[lesson]Lesson 91 多媒体教学设计方案

八年级英语教案 2012-12-30 网络整理 晴天


Lesson 91 多媒体教学设计方案


1.了解关于Bill Gates生平的更多信息。

2.掌握运用I’m sure that. . .和I’m sure if. . .句型。




Step 1 Revision

(学生活动)1.通过展示Bill Gates的图片让学生复习有关前一课关于Bill Gates的生平知识。


Step 2 Presentation


We all love our parents. We have special days for them. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Do you know when these days are? Have you spent these special days with your parents? What did you do for them? Are you going to buy something as presents?

Let’s see what Kate and Jim’s plan is for Father’s Day.引入对话部分的教学

Step 3 Read and practice

(录像演示)播放第一部分对话的情景演示,看看Kate和Jim商量着该给他们的父亲买什么礼物,看后让学生回答:Will Kate buy a gift to her father?

(图片教学)展示T-shirt的图片和人物高兴的表情的图片教学新词汇:T-shirt, pleased.

(课件演示)演示对话的动画,让学生跟着朗读对话,并讲解I’m sure that . . . /I’m sure if . . .句型的用法,然后让学生练习。

讲解语言点:plan to,be pleased,I’m sure that . . .句型的用法。

(录像演示)播放关于I’m sure that . . .的情景演示,让学生观看这个句型后接宾语从句的运用情景,然后进行模仿练习。

(学生活动)read in pairs and act out the dialogue.

Step 4 Read and complete



教学新词汇:disease, TB, decide,通过比较教学词汇lucky 和 unlucky,million 和 billion

Step 5 Listening practice


Step 6 Exercise

Fill in the blanks with proper article if necessary.

1. I have ______ book. It"s _____ interesting book. I bought ______ book ______ day before yesterday.

2. My brother likes to play ______ basketball while I like to play ______ violin.

3. ______ picture on _____ wall is very beautiful.

4. ______ Changjiang River is ______ longest river in ______ China.

5. I have bought ______ new car. It is ______ American car. It is made in ______ USA.

答案:1.a, an, the, the   2. /, the   3.The, the  4.The, the,/   5.a, an, the

Rewrite the sentences.

1. When shall we go to see our teacher?

I’ m not sure ______________________.

2. Can they finish the work in time?

I’m not sure ______________________.

3. The little girl is waiting for us.

I’m sure ______________________.

4. What shall I do to help him?

I’m not sure ______________________.

5. How can we solve the problem?

I’m not sure _____________________.


l. I’m not sure when we shall go to see our teacher.

2. I’m not sure if/whether they can finish the work in time.

3. I’ m sure the little girl is waiting for us.

4. I’m not sure what I shall do to help him./what to do to help him.

5. I’m not sure how we can solve the problem./how to solve the problem.

Step 7 Homework

1. Tell the story of Bill Gates to your friends or parents.

2. Do exercises on page 111.

3. Finish off the workbook exercise.



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