
八年级英语教案 2013-01-05 网络整理 晴天


八年级英语unit5 lesson 33 how can you go教案
preview detection.(课内检测):
1.交通______ 2.任何地方_____3.执照____4.类型_____5.船_____6.船帆______7.故乡______
8.罕见______ 9.快速的______ 10.船长______11.航行______ 12.步行______ 13.乘轮船______
1. what is your favourite kind of transportation ? _________________________
2. i can go almost anywhere on foot . _________________________
3. 我能步行到我家。_________________________
4. 丹尼没有执照。_________________________
5. i couldn’t take a train to landon to visit my parents . _________________________
6. 你能步行去另外一个城市吗?_________________________
1.how many kinds of transportations do we have?   2.how do you usually go to school?
question: what tape of transportation does danny like best?  what about jenny and brian ?
1.i seldom take a ship .(提示:seldom 作频度副词)

2.could you go to another city on foot ? (提示:“could you…” 用来表示有礼貌的请求)

3. but that would take a long time.(但是,那将花费很长时间。)(提示:句中take 表示“花费”)

4.you could take a ship and sail for your hometown .

1.my favourite t______ of __________ (交通)is car.
2. if you don’t have a  _______ (执照), you can’t drive.
3. the licence is very important, you can’t put it _________ (任何地方).
4. i often go to my __________ (家乡)by car, and i _______  (很少)ride my bike.
1. — will you get there by ____ train ?
      — no ,i’ll take ____ taxi .   a. / ; a     b. a; the    c /; /    d the ; a
2.— do  you often go to school by bus?
    — no .i ____ take a bus  .    a. usually     b. always    c often    d seldom
3.i ____us three hours ____ beijing .a. take ,to fly  b. takes ,flying  c. took ,flew  d. takes ,to fly
4.— could i use your dictionary now ?
    — yes ,you ____ .here you are .   a. could     b. can    c may    d might
1. you can ____(walk) to buy donuts.   2. i"d like _____(take) a train.123
3. we are _____(china).    4.he seldom _____ (take)a ship .

lesson34  trains go on rails
备课时间:XX年4月8日 主备人:陈佳   审核签字:        
1. 自学目标:利用词汇表熟记本课单词短语,并能朗读课文。
2. 互学目标:以小组为单位,通过问题能理解课文内容。
feed-back part.(预习检测)(5分钟)
词汇:1. 铁轨           2. 发明(v )         3. 车轮________ 4. 工程师          5. 铁路      
6. 乘客 ________ 7. 铁 _________ 8. 在…期间_________  9. 速度_________   10. 甚至_________
短语:1. 在十八世纪            2. 致力于             3. 全世界           4. 登上/下来     
      5. a new type of transportation_________ 6. dry myself off__________ 7. sit in a chair___________
句型:1. i can tell the students what ________ ________ ________ _______. 我会告诉同学们我们将要做什么。
2. the force of the air will ______ the water ______ the jar. 空气的压力会将水留在广口瓶里。
3. brian will ________ the jar ________. 布莱恩会将广口瓶翻转过来。
lead-in(课堂导入)(group-work 3分钟): do you like science? why or why not?
新课学习:小组长组织本组学生读对话完成下列问题 (10分钟)
reading: read the text and fill in the blanks.
brian, jenny and danny are ______ about their experiment. jenny will ______the students what they’re going to do. danny and brian will _______ the experiment. they two hold ________ opinions(观点). danny’s theory is the water will spill out and brian’s theory is the force of the air will ________ the water in the jar. the experiment will ________ who’s right. danny will ________ in a chair. brian will ________ the jar above danny’s head, then he will ________ the jar over. after the experiment they will talk about their________.
read the dialogue the second time, and check the answers.
presentation(精讲点拨:课堂展示与交流) : (7分钟) 1. i can tell the students what we’re going to do. 这是一个由what引导的宾语从句。当一个句子充当宾语时,就称之为宾语从句。宾语从句中,从句部分要用陈述语序。2.一般将来时结构:(1)will+动词原形;(2)be going to +动词原形。标志词有:tomorrow, tomorrow morning, next week, in two days, soon, the day after tomorrow等表示将来时间的词。123
1. the teacher asks the students _______what will happen. a. guess  b. to guess  c. guessed  d. guesses
2. don’t ______ the bad news to your mother.  a. say  b. speak  c. tell  d. talk
3. jim likes to talk ____ his school ____ his mother. a.about, with b.with, about c.to, about d. with,to
4. tom, your shoes are wet.you need to____.a. dry off them b. dry them off c. dry off it d.dry it off
5. the experiment will prove____. a. who is right b. who right is  c. is who right  d. is right who
6. the students made ____ when the teacher did the experiment.
a. observe   b. observes   c. observation   d. observations.
7. 介词填空:(1)can you take the book ____ school tomorrow?
(2)in the experiment brian will hold the jar ______ danny’s head.
(3)the old man is sitting ____ a chair. (4)do you think the force ____ the air is very strong?
8. 请你把鸡蛋放到篮子里,丹尼。please ________ the eggs ________ the basket, danny.
9. 妈妈叫我不要在阳光下看书。 mother asked me ________ ________ ________ in the sun.
10. are you _________________(be) a basketball player when you grow up?
11. where will you go? can you tell me? (合为一句)  can you tell me ________ ________ _______ _______?
arrange homework。1.熟读课文;2.优等生完成练习册26课所有练习,待优生完成前三道大题。   课后反思:



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