
高二英语教案 2014-06-20 网络整理 晴天


unit 2the first period reading

teaching goals教学目标
1. target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
fiction, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful,affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone
b. 重点句型
she felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.
claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.
by the amused and surprised look on her face, claire knew that gladys thought she was having an affair.
2. ability goals能力目标
help students to learn about robots and science fiction.
3.emotional  goals情感目标
enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand.
teaching important points教学重点
enable students to grasp what tony did to help claire and how her emotion developed during tony’s stay at her house. help students to sum up characteristics of science fiction.
teaching difficult points 教学难点
how claire’s emotion developed during tony’s stay at her house.
teaching methods教学方法
discussing, explaining, reading and practicing.
teaching aids教具准备
multimedia computer.
teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
step ⅰ warming up
deal with warming up. present photos of different kinds of robots. then ask them to say something about his or her favorite robot.
t: in this class we are going to learn about robots. who would like to tell me what a robot is?
s1: a robot is a machine.
t: what kind of machine?
s2: a robot is a kind of machine that can do a variety of complex human tasks.
t: how can a robot perform human tasks?
s3: a robot is controlled by a computer.
t: you are right. then we can give the definition of a robot like this: a robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. now look at some pictures. divide them into different types and decide your favorite one.
  a list of movies about robots:
short circuit 2, the iron giant, future world, blade runner, the time machine, power rangers time force — the end of time (XX)
 step ⅱ  pre-reading
ask students to discuss the questions in pre-reading in groups. students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely, no matter what it is. encourage students to use their imagination.
 step ⅲ  reading123
deal with the reading part.
ask students to scan the text and find out what tony looks like.
t: ok. i’m glad you had a heated discussion. now i’d like you to meet tony—a robot that looks exactly like a human being. he is a character in the science fiction satisfaction guaranteed by isaac asimov. please read the text and find the answers to the following questions.
show the following questions on the powerpoint.
1. what did tony look like?
2. what did tony do to make claire and her home elegant?
several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.
careful reading
ask students to read the text carefully and then complete the table on page 12.
occasion claire…
1. before he arrived disliked him
2. when he arrived was alarmed
3. when he offered to help her dress felt embarrassed
4. when he offered to help her improve her house and herself admired him
5. when he helped her with the salesman called him a dear
6. when she fell off a ladder and caught by tony felt his warmth
7. when she heard gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as tony felt being envied
8. she remembered tony was just a machine cried all night
then discuss the comprehending questions on page 12 in groups.
t: let’s read the text carefully and then do the comprehending exercises on page 12.
several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.
t: from the development of her emotion, we can see tony was designed as a mr. perfect. he is designed not to harm claire or allow her to be harmed. this is one of isaac’s three laws for robots. later in this unit we will learn more about his three laws.
characteristics of science fiction
t: as you know, the story was written in 1951. with the development of science, some of the functions performed by tony have come true. from this story we can draw a conclusion: science fiction is often based on scientific principles and technology. science fiction may make predictions about life in the future. please remember these are some characteristics of science fiction. if you are interested, you may write short science fictions in your spare time.
during this procedure, play the tape recording for students. students will underline the difficult sentences. after listening to the recording, explain the difficult sentences to students. before explaining the difficult points, students are asked to refer to the notes to the text on pages 88-89.
t: do you have any difficulties with the text?123
s1:could you please explain the sentence to us:she felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.
t: because tony didn’t look like a machine at all, when tony offered to help her get dressed, she was embarrassed, perhaps shy to get a “man” help her get dressed.
s2: how to understand this sentence: claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.
t: in spite of the fact that tony looked so human, he was just a machine. so claire thought it was foolish that tony offered her sympathy. do you have any other questions?
ss: no.
t: maybe someday we will have robots that have feelings and can also think for themselves. please remember science fiction reflects scientific thought; things-to-come based on things-on-hand. ok, that’s all for today. don’t forget to surf the internet to learn more about the great writer and his stories. of course you will learn more about robots.
step ⅳ homework
remember the characteristics of science fiction.
surf the internet to learn more about robots and science fictions.
surf the internet to learn about isaac asimov.



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