[the]The Swedish rock band

八年级英语教案 2012-12-31 网络整理 晴天



(1)New word and phrase: rock, band, concert, give a concert, tonight, singer, journalist, famous, song, more than, thousand, accident, careless, fall down, break, go on, someone, heart, past, end, at the end of, happen, part, tourist, go back, in a hurry, grape, science, marry, get married, subject, friendship, anyone, Swedish, Sweden Beatles, Stockholm, Liverpool

(2)Grammar: 一般过去时态(三)



there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式

I didn’t see many tourists here.

They didn’t stop the concert after the accident.

(3)日常交际用语:Is this your first visit to…?

How many…were there…?

There was /were…

Was/were there…?

They got married in…

(4)语音/s/ s, ss, se ,c/z /z, s, se /sp/ sp /st/ st /sm/ sm /sw/ sw




(4)能运用there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式进行交际。




本单元主要教学内容是围绕谈论过去经历的事情。Lesson 37主题是采访歌手。Lesson 38是介绍演唱会的过程。there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式是本课的重点。Lesson 39是介绍旅游过的景点。Lesson 40是介绍父辈们的经历。一般过去时态的教学贯彻始终整个单元。要求教师多创设情景使学生能灵活掌握一般过去时态的用法。

Lesson 37的对话和Lesson 39选择式对话,突出了一般过去时态疑问句的句式特点,一定要用助动词did来完成(指的是行为动词)。Lesson 38和Lesson 40中的两篇文章“Yesterday’ in concert!”“My father”,不但训练了我们的阅读理解能力,而且教我们如何用一般过去时态去写过去的事情。同时“My father”给我们的单元写作训练提供了范例,可让学生模仿写一篇家人的文章。





Name: Lan Lan

The past: always forget her homework, sometimes late for school, careless

Now: study hard, never forget her homework, get to school early



Lan Lan’s father: Hello!

Lan Lan’s teacher: Hello!Are you Lan Lan’s father?

Lan Lan’s father: Yes, I am.

Lan Lan’s teacher: I am Lan Lan’s teacher.

Lan Lan’s father: Glad to meet you.

Lan Lan’s teacher: Glad to meet you too.

Lan Lan’s father: Can you tell me something about Lan Lan?

Lan Lan’s teacher: Ok.

Lan Lan’s father: Did Lan Lan often forget her homework?

Lan Lan’s teacher: Yes. But not now. She always finishes her homework on time.

Lan Lan’s father: Was she often late for school?

Lan Lan’s teacher: Yes, she did in the past. but now she never gets to school late.

Lan Lan’s father: Is she still careless?

Lan Lan’s teacher: No, she studies harder than before.


(3)课本的第二部分主要是讲解there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式,教师可以将它改编成一段记叙文。如下:

There were four singers in the band last year. There were also some women in it.

But there was a problem at that time. One of the singers wasn’t good. People didn’t like her. There are three singers now. There isn’t a problem any more.


    要求学生能讲述一个自己所经历的故事,教师可以设计一个开头,如:It was Sunday yesterday. I went to the park with my classmate. It was very hot. On my way to the park I saw an old man walk along the street. Suddenly, he fell down the street 让学生自由完成后续部分。

根据阅读课文My father来写一篇介绍学生家庭成员(grandmother/ grandfather)的文章。让学生先就课文所提示的问题向他们的祖父母进行调查,这些问题涉及到他们的出生年代,所受教育,婚姻、子女及工作状况。然后分小组对各人所了解的情况进行讨论,以便互相补充和启发。

关于there be结构的一般过去时的建议


(1)There is a book on the desk. There was a book on the desk a moment ago.

(2)There are some apples in the bag. There were some apples on in the bag yesterday.

然后教师在使用实物教学使学生完全掌握此结构。例如教师在桌上放一些实物问What is / are there on the desk? 学生根据实际情况答There is / are …on it. 教师还可问Is there…? Are there…? How many …are there? 并把这些问题写在黑板上。问答完毕,教师可把桌上的东西收起来,然后问:What was there on the desk a moment ago? Was there…? Were there…? How many …were there? 等问题,可帮助学生回答。

There be 结构与have / has

        在英语里表示“什么地方或时间存在什么事物或人”时,要用there be结构。在此结构里,there 是引导词,本身没有词意,be是谓语动词,be后的名词是主语,主、谓语的数必须一致,句子的结尾是地点或时间状语。如:

  There is a ruler on the desk.

  There are many students on the playground.


1. there be结构变成否定式时,须在动词be后加not(a / any)或no。变成疑问句时,将be放在there之前,句中如有助动词时要把助动词放在there之前,句子其余部分不变。如:

  There aren’t any pencils in the pencil-box.

  There are no pencils in the pencil-box. 

  Is there any milk in the bottle?

Will there be a meeting next week.

2. there be结构有两个并列主语时,要根据就近的主语原则确定谓语是单数还是复数。如:

  There is a boy and two girls in the picture.

  There are two girls and a boy in the picture.

3. There be 结构中的be可有不同的时态,而且可以和各种助动词和情态动词连用。如:

  There is going to be a sports meeting in our school in May.

  There must have been an accident there. (现在完成时,以后我们会学到的)。

4. there be结构中的谓语动词be,有时可用seem to be, happen to be, used to be, stand, live等词或词组来代替。如:

   Once upon a time, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.


   There seems to be something wrong with you.

   There stands a tall tower in the middle of the square. 在广场中央竖立着一座高塔。

5. 注意there be 结构与have / has 的区别。there be表示“存在有”,而have / has 则强调人或物体本身“具有”(has 只用于第三人称单数)。如:

  My sister has many toys.

  China has a long history.

  We have a lot of friends.

  have / has变成否定式时,应在其后加not或借助于助动词don’t或doesn’t;变成疑问句时,将have / has提在主语前或借助于助动词do或does放在主语前。如:

  I have not a bottle of orange.

  I don’t have a bottle of orange.

  Do you have a red pen?

  Have you a red pen?

  注:I have no Chinese car. =I don’t have a Chinese car.


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