如:
the first place that they visited in london was the big ben. 
this is the most interesting book that i have ever read. 
③ 当先行词被the very, the only修饰时。如:
this is the very dictionary that i want to buy. 
after the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owns. 
④ 避免重复。如:
which is the t-shirt that fits me most?  哪件t恤衫最合我的身?
⑤ 当先行词即有人又有动物时。如:
they talked about the persons and things that they remembered at school. 
look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street. 
※ 注意
the same… as 与the same… that引导定语从句意思不同:
i have bought the same bike as you. 我买了一辆和你的一样的自行车。
    i used the same book that you have. 我用的是你的那本书。

(4) 关系副词的用法
关系副词 指 代 先行词 充当的成分
when 时间 时间名词 状语
where 地点 地点名词 状语
why 原因 reason  状语

step 3. grammar 2
purpose: to help ss to learn more about relative clauses.
1. leading-in
ask ss to match the sentences in activity 1 and underline the different part in each pair.1234567891011
2. explanation
give ss some explanation to the grammatical points of relative clauses.
(1) 关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,从句常常由“介词+关系代词”引出。如:
the school (which / that) he once studied in is very famous.
=the school in which (where) he once studied is very famous. 
this is the boy (whom / who / that) i played tennis with yesterday.
=this is the boy with whom i played tennis yesterday.
(2) 含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after, take care of 等。
this is the watch (which / that) i am looking for.   (正)  这是我正在找的手表。
this is the watch for which i am looking.    (误)
(3) “介词+关系代词”前还可有some, any, none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few等代词或者数词。如:
he loves his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him.  
3. practice
    ask ss to finish the exercises in activities 3 and 4 after class.
step 3. function
1. ask ss to underline the same part in both sentences in activity 1.
2. give ss some explanation:
the reason why…is that… 意思是“……的原因是……”用来给出理由。
3. ask ss to rewrite the sentences in activity 2 after class.
step 4. homework
 1. ask ss to revise grammatical points of this module and finish activity 2 on page 45, activity 3 and 4 on page 47.
2. ask ss to finish the grammar activities on page 91.
  period 5 listening and vocabulary, everyday english,
cultural corner, speaking
teaching goals:
1. to help ss predict what they’ll hear about.
2. to help ss improve their listening skills.
3. to know about the industrial revolution and the results it brought.
teaching procedure:
step 1. revision
check answers to the exercises of homework.
step 2. listening and vocabulary
1. pre-listening
ask ss to look at the words in the box in activity 1 and decide which words you think you will hear. (first, ask ss to think about what great inventions the chinese people made in the ancient time. then get ss to go over activities 2& 3, the words that appear in the exercises can help ss to make a prediction. )
2. while-listening
(1) ask ss to listen to the tape and find out whether your predictions are right.
suggested answers:
invented, inventions, silk, farmers, leaves(leaf), soft, material, monk, clock, copy, bark, paper, afford, spread, printing, print, chemist, toothbrush, (only three words can not be heard: contribution, discovery, leather)1234567891011
 (2) ask ss to listen to the tape again and match the dates with the inventions in activity 2.
(3) play the tape once again for ss to let them complete these sentences in activity 3.
3. post-listening
ask ss to say what they have learnt from the listening passage.
step 3. everyday english
1. listening
ask ss to listen to the listening material and fill in the missing words
(1) china has given the world many important inventions.           , it is the first country in which silk was first invented.
(2) su song was an eleventh century monk about whom very little is known. however, we do know that in 1092 ad he invented the first real clock.            , it became possible            .
(3)             a man called cai lun made paper from the bark of a tree in about 105 ad.            , he is a man of whom china can be proud.
suggested answers:
(1) to give an example (2) for the first time, to tell the time (3) they say that, if so
2. explanation
if necessary, give ss some explanation to make sure they understand these expressions correctly.
3. practice
ask ss to use the expressions they heard in listening part to complete the conversations in everyday english. then ask ss to read the conversations in pairs.
step 4. cultural corner
1. leading-in
t: as we all know, the great inventions in ancient china changed the world greatly. so is the industrial revolution. what do you know about the industrial revolution?
2. reading
ask ss to read the text and fill in the missing information about industrial revolution in europe.

when where results
suggested answers:
when where results
in the second half of the 18th century 
in europe factories appeared; mass production became possible; people moved to the cities; the steam engine were invented; factory owners became more powerful than land owners
3. language points
 (1) often, factory workers lived in poor and crowded conditions.
in good/ poor condition 处于糟糕的/良好的状态
out of condition 健康状况不佳       
he is overweight and out of condition. 他太胖了,健康状况不佳。
the car is still in good condition though it a used one.虽然是旧车但车况良好。
working /living /housing conditions 工作/生活/居住条件1234567891011
on condition that 条件是… 
you can go out to play on condition that you finish you homework.
(2) until then直到那时
(3) mass production 批量生产
step 5. speaking
1. ask ss to answer:
 q1. who invented the steam engine?
 q2. why do you think it is important?
2. ask ss to work in groups of four following the instructions of speaking on p46. then call some group leaders to report their work. ask ss to express their opinions using the sentences in function.
for your reference (ss may give the following answers):
◆ the reason why i thinks cars are important is that they are fast. they don’t need rails like the train.
◆ the planes are more important than cars and trains because they are much safer and faster. they don’t even need roads.
◆ the maglev train is more important than the other means of transport because it is the fastest, and it is most environmentally friendly though it is very expensive. after all, we have only one earth.
step 6. homework
ask ss to revise the whole module and finish the rest of the exercises in the workbook.

          period6 pronunciation, writing, module files
teaching goals:
1. to help ss improve listening and speaking skills.
2. to enable ss to write an essay in which they express their opinions.
3. to help ss to review what we have learned in this module.
teaching procedures:
step1. revision
check the answers to the rest of the exercises in the workbook.
step 2. pronunciation
1. ask ss to listen to the tape. pay attention to the pronunciation.
2. ask ss to listen and repeat after the tape.
3. give ss the following presentation.
(1) 字尾辅音+字首元音
   i’ll be back-in half-an-hour.
take-a look-at-it.
在两个元音之间也可产生连读现象 如 we are, i am, the outside。如:
thank you for coming to see me-off.
    i went to the station to see her-off.
    go on
(3) 字尾r音+字首元音
my friend comes from a country far-away.
i will keep my promise for-ever.
4. ask ss to practise in pairs.
step3. writing
1. ask ss to read the passage on page 48 and finish activity 1 on page 47. get them to focus on the structure of the passage:
2. tell ss: words that unusually can be used in this kind of writing:
para 1:
nowadays more and more people…/… plays an important part in… like everything else, ...has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects/both advantages and disadvantages. generally, the favorable aspects/advantages can be listed as follows. 1234567891011
main body
para2: firstly,.. secondly,…in addition/what’s more…
para3: every coin has two sides. the negative aspects/disadvantages are also obvious. to begin with…; to make matters worse…; worse of all…
para4: through above analysis/all things considered, we can see that the positive aspects/advantages outweigh the negative ones/disadvantages. therefore…/in conclusion…
3. ask ss to write an essay on this subject: the advantages and disadvantages of television. first, let them discuss the advantages and disadvantages of television in groups. then ask them to write their essays individually.
one possible version:

advantages and disadvantages of tv
nowadays more and more people like to watch tv. so tv plays a very important part in our life. but tv has both advantages and disadvantages. generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.
firstly, you can expand your knowledge by watching tv. as we all know, learning things by tv is much faster than by listening to the radio or just by reading books. for it has colorful pictures as well as wonderful music. secondly, you may know anybody you want to know such as famous singers, super stars, scientists and so on. what’s more, you can go everywhere by traveling programs. let’s suppose, if you like traveling very much, but you have to work on weekends or holidays, you must be very sad. and now open your tv and it’ll take you to anywhere.
every coin has two sides. the disadvantages are also obvious. for example, watching too much tv can easily become short-sighted, especially for children and students. to make matters worse, some young students are keen on watching tv so that they give up their studies gradually.
in conclusion, i think watching tv is a way of studying; it is good for us to watch tv. but when we watch tv, we should make a plan otherwise watching tv will destroy our life.
step 4. module file
purpose: to enable ss to draw a conclusion of this module and deepen what they have learned in the module.
ask ss to look at module file on p50 and try to recall what they have learnt in the module. then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they don’t know.
help ss to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing points.
step 5. homework
1. ask ss to revise what we have learned in this module.
2. ask ss to preview module 6.



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